
  1. 财务内控由组织控制法、授权控制法、预算控制法、货币资金内部控制法、应收与暂付款控制法、固定资产控制法、教育事业收入控制法构成。

    Financial internal control is made up of organization control , authority control , budge control , currency fund internal control , due and temporary fund control , fixed assets control and educational income control .

  2. 吉林联通公司经营收入内部控制评价体系的构建

    Establishment Evaluation System of Operation Revenue Internal Control of Jilin Telecommunications Corporation

  3. 这组科学家计算了在低收入国家控制脊髓灰质炎和根除该病的成本。他们发现根除该病导致更少的病例和更低的累积费用。

    They found that eradication results in fewer cases and offers lower cumulative costs .

  4. 但是,从经济劳动中获得的大部分收入实际上控制在男人手中。

    But much of the income that comes from economic labor is , in fact , controlled by men .

  5. 要改善妇女的社会地位,加强妇女对家庭收入的控制力,提高受教育程度,包括对女童,是需要时间的。

    Improvements in the social status of women , in their control over household income , in education , also for girls , take time .

  6. 我的预算包括改革历史性的预付款。我们和国会一道通过严格的削减支出和适当的额外收入来控制成本。

    My budget included an historic down payment on reform , and we 'll work with Congress to fully cover the costs through rigorous spending reductions and appropriate additional revenues .

  7. 发达国家农业生产能力不足时,主要补贴农产品生产;生产自给或过剩,就转向支持农民收入、控制生产、维护生态平衡。

    The developed countries tend to subsidize their agricultural production when the capacity of it is insufficient , or to support income of farmers , to control the output of agriculture , and to protect the balance of ecosystem when there is self-sufficiency .

  8. 诺贝尔经济学奖得主约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨在《名利场》一书中声称:美国最富有的1%的人口持有将近全美国四分之一的收入并且控制着美国40%的资产,但很多人对他的数据存在争议。

    Joseph Stiglitz , the holder of a Nobel prize in economics , claimed in Vanity Fair that the top 1 % of Americans were taking in nearly a quarter of the nation 's income and controlled 40 % of its wealth , though others dispute his numbers .

  9. 同时在收入管理存量控制策略方面具有里程碑意义EMSR模型中亦存在无需求更新和低客座率情况下难升舱的缺陷。

    Meanwhile , EMSR model , the milestone of Revenue Management inventory control model is also flawed with the demand updating and the difficulty of upgrade under low rate of demand .

  10. 基于需求修复与更新的民航收入管理存量控制策略

    Airline Revenue Management Inventory Control Models with Demand Amendment and Updating

  11. 低收入地区成功控制高血压:古巴经验

    Success in control of hypertension in a low-resource setting : The Cuban experience

  12. 如何分配每一笔收入,如何控制每一笔支出是每一个家庭乃至个人所要面对的重要问题。

    How to assign each income and payment is a problem that each family and individuals have to face .

  13. 三是对医疗机构的收入实行总量控制,结构调整。

    Thirdly , a general control of the total income of medical institutions will be conducted , and its structure will be adjusted .

  14. 需要探索能自我良性循环的可持续发展之路,确保稳定和长期收入,有效控制包括建设和运营成本在内的综合成本,实现稳定收益、稳步发展。

    It needs explore the sustainable development method which can maintain self-virtuous circle , to ensure stability and long-term income , efficiently control comprehensive cost containing construction and operating cost and accomplish stable revenue and development .

  15. 只有借助国际合作,才能解决出现在许多高收入国家的难以控制的社会危机。

    Only international co-operation can solve a runaway social crisis in many high-income countries .

  16. 额外收入和职务消费控制等关键问题。

    Control of extra income and position expenditure .

  17. 因此,有必要把收入分配的差距控制在一个合理的度上。

    Therefore , it is necessary to get the " income gap " under control .

  18. 您需要保护收入,更需要控制运行开支。

    You need to protect revenue , but you also need to control operating expense .

  19. 在具有相关信息的国家,烟草税收入比用于烟草控制活动的经费高173倍。

    In countries with available information , tobacco tax revenues are173 times higher than spending on tobacco control .

  20. 但是它只能控制与其相关的成本和收入,而不能控制企业全部的成本和收入。

    But it only controls costs and revenues related to the profit center other than those of the entire organization .

  21. 国企向国库上缴红利,将为政府提供财政收入来源,并控制浪费性支出。

    The payment of SOE dividends into public coffers will provide a source of fiscal income and curb wasteful spending .

  22. 还将共同努力回应中低收入国家就癌症控制评估和制定规划方面的援助提出的请求。

    Joint efforts will also respond to requests for cancer control assessment and programme development assistance in low-and middle-income countries .

  23. 可是在低和中收入国家,冲动控制障碍,药物滥用和焦虑症是摆在首位的危险因素。

    But in low and middle-income countries , impulse control disorders , substance abuse and anxiety disorders posed the greatest risk .

  24. 就中低收入国家的癌症控制而言,突破并不是以引人注目的特效新药的形式出现的。

    For cancer control in low-and middle-income countries , breakthroughs do not come in the form of spectacular new drugs for cure .

  25. 作为企业,电信运营商必须追求利润的最大化,在不断提高经营收入的同时还要控制好成本。

    As the enterprise , the telecommunication operator must pursue the profit the maximization , while enhances the operating income also to unceasingly control the good cost .

  26. 富裕的医生和律师群体可能是美国特有的现象:在其他国家,公共卫生系统以及比较有限的诉讼角色使他们的收入处于更多的控制之下。

    The phalanx of affluent medics and attorneys is probably a distinctively US phenomenon : in other countries , public health systems and more limited roles for litigation keep these incomes under more control .

  27. 如果价格与收入得不到控制,真正被打击的是那些领养老金的、低酬金的以及没有强大工会支持的人。

    If prices and incomes were uncontrolled ; it would be the old-age pensioners , the lowly paid , the people without powerful trade unions-it is these people who would go to the wall .

  28. 因此,花费这笔钱从来就不是国家预算的一部分,如此一来便可以脱离所有控制,并绕过石油收入分成规则&按规定,部分收入应流向反对派控制的州和地方政府。

    As a consequence , spending the money was never part of the national budget , thus escaping all forms of control and bypassing oil-revenue sharing rules , which would have transferred part of the income to opposition state and local governments .

  29. 可持续增长财务管理模型是建立在一系列假设条件基础上计算出满足公司资本结构和经营效率的销售收入可持续增长率SGR,并以此为依据对销售收入进行日常控制和未来规划。

    Sustainable growth , financial management model based on series of assumes illustrates the sustainable growth rate ( SGR ) which accords with the capital structure and operational efficiency . With the SGR we can control and plan the growth level of sales revenue .