
  • 网络Consumer sovereignty;Consumer's Sovereignty
  1. 第一,这是消费者主权的要求与体现。

    First , this is a demand of the consumer sovereignty .

  2. 消费者主权可以从法律上和经济上两个角度来解读。

    Consumer sovereignty can be explained on legal and economic .

  3. 主要包括公司社会责仟理论、消费者主权理论和利益相关者理论。

    The theories involve corporate social responsibility theory , consumer sovereignty theory and stakeholder theory .

  4. 这种模式充分体现出了消费者主权,形成一种独特的人性化的消费模式。

    This model fully reflects consumer sovereignty , the formation of a unique user-friendly consumption patterns .

  5. 进入网络经济,必须重建以消费者主权为前提的市场营销理论。

    Facing coming of Internet economy , marketing theory must be reconstructed based on demander sovereignty .

  6. 试论信息非对称条件下的消费者主权保护

    Asymmetric Information and Consumer Sovereignty

  7. 本文旨在对消费者主权的实现原因及其过程机制展开研究。

    This paper intends to analyze the reason of achievement and the process mechanism of " Consumer Sovereignty " .

  8. 美国法律把消费者主权置于人类尊严之上,因此它在防范个人隐私被企业窥探方面效力不大。

    American law privileges consumer sovereignty over human dignity , so it provides weak privacy protection against snooping by companies .

  9. 观点:消费者主权意识的日益觉醒的今天,不可能存在同质化的市场。

    Viewpoint : Nowadays , with the increasingly awakening of consumers'sovereignty consciousness , it is impossible to appear homogenous market .

  10. 从法律上来看,主权意味着绝对的至高无上的不受侵犯权威,那么消费者主权者是消费者在行使消费权利,进行消费相关活动时不受任何权力以及其他权利的侵犯。

    Legally , sovereignty means absolute sovereign of authority , consumers sovereignty means consumers in the exercise of consumer rights that must be protected .

  11. 从本质上说,市场营销观念是一种以顾客需要和欲望为导向的学说,是消费者主权论在企业市场营销管理中的体现。

    In essence , marketing is a concept of customer needs and desires-oriented , and the reflection of consumer sovereignty in the enterprise marketing management .

  12. 然而,虽然市场经济是消费者主权经济,但消费者主权地位容易被忽视,使消费者权益受到损害。

    However , although market economy is consumer dominant , the prior situations of consumer are in the peril of being ignored , thus hurting consumer 's rights .

  13. 随着社会经济的迅速发展和市场经济下消费者主权时代的到来,消费已经成为一种社会趋势。

    With the rapid development of society and economy as well as the coming of the Consumer-centered Period under the market economy condition , consumption has already become one sort of social trends .

  14. 最后,第五章,对本研究的基本结论进行总结,并进一步阐述参与式生产或者说弱意义上的消费者主权的扩展对于企业生产方式转变的重要意义。

    I give a further elaboration on the significance of participatory production (" Consumer Sovereignty " in the weak sense ), whose spread is very important to the transformation of production mode of enterprises .

  15. 顾客价值理论是营销学界几十年来倡导顾客导向的新发展,它也是在企业竞争激烈和消费者主权意识不断强化的现实背景下的产物。

    The customer value theory is the new development advocating customer oriented concept for the marketing world in last few decades . It is resulted from the intensified enterprises competition and the strengthening consumerism awareness .

  16. 市场经济的发展由生产者主权导向转向消费者主权导向,不仅是市场经济发展由不成熟到成熟的一个重要标志,而且还是市场经济发展的一个最本质、最客观的要求。

    Market economy has changed ways from " producer dominion " of maturity " consumer dominion ", which is not only the significant indication , but also the most essential and objective demand of the market economy development .

  17. 为应对消费者主权时代的到来,一部分企业正在积极寻求与消费者的互动与合作,据此加强与消费者的关联,从而实现自身利益的最大化。

    In response to the arrival of the " Era of Consumer Sovereignty ", part of the enterprises are actively seeking to interact and cooperate with consumers , thus to strengthen the connection with consumers and to maximize their own interests .

  18. 消费主导型经济在我国是伴随着市场经济的发展而发展起来的,其特征主要表现在对经济的拉动作用加强、买方市场形成、消费者主权表现明显、消费方式呈现多样化等。

    Consume leading economy develops with the development of market economy in our country . Its characteristic mainly presents such aspects : strengthen economics'pulling function , form buyer 's market , obviously display consumer sovereignty , and present diversification in consumption pattern .

  19. 提升广大国民的消费需求就必须保障消费者的主权,充分尊重消费者主权意识,而这有待于建立一个良好的消费制度来保障。

    Ascending the national consumer demand will have to protect consumers , fully respecting the consumer sovereignty consciousness , and it needs to be to establish a good consumption system to safeguard .

  20. 市场经济是消费者拥有自主权的经济,发展市场经济就是要保障消费者的主权。

    Market economy is the economy which safeguards consumer sovereignty .

  21. 这种特殊价值取向的生成需要一定的现实条件:一方面,消费者运动的蓬勃开展和消费者主权理论促使许多国家纷纷明确将消费者保护作为自己的立法政策;

    Naturally the nurturing of this special value orientation needs certain environment : the vigorous development of the Consumer Movement and the Consumer Sovereignty doctrine adopted by many governments make consumer protection almost a universal legislative policy ;