
  1. 企业消费者责任对品牌资产及其四个维度均有正向的显著影响。

    Corporate-consumer responsibility has a significant positive impact on brand equity and its four dimensions .

  2. 通过对连锁经营企业消费者终端配送模式的分析,建立消费者终端配送模型。

    Analyzing the distribution mode of chain business consumer 's terminals , the paper establishes a consumer 's terminal distribution model .

  3. 过去一个半月,在企业消费者争相购买供应短缺的谷物和投资者投机买盘的推动下,优质春小麦价格已累计上涨90%。

    Prices for top-quality spring wheat have jumped by 90 per cent in the past month and a half , boosted by a scramble by corporate consumers to secure scarce grain and speculative buying by investors .

  4. 我国零售业获得了很大发展,零售企业消费者行为的重要性日益凸显,零售企业经营者逐步意识到品牌的重要性。

    The retail enterprise has been developing a lot in China . Consumers ' behavior in the retail enterprise becomes more and more important and the retail enterprise operators have gradually realized the importance of a brand .

  5. 企业与消费者型(BToC)网络支付模式及相关安全技术研究

    Study on B to C Net Payment Pattern and Its Relevant Security Technique

  6. 与之相比,B&to一C(企业对消费者)贸易却发展缓慢。

    On the other side , the B - to - C trade is developing slowly .

  7. BToC点击合同是企业与消费者之间的电子商务合同。

    B to C click-wrap contract is an electronic business affairs ' contract between customers and companies .

  8. 在基于Internet的网上商务交易活动进行的过程中,无论是对于企业还是消费者而言,一个必不可少的活动就是商务洽谈。

    Whether for the organization or the consumer , business negotiation is always the essential activity in the Internet-based business transactions .

  9. 二是企业对消费者模式即B2C。

    Another is Business To Consumer ( B2C ) .

  10. B2C即企业对消费者的电子商务;

    B2C , that is , business to consumer ;

  11. SplashDataCEOMorganSlain呼吁密码设置如上所列的企业和消费者及时更改。

    SplashData CEO Morgan Slain urges businesses and consumers using any password on the list to change them immediately .

  12. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)也发布了月度企业和消费者的信心调查报告,此信心指数在去年12月连续第二个月上升,但仍远低于长期平均值。

    The European Commission also released its monthly business and consumer confidence survey , which improved for the second consecutive month in December but remained well below its long term average .

  13. 因此可以认为,企业与消费者个人之间的电子商务模式(B2C)要在中国顺利发展,离开中国邮政的参与,几乎是不可能的。

    Therefore , B2C between enterprises and individual consumers can not get a rapid development in China without the participation of China Post .

  14. 美联储(Fed)主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)预测称,在企业和消费者开支走强的支撑下,美国未来几个季度将出现温和的经济复苏。

    Ben Bernanke predicted that a moderate economic recovery would unfold in the US over the next several quarters on the back of stronger spending by businesses and consumers .

  15. 最终,在综合各商户信息的基础之上建立B2C电子商务平台,实现商户和消费者的在线交易,实现了从企业商户消费者之间全方位的电子商务。

    Finally , with an integration of all traders ' information , business to consumer e-commerce platform is built to realize on-line sales between merchants and consumers and make the all-round enterprise-merchant-consumer e-commerce possible .

  16. 对于企业对消费者(business-to-consumer(B2C))的电子商务企业而言,在激烈的市场竞争中其核心竞争力除了产品本身的素质之外,企业提供的服务也不可忽视。

    In the fierce market competition , the core competence of a business to consumer ( B2C ) e-commerce enterprises except the quality of the product itself is providing better services .

  17. 据一名高管表示,专注于小企业和消费者的中国国有控股银行光大银行(everbrightbank)决心在近期一连串首次公开发行(ipo)流产的市场趋势下逆流而上,在今年底之前在香港上市。

    Everbright Bank , a Chinese state lender that focuses on small businesses and consumers , is determined to buck a market trend of failed initial public offerings and list in Hong Kong before the end of this year , according to a senior executive .

  18. 广告是企业和消费者之间重要的联系纽带。

    Advertisement is an important chain which combines enterprises with consumers .

  19. 小型企业和消费者信贷需求持续增加。

    Demand is growing for credit for small businesses and for consumers .

  20. 品牌共同体:企业与消费者沟通的新方式

    Brand Community : A New Way of Communication between Company and Customer

  21. 证券化后来扩展到企业和消费者债务等领域。

    It later spread into sectors such as corporate and consumer debt .

  22. 企业满足消费者需求的最佳途径&网络营销

    Optimal Way for Business to Meet the Customer 's Need

  23. 这些问题直接影响了生产企业和消费者的利益。

    These problems affected the manufacturers and consumers directly .

  24. 对企业和消费者的信心调查,也描绘出焦虑情绪日渐加重的类似情景。

    Surveys of business and consumer confidence paint a similar picture of mounting anxiety .

  25. 它是企业与消费者之间联系的恒久性亲善大使。

    It is a Goodwill Ambassador for the long-lasting links between businesses and consumers .

  26. 企业与消费者品牌互动认知差异探析

    An Analysis of Perceptual Difference in the Interaction of Brand Between Business and Customers

  27. 企业希望消费者能回来不断地购买自己的产品。

    You want your consumers to come back and buy your devices over and over .

  28. 当企业或消费者需要时,有以业务为关键的系统可用

    The need for business-critical systems to be available when the business or consumer requires them

  29. 企业和消费者需要得到利率合适的贷款来消费和投资。

    Businesses and consumers need access to credit at affordable rates to spend and invest .

  30. 一般情况下,利率下降时企业和消费者的花费就增加。

    In general , business and consumer spending tend to rise when interest rates fall .