
yìnɡ yònɡ kònɡ zhì
  • application controls
  1. 暂时应用控制功能的执行,后台应用则通常管理着后台的进程。

    Where a transient application controls the execution of a function , daemonic applications usually manage processes .

  2. IT过程控制自动化项目:这些项目处于开发IT过程控制与开发应用控制的交合点。

    IT Process Control Automation Projects : These projects are at the junction between developing IT Process Controls and Application Controls .

  3. 结果(1)应用控制性肺膨胀后,撤机时间由(104±15)min缩短到(87±13)min。

    Results ( 1 ) The time of removing respirator shortened from ( 104 ± 15 ) min to ( 87 ± 15 ) min .

  4. 应用控制爆破方法拆除邯郸火车站红星大楼

    Demolishing the Red Star Building in Handan Railway Station by Controlled Blast

  5. 应用控制语言控制语句

    Application control language control statement

  6. 控制器的实施是检验和应用控制算法的最终环节。

    The implementation of controller in target platform is the only way to validate the control algorithm .

  7. 一般控制着重于系统的安全控制,应用控制着重于具体设计的过程控制。

    The general control has the safety control in mind , the application control is directed against the processing control of the specific designs .

  8. 本文以抗生素提炼生产线为例。应用控制图诊断及两种工序能力指数的理论,对关系密切的多工序生产线的工序质量控制问题进行了研究,并取得了成功。

    This paper described the successful study on the process quality control of the antibiotic-extracting production line with closely related processes by employing the theory of control chart and the two process capability indexes .

  9. 运用计算机技术开展高校审计,就必须规范内部审计行为,开展会计电算化内控审计,开展联网审计,对审计软件的应用控制进行计算机辅助审计技术培训。

    To use the technology , it is necessary to standardize interior auditing criterion , carry out accountant electronic auditing control and online audit , and train auditors the skill of applying audit software and computer aided audit technology .

  10. 近几年,应用控制理论思想研究和解决供应链系统中的库存控制和牛鞭效应问题成了新焦点,获得了很多理论结果,并已在实际应用中取得良好的效果。

    Within the past several years , the problem of the supply chain inventory management and bullwhip effect in supply chain systems by control theory has become a new issue , many theory results are achieved and the results do well in practical application .

  11. 利用Windows消息实现应用程序控制

    An Implementing on Controlling of Application Using Windows Messages

  12. 应用PC控制升降往复染色机

    Applying PC to Control Up-Down Back-Forth Dyeing Machine

  13. 叙述了应用DSP控制光伏并网发电系统的原理和方法。

    The principle of applying DSP to control the PV grid-connected system is proposed in this paper .

  14. 结果表明,DSP处理器和通用微处理器都很难同时高效支持运算密集型的应用和控制密集型的应用。

    Preliminary results indicate that either DSPs or GPPs can effectively support both arith - metic-intensive and control-intensive computations .

  15. 应用模糊控制理论,构造了用于判断等级分类的隶属函数,从而实现了苹果的等级分类:分别标为A、B、C三类。

    The theory of fuzzy control was used and the membership function was built to rate the grade of apples , which is fell into three grades : A , B , C.

  16. 介绍在催化裂化装置应用先进控制(APC)过程中用软仪表替代在线分析仪的模型开发情况。

    Models using soft instruments to replace on line analyzers in APC of FCCU were presented .

  17. 要让您的应用程序控制COBOL清理操作,需要预先初始化COBOL环境。

    For your application to control the COBOL cleanup , preinitialize the COBOL environment .

  18. 应用PLC控制技术后,实现了交换程序紊乱保护,使煤气交换机电控系统更加安全可靠。

    After PLC control technology is applied , the revering program disturbance protection is realized , enabling electric control system for gas reversing machine more safe and reliable .

  19. SIP是由IETF(互联网工程任务组)提出的应用层控制(信令)协议,用于建立、修改和终止多媒体会话。

    SIP is an application-layer control ( signaling ) protocol proposed by IETF for creating , modifying and terminating sessions .

  20. 介绍SATURN软启动器的结构和功能,阐述了软启动器在大包回转台控制中的应用和控制效果。

    This paper introduces SATURN soft-starter of structure and function , describes soft-starter of application and control effect in turret .

  21. 其次分别应用PD控制方法、模糊控制方法以及滑模变结构控制方法对直线一级柔性倒立摆系统进行了控制研究。

    Secondly , it also talks about how the PD control method , the fuzzy control method and the sliding mode control method control the flexible-joint inverted pendulum system .

  22. 应用AOI控制制造工艺质量

    Application of AOI in Quality Process Control

  23. 应用自动控制pAg的双注仪制备了一个系列的溴碘化银核壳复合结构的乳剂。

    Three series of bromoiodide emulsion microcrystals with composite structure were prepared by double-jet method with automatic control pAg .

  24. 会话初始协议(SIP)是IETF定义的基于IP的应用层控制协议,是NGN网络控制的核心协议;

    SIP protocol is a controlling protocol of application layer based on IP protocol defined by IETF , which acts as the kernel controlling protocol of NGN with finality .

  25. 本文将简单网络管理协议(SNMP)应用在控制系统网络,对传统控制系统和采用SNMP的控制系统相关的特点进行了比较。

    This paper refers to the utilization of simple network management protocol ( SNMP ) in control system . Pertinent characteristics of traditional process control system are presented , as to comparison with SNMP process control systems .

  26. 研究表明,GPS/SINS复合制导能大幅度提高远程火箭弹的射击精度,应用经典控制理论设计的控制系统能很好的完成控制任务,控制系统各项指标良好。

    The research indicated , GPS / The SINS combined guidance can large scale enhance the long-distance rocket projectile the precision of fire , can very good complete the control task using the classics control theoretical design control system , control system each target is good .

  27. 应用模糊控制理论设计了一个用于发动机怠速控制的模糊控制器,并用BP人工神经网络实现这种模糊控制器输入输出的映射关系,在神经网络训练中采用了先进、有效的变尺度学习算法。

    An engine idle speed controller has been designed by using fuzzy control theory . The BP neural network is used to realize the relationship of input and output functions in fuzzy control . The advanced and efficient algorithm variable scale method for learning is used in neural network training .

  28. 利用Lyapunov理论和已有的对离散系统鲁棒稳定性的研究成果,并应用采样控制系统中矩阵指数形不确定性结构的结果,可以给出采样控制系统鲁棒稳定界的一个充分条件。

    Under the Lyapunov theory and the existing results of the robust stability of discrete time control system , the result of exponential like uncertainty structure in the sampled data control system is employed , and a sufficient condition for the robust stability of sampled data control system is proposed .

  29. 应用智能控制技术优化轮胎硫化控制系统

    Optimization of control system on tire press by smart control technology

  30. 应用模糊控制理论的防火墙技术研究

    Research on the firewall technology applying the fuzzy control theory