
  • 网络reputation system
  1. 基于P2P网络的分离声誉系统模型

    A P2P Networks-based Separate Reputation System Model

  2. 但是要安全地进入这样的网络,需要了解对方的可信度,衡量对方可信度的声誉系统就成为P2P网络中的一个重要组成部分。

    But to join such networks securely , the reputation system becomes a critical part to evaluate the trust of participants .

  3. 一些专门解决P2P系统中的信任问题的声誉系统也存在着容易被虚伪的节点所攻击的缺陷。

    Some reputation systems which aim to solve the trust problem in P2P system may be easily attacked by some hypocritical peers .

  4. 关于买方参与C2C网站在线声誉系统的探索性研究

    An Exploratory Study on Buyers ' Participation in Reputation Systems

  5. 将人工神经网络用于P2P声誉系统,给出了P2P局部信任度的神经网络识别方法。

    Artificial neural networks are introduced in P2P reputation system , and the method of identifying local trust value of P2P systems with neural networks is proposed .

  6. 为此,本文通过信任和声誉系统的方法来解决P2P网络中资源提供节点的可信问题,从而避免节点盲目地下载资源。

    In this paper , the approach of trust and reputation systems is used to solve the trustworthiness problems of resource providers in P2P networks , so as to avoid downloading resources blindly .

  7. 基于对等网络的带虚假反馈检测的声誉系统

    A Reputation System with Dishonest Feedback Detecting Based on Peer-to-peer Network

  8. 该声誉系统由信任评估模块和安全传输协议组成。

    The designed reputation system consists of a trust evaluation module and a secure transport protocol .

  9. 社会化媒体可能也不会再痴迷于关注者人数和流量,而且进化到语境驱动的声誉系统和算法上。

    Social media may lose its obsession with follower numbers and traffic , evolving to context-driven reputation systems and algorithms .

  10. 可以看出,自动信任协商的引入降低了单纯依靠声誉系统时存在的风险,保证了敏感信息传输的高可靠。

    It is concluded that the introduction of automated trust negotiation has reduced the risk of depending on reputation systems only , so the dependability of sensitive information transportation is guaranteed .

  11. 接着总结了作者对现有各种声誉系统模型/信任模型的研究,并指出其存在的问题。最后,详细介绍了本文提出的一种应用系统模型。

    And then summed up a variety of existing reputation systems model or called trust model and pointed out their problems . Finally , a new reputation model of applications is introduced in details in this paper .

  12. 为了声誉,操作系统团队的确引入了“系统文件保护”的理念,当然也是为了消除DLLHell。

    To their credit , however , the operating system group did introduce the concept of " System File Protection ", which eliminated DLL Hell .

  13. 这些新的联邦收入数据需要经过一段时间才会影响到高校声誉的复杂系统,这样的评价体系仍然主导着高等教育市场。

    It will take time for the raft of new federal earnings data to seep into the complex reputational ecosystem that continues to govern the higher education market .

  14. 对国内外研究高管声誉激励理论基础、声誉评价系统和声誉激励效果的文献进行总结与归纳,为后文的研究提供视角和方向。

    Review home and aboard researches on executive reputation incentive in 3 aspects : the theoretical principle development of reputation incentive mechanism , the reputation evaluation systems , and the effects of reputation motivation . Then get inspiration from the literature analysis for research perspectives of the thesis .

  15. 此外,在该声誉模型中引入对垃圾电话行为的惩罚机制以及基于证据距离的证据冲突解决机制,有效地防止了对该声誉系统可能的欺骗行为,保证了声誉系统的可靠性。

    In addition , the punishment mechanism and evidence distance based conflict resolution mechanism are introduced in the reputation model for anti-fraud to ensure the reliability and robustness of the reputation system .