
qǐ yè cái wù zhì dù
  • corporate financial system
  1. 企业财务制度是一项重要的内部管理制度。

    The corporate financial institution is a vital internal management institution .

  2. 如何看待现行企业财务制度存在的问题

    How to Deal with Problems in Current Enterprise Financial System

  3. 论企业财务制度终止

    A Discussion On the End of Financial System of Enterprise

  4. 论中小企业财务制度建设问题

    On Construction of Financial System of Middle-small Enterprises

  5. 清算财务报告。导入全面预算创新企业财务制度

    Guiding general budget , innovating enterprise account system

  6. 对林业企业财务制度管理办法的探讨

    Administrative measure of financial system in forestry enterprise

  7. 企业财务制度改革有关问题初探

    On Problems Concerning Reform of Accounting System

  8. 二是有的俱乐部在财务会计制度方面还不符合现代企业财务制度的要求;

    Secondly , the property accounting system doesn 't accord with the requirement of the modern property system .

  9. 回顾了我国企业财务制度的发展历程,对其进行分析评价并提出政策建议。

    Evolution of Chinese financial regulations is reviewed and policy suggestions are put forward on the basis of analysis evaluation .

  10. 遵守国家法规,制定企业财务制度,会计核算方法和核算原则。

    Observe country law and regulation , work out enterprise financial system , accounting method and adjusts accounts of principle .

  11. 双倍余额递减法是《工业企业财务制度》中固定资产加速折旧的方法之一。

    The declining balance depreciation is one of accelerated depreciation methods on fixed assets in enterprise accounting systems without mathematical formula .

  12. 在我国经济体制转轨的过程中,企业财务制度的制定主体也相应经历了由国家财政向微观企业的过渡。

    During the course of the transition of the economic system in our country , the corporate financial institution has experienced a transition either .

  13. 企业财务制度的建设与完善需要税收筹划,当前企业所处的社会经济环境为企业进行税收筹划提供了可能性。

    The construction and perfect of enterprises ' accounting system needs tax management . The present social and economic environment provides a possibility for enterprises to manage tax .

  14. 在不同的职能下会有不同的制定主体、客体和内容,这就会构成不同的企业财务制度层次体系。

    Different functions lead to different subject , object and its contents , and lead to different systems . The author concludes and classifies all of the present corporate financial institutions .

  15. 原因是我国中小企业财务制度不健全,难以从资本市场获得资金补充,只能从银行获得信贷融资,资金筹集渠道单一。

    The reason is SMES ' financial system in China is imperfect , which makes it hard to get replenishment from the capital markets , financing can only obtain credit from banks , makes the fund-raising channels single .

  16. 论企业内部财务制度设计

    A Study on the Designs of Internal Financial Institution in the Enterprises

  17. 中小企业财务管理制度设计探讨

    Probe into Financial Management of Small and Middle-sized Business

  18. 企业财务信用制度研究

    The Financial Credit Institution Research of an Enterprise

  19. 试析企业财务内控制度体系建设

    Building of the Inner-Controlling Financial System in Enterprise

  20. 第二十二条汽车金融公司应当执行相关的金融企业财务会计制度。

    Article 22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions .

  21. 吉林省邮政企业财务内控制度设计研究

    Designing and Studying of the Financial Internal Control System of the Jilin Province Post Enterprise

  22. 建立和完善农村股份合作企业财务会计制度的思考

    Thinking about establishment and perfection financial and accounting rules of the enterprise of rural joint stock Association

  23. 在此基础上第四章作为本文的重点,根据这些启示、运用制度变迁理论深入剖析我国企业的财务制度变迁。

    According to the inspiration , the author analyses deeply the corporate financial institution of our country by using the theory of institution transition .

  24. 随着企业财务管理制度化、系统化、电子化的发展趋势,越来越多的企业纷纷构建了各自的财务系统。

    As the financial administration is becoming more systematic , electronic , and institutionalized , more and more enterprises have set up their own financial systems .

  25. 企业内部财务制度规定了企业财务核算形式,财务核算形式对企业税负有重要影响。

    The enterprise internal financial systems have stipulated the finance calculation form , and the financial calculation form has an insparrtant effect on the enterprise tax burden .

  26. 第一章提出本文的论题,并进行文献综述,最后界定与企业内部财务制度设计相关概念和假设,并总括性地提出论文的研究框架。

    There are five chapters in this paper : The first chapter supplies a description of the framework in this study , and gives some relative definitions and hypothesis about the internal financial Institutions .

  27. 目前现行的国有企业财务审计制度与社会主义市场经济体制的要求还不完全适应,资产运营管理和财务会计核算方面存在较多的问题。

    At present , existing state-owned enterprise finance audit system has not been fully adapted to socialism market economy system , and also many problems have occurred in terms of asset management or financing checkup .

  28. 通过对电子商务概念和电子商务对传统财务会计的影响阐述,提出改革创新企业财务会计制度和管理的具体意见。

    By elaboration of the electronics commerce concept , the influence of electronics commerce on the traditional financial accounting , this paper puts forward the reform and innovational suggestions for enterprise financial accounting system and management .

  29. 合营公司的财务会计按照中华人民共和国财政部制定的中外合资经营企业财务会计制度规定办理。

    The finance and accounting of the JV Company shall be handled in accordance with the stipulations of the finance and accounting system of the joint venture using Chinese and foreign investment formulated by the Ministry of finance of P.R.C.

  30. 最后,本文力图研究在新形势下的通信企业财务管理制度改革的可行性和必要性,探索各种改革的新途径与新方案,从而为其他通信企业实现全面财务集中管理提供有益的借鉴。

    Finally , this paper attempts to study the feasibility and necessity of systematic reform of finance centralized management of telecommunications companies under the new situation . It also explores the new ways of different reform . It provides reference for other telecommunications enterprises .