
  1. 基于企业知识积累的研发人员激励模型

    Incentive Model for R & D Personnel Based on Knowledge Accumulation in Enterprises

  2. 基于动态能力的软件企业知识积累模型研究

    Research on the Knowledge Accumulation 's Model of Software Enterprise Based on Dynamic Capability

  3. 同时,基于多版本文档的企业知识积累与文档快速查询的实现也给文档管理带来了难题。

    At the same , it is difficult for document management to achieve enterprise knowledge accumulation based multi-version and document quick query .

  4. 最后,本文为企业知识积累在实践中的操作提出基于培养企业核心能力的企业知识积累策略。

    Finally , the article draws up a set of strategies helping the enterprise cultivate its core competence , which is systematic and dynamic knowledge of the enterprise , in the course of accumulating the knowledge .

  5. 企业知识积累以后经劳动分工的环节对现有知识结构的范围外进行边际搜寻,它的结果引起知识结构的变化或者说企业成长。

    Business enterprise knowledge accumulated later is marginally seached out of the scope of construction knowledge by labor , and its result into the alteration of the knowledge construction , speaking , the business enterprise growth .

  6. 有效管理复杂性的途径就是要提高对复杂性问题的管理能力,这种能力的提高是以提升企业知识积累能力和组织学习能力为前提,以提高简化复杂性的能力为基础的。

    The effective way to handle complexity is to improve the management ability , which is on the basis of the improvement in both business knowledge accumulation and organizing ability , and also the improvement in the ability of simplifying the complexity .

  7. 第三、企业知识的积累与核心能力的形成及其动态调整规律。

    Accumulation of the enterprise knowledge , establishment of core ability and its dynamic adjusting principles .

  8. 建立企业知识聚集和积累制度;

    Set up the system of enterprise 's knowledge gathering and accumulating ;

  9. 学习过程的最终结果使企业的知识得到积累,为企业造就创新力进行了知识储备,提供了创新力所需的知识基础。

    It makes the enterprise obtain accumulation of knowledge , and it offer the knowledge foundation for the corporate innovating capability too .

  10. 实例证明,提出的知识供应流理论能够有效促进企业知识的共享和积累。

    The example proves that the theory of knowledge supply flow can promote the accumulation and share of enterprise knowledge .

  11. 这不仅是对自身长期以来关于国有企业党务管理方面知识积累的考验,更是对自身学术水平的一个巨大挑战。

    This is not only for its long term of state-owned enterprise management knowledge accumulation test of its own academic level , it is a great challenge .

  12. 趋于极限的战略具有以战略为导向、关注战略群组、倡导企业创新、要求知识积累、提升企业核心竞争能力等特征。

    Tending to Margin Strategy has the features of taking strategy as guidance , paying attention to the strategy group , initiating the enterprise innovation , asking knowledge accumulation , promoting the core competence of corporation , and so on .

  13. 对项目中的创新知识进行有效管理,有利于企业总结经验教训,促进企业知识积累,提高项目开发的成功率。

    The effective management of knowledge can help enterprises to get experience , accumulate knowledge , and improve the project development .

  14. 其次分析了企业的竞争优势产生于企业知识积累所形成的特定知识优势,企业特定知识优势提供了企业参与竞争的内在的核心基础。

    Then we think the competitive advantage of the enterprise comes from the specific advantage of inside knowledge accumulation , which provides the core basis for enterprise competition .

  15. 组织记忆与企业管理实践密切相关,对企业知识积累和能力培养至关重要。

    Organizational memory which is closely related to business practice is of importance to knowledge accumulation and capability cultivation of enterprises .

  16. 通过理论回顾及实证分析,本文如下结论:对于我国知识型企业,知识分享对企业知识资本的积累产生影响,并且对知识资本的各维度具有不同的影响程度。

    Through the theory to review and empirical analysis , and this thesis the following conclusion : For our country the knowledge-based enterprise , the knowledge sharing of enterprise knowledge capital accumulation of influence , and the dimension of intellectual capital has the different influence degree .

  17. 培训发展作为企业智力资源成长的重要途径,让企业形成知识积累和创造的系统。

    The training and development constructs the knowledge system , is an important way of the enterprise develops the intelligence resource .

  18. 处于一个知识含量相对不高的行业中,房地产企业面临的主要问题是如何提升企业的知识资源积累和企业文化竞争力,亦即如何建立能够促进知识资源积累的、富有竞争力的企业文化体系。

    To be in the trade of low knowledge-content relatively , the enterprises of real estate must face to the most important question & how to promote accumulating of knowledge resource and corporate culture competitiveness .

  19. 网络的便捷带来了人们对信息共享的需求,使得企业需要越来越多的外界信息和企业内部知识的积累,并在它们之间不断交互中使知识获得再生和增值。

    Because of the convenience of the network people demand to share more information , meanwhile enterprises need more information of the outer world and the accumulation of knowledge in enterprises , and which can renew and increase the value of knowledge between their constant interaction .

  20. 为此,企业可以使用两个简单的绩效指标作为判断企业知识积累状态的依据。

    Moreover , the article bring up two effect indexes by which the situation of accumulating knowledge in the enterprise may be judged .

  21. 在人类社会进入知识社会的今天,企业核心竞争力的培养与提升离不开企业知识的积累、创新与应用。

    In knowledge society , to cultivate and enhance the core competence of corporation can not be separated from knowledge accumulation , innovation and application .

  22. 企业技术创新的演化具有路径依赖性,是由企业先前知识积累与技术能力发展路径决定的,企业拥有的技术能力的不同会影响技术创新模式的选择。

    The evolution of firm 's innovation is path dependence , which is based on knowledge accumulation and the path of technological capability development . The different of technological capability among firms make them chose different innovation model .

  23. 企业成长是指企业的质和量互动发展的过程,是企业知识积累和规模扩张的统一,其本质是企业知识的创新和积累。

    The essence of business enterprise growth is the accumulation and innovation of the enterprise knowledge .

  24. 发展新产品的快速设计和制造能力是当前企业所面临的重大课题,其核心是如何保证企业产品知识的良性积累和有效再利用。

    It is an important task for current enterprises to develop the ability of fast designing and manufacturing new product , that mainly relies on effectively accumulating and utilizing enterprise product experiences .

  25. 电信企业与经济主体间资源、核心能力差异的根源是企业所拥有的知识积累及结构的差异。

    The root of difference between enterprises and economic subjects is back from the difference of accumulation and structure of knowledge .

  26. 其次,本文指出,企业积累知识在为企业带来优势的同时,也埋下了产生企业知识积累刚性的可能性。

    Secondly , the fact is indicated in the article that , in the process of accumulating knowledge , the enterprise gains both the advantages and disadvantage .

  27. 本文认为,品牌是企业的一种重要的知识,品牌中的知识也包括显性知识和隐性知识,企业通过品牌的知识积累与品牌创新,形成企业核心竞争力,进而促进企业成长。

    The brand is a kind of important knowledge of business enterprise . The knowledge of brand include explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge . Business enterprise can form the core competence and grow up through brand knowledge accumulation and innovation .