
yìnɡ yònɡ ruǎn jiàn
  • application software
  1. 健身房会员管理系统Web应用软件的设计与实现

    Design & realization of Web application software for member management system used in gymnasium

  2. 地理信息系统(GIS)应用软件性能分析与比较

    The Analysis and Comparison of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) Application Software

  3. 该系统免费附送九套应用软件。

    A further nine applications are bundled with the system .

  4. 个人电脑使用的多数应用软件的单价为500多美元。

    Most applications software for personal computers cost over $ 500 a throw .

  5. 费力去给任何一个智能设备安装不同的应用软件都很让人头大。

    Having to install a different app for each smart appliance in your home is annoying .

  6. 消费者可以通过生鲜购物应用软件以及电商平台购买各种半成品菜肴。

    Consumers can buy various ready-to-cook dishes via grocery apps and e-commerce platforms .

  7. 在这个系列随后的部分中,您将为您的应用软件创建一个Web客户端。

    In subsequent parts of this series , you will create a Web client for your application .

  8. 地理信息系统(GIS)及其应用软件研究

    The Study of Geography Information System ( GIS ) and Its Application Software

  9. 作为保证Web质量和可靠性的重要手段,Web应用软件测试越来越受到人们的重视。

    People attach more attention to Web testing which is an important means of guaranteeing Web quality and reliability .

  10. 另一个问题是由Web应用软件本身的构建和部署的复杂性导致的平台相关性问题。

    The other problem is platform dependency caused by the build and deployment complexity of a Web application itself .

  11. Windows应用软件菜单的规范化设计

    Standardized design of menu for Windows application software

  12. Linux系统下应用软件测试解决方案

    Testing Solution Scheme of the Application Software based on the Linux System

  13. 玻璃模具CAE/CAD/CAM应用软件系统总体设计

    General design of cae / cad / cam software system glass mould

  14. 我国铁道车辆设计CAD应用软件系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of CAD Application Software Systems for the Design of China 's Rolling Stock

  15. Intranet中基于Web的网络应用软件的三层模型方法

    The Three Layer Model Method in Developing the Web based Network Application Software of Intranet

  16. 用VB开发选矿工艺流程计算应用软件

    Application software for the calculation of mineral processing flowsheet developed by Visual Basic

  17. 领域MIS应用软件工厂化开发过程研究

    A Research on MIS Application Factory-production Process

  18. 面向工程领域应用软件框架的DSS开发研究

    A Study of Engineering Oriented Application Software Framework Based DSS Development

  19. 通过Matlab与VC++的混合编程,开发出具有良好的用户界面、强大数据处理能力的应用软件,实现了炉缸炉底三维侵蚀形状的可视化。

    Using Matlab and VC + + mixed programming , application software with friendly interfaces and powerful data-handling capacity is developed .

  20. UG与其他应用软件的数据交换

    The Data Exchanging Between UG and Other Applicable Software

  21. 建立颜色样本库;样例应用软件基于一个ERP系统的数据库而构建。

    Sample tooth color database were constructed ; The sample client is based on a database for ERP application .

  22. 通过包含这些C++类,并根据需要为每个类添加EXPRESS无法定义的方法与操作,就可以方便地进一步开发基于STEP的应用软件。

    These C + + codes , along with necessary functions that EXPRESS can not define , are helpful to develop software for STEP-based application .

  23. 随着Web应用软件的快速发展,作为保证Web质量和可靠性的重要手段,Web应用软件的分析和测试受到了人们越来越多的重视。

    With the rapid development of Web application , people attach more importance to Web application analyzing and testing which is an important means of guaranteeing Web quality and reliability .

  24. 重点介绍了模块化模拟生产系统的设计和实现方法,以及PLC程序和组态应用软件的设计。

    The design and the realizing method of modular simulant production system and the design of PLC program and SCADA were mainly described .

  25. 由于采用了先进的PLC控制,编制了功能强大的应用软件,自动化程度达到了一个新的水平。

    By applying advanced PLC control and drawing up application software with strong functions , the automatic degree has reached a new level .

  26. 应用软件中对ODBC数据源的配置

    The Disposition to the Data Source of the ODBC in Application Software

  27. 结合换热器CAD应用软件系统的开发,描述了图库的组织与实现方法。

    A method of organization and implementation of graphic library is described in this paper , combining development of applied software of Heat exchanger CAD .

  28. 利用组件对象模型(COM)的思想,开发了虚拟示波器应用软件,大大提高了软件的可重用性与可移植性。

    By using the idea of COM , the application software of the virtual oscillograph , is fully developed .

  29. 在重新运行的过程中同时运行一个应用软件的多个实例,将会导致命令目标的模糊不清,比如object()或者click()。

    Running more than one instance of an application simultaneously during playback will result in ambiguity about the target of commands , such as object () or click () .

  30. 用MATLAB语言开发CACSD应用软件的一种方法

    One method of using MATLAB language to design CACSD application software