
  1. 机器提示我们消费流行的、容易的、对心智要求不高的东西。

    The machine prompts us to consume what is popular , the things that are easy and mentally undemanding .

  2. 市场情报源的汲取沟通和消费流行扩散及对承载体使用方法与传播技术等方面的探索与研究,是企业与时俱进地走向市场前沿的特定课题。

    The exploitation research of the method technical promotion and diffusivity of extracting the marketing information source are the definite task of enterprises for keeping pace with the times , and marching forward to the market front .

  3. 论市场消费需求流行

    On the Popularity of Marketing Consumption Requirement

  4. 市场消费需求流行是一种时尚的需求,是市场消费规律的一种表现形式。

    The popularity of marketing consumption requirement is a fashion demand , and also a behaving pattern with its rule .

  5. 负功能是符号形式的中介性、结构的开放性和消费的流行性所分别带来的真实、理性和人性的迷失。

    However , the negative functions involve the lost of truth , rationality and humanity which are caused separately by the intermediary form , open structure and popular consumption of symbol .

  6. 为了对目前消费市场流行的液态奶制品挥发性成分进行分析检测,本文采用在60℃的恒温水浴中,加热装于医用输液瓶中的液态奶制品,取上层气体作色谱分析。

    In this paper , in order to analyze the volatile compositions of popular liquid milk product in market of food consume at present , we heated the liquid milk product in medical liquid transfer bottle by using constant temperature bath , and have done chromatographic analysis to top gas .

  7. 随着国内网络用户的不断增加,利用网络进行网络购物的消费方式日渐流行,C2C电子商务网站也层出不穷,C2C在电子商务交易中所占的市场份额快速增长。

    With the increasing of the network users , the consumption of the Internet shopping is becoming more and more popular , the C2C e-business websites are cropping up , and the C2C e-commerce transactions of the market share is growing rapidly .

  8. 体育消费行为之流行与选择的探讨

    On the Prevalence and Selection of Sports Consumption

  9. 这些法律为了保持各个社会阶级不同,强制规定了在所有事物上的消费,从流行服饰到葬礼出殡。

    These laws dictated spending for everything from fashion to funerals in order to keep the classes distinct .

  10. 第四部分是结合消费社会、流行文化来分析男性杂志的生存空间和媒介影响力。

    In the last part , I have analyzed the media influence and thriving space of men 's fashion magazine .

  11. 预防性储蓄和流动性约束是解释转轨时期中国居民消费行为的流行理论,但目前国内学者大多采用静态估计方法,通过对小样本的时间序列数据进行普通最小。

    Precautionary savings and Liquidity constraints theories are prevailing to explain the features of Chinese people consumption behavior in transitional period .

  12. 本文力图将平台玩具置于当代流行文化的背景中,深入探究平台玩具所承载的流行文化内涵并着重分析了形成此领域消费心理的流行文化因素。

    This essay aims to place the platform toys into the background of modern popular culture , thereby investigating its cultural connotation .

  13. 在中国特定的社会环境下,对时尚男刊的研究既要结合消费社会和流行文化的背景进行考察,同时,又要考虑到中国特殊的受众群体展开具体的分析。

    In China 's specific social circumstances , the research of men 's fashion magazine should consider the background of both consuming society and popular culture . At the same time , China 's special acceptor group should also be thought about .

  14. 消费视阈中的流行音乐&以“女子十二乐坊”为例

    Pop music in a consumption perspective & exemplified by " twelve girls band "

  15. 第一部分着重阐述了消费时代所带来的消费文化的流行,以及消费偶像的形成给当前的符号化消费以理论依据。

    The first part is emphasis to elaborate on consumption times with the consumption of pop culture , and the form of the idol of consumption . These are the basis theory in symbolic consumption .

  16. 对与偶像崇拜相关的消费行为的解释,营销理论中的相关群体理论、消费流行现象都有所涉及,但是有针对性的描述崇拜性的消费行为在理论上仍有待丰富。

    Of idol worship to explain consumer behavior related to marketing theory , group theory related , consumer pop phenomenon are covered , but worship of the description of the targeted consumer behavior remains to be rich in theory .

  17. 中国娱乐业是中国经济从投资驱动向消费驱动转型的一个代表性行业,它也代表着体验型消费的流行。

    China 's entertainment industry is representative of the shift in the economy from investment to consumption , and buying experiences over things .