
  • 网络consumer's need;s need;needs;consumers need;consumer demand
  1. 明确消费者需要的重要性。

    Importance of having a clear view about consumer 's needs .

  2. 质量始于消费者需要,止于消费者满意。

    Quality begins with customer needs and ends with customer satisfaction .

  3. 随着消费者需要更健康的选择,监管压力增强,加之肥胖病的流行,这些都促使百事可乐公司花费数十亿美元研发饮料和零食,并且对当前的产品进行了重新调整,采用了低糖、低盐和低脂肪的配方。

    PepsiCo is to spend billions of dollars to develop drinks and snacks and reformulate existing ones with lower sugar , salt and fat , as consumers demand healthier options and regulatory pressure intensifies amid an obesity epidemic .

  4. 手机运营商和消费者需要共同努力,找到确定和沟通真实问题的方法。

    Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real .

  5. 所以IaaS消费者需要从操作系统层开始构建(虚拟)服务器。

    So , IaaS consumers build the ( virtual ) server starting at the operating system layer .

  6. 对于PaaS,消费者需要构建数据库、应用程序和业务规则,然后加载数据。

    For PaaS , the consumer builds the database , application , and business rules and loads the data .

  7. 消费者需要什么硬件配置来运行Vista呢?他们是应该现在购买新PC,还是等到Vista发布后再购买呢?

    What sort of hardware will consumers need to run Vista and should consumers buy new PCs now , or wait until Vista is launched ?

  8. 注意,在结果的消费者需要时,您可以利用XML标记、属性和其他标签对从XQuery文档返回的结果进行注释。

    Note that you can annotate results returned from an XQuery document with XML tags , attributes , and other markup as needed by the consumer of the results .

  9. FCC内部存在沿着党派界线的分歧。三位民主党成员表示,移动设备、视频流服务和“物联网”的激增,意味着消费者需要超高网速。而共和党成员表示,10兆比特的下载速度足够了。

    The FCC split along party lines , with the three Democrats saying the proliferation of mobile devices , video streaming and the " internet of things " meant consumers needed superior internet speeds and Republicans saying 10Mb download speeds were sufficient .

  10. 网络安全软件制造商AVG免费产品主管托尼褠斯科姆(TonyAnscombe)说,消费者需要考虑放弃一些便利,以换取更好的安全性。

    Tony Anscombe , head of free products at AVG , a security software maker , says consumers need to think about forgoing some convenience in return for better security .

  11. 快速消费品(FMCG)是指那些使用寿命较短,消费速度较快、消费者需要不断重复购买的产品,涉及食品、饮料、化妆品、洗涤用品、电池、卫生纸等多个行业。

    FMCG ( fast moving consumer goods ) are those products that short service life , consumption faster , and consumers need to constantly purchase it , involving food , beverage , cosmetics , cleaning supplies , batteries , toilet paper and other industries .

  12. 消费者需要在食品和燃料上花更多钱。

    Consumers need to spend more on food and fuel .

  13. 生产者源源不断提供品牌,而消费者需要做的就是对各种各样的品牌进行区分和选择。

    The producers provide more brands for consumers to distinguish and choose .

  14. 有机产品的消费者需要种子和产品保持不被基因工程污染。

    Organic consumers want seeds and products to remain unpolluted by GE .

  15. 柔性是作依照消费者需要的调整事项的一个企业能力。

    Flexibility is an enterprise ability to make adjustments according to customers-needs .

  16. 消费者需要与欲望研究

    A Study on the Requirements and Desires of Consumers

  17. 它们在世界各地的消费者需要采取强有力的行动才能解决这个问题。

    Their customers around the world need to act forcibly to address it .

  18. 但多数消费者需要那些最新的产品吗?

    But do most consumers want the newest product ?

  19. 不符合升级条件的消费者需要支付200美元或更多。

    Customers who aren 't eligible for upgrades will pay $ 200 more .

  20. 这并不是说中国的消费者需要太多刺激。

    Not that the Chinese consumer needed much encouragement .

  21. 培育无核水果的结果通常是无法生产消费者需要的发育完全的水果。

    Breeding for seedlessness usually fails to produce the fully developed fruit consumers demand .

  22. 当企业或消费者需要时,有以业务为关键的系统可用

    The need for business-critical systems to be available when the business or consumer requires them

  23. 企业和消费者需要得到利率合适的贷款来消费和投资。

    Businesses and consumers need access to credit at affordable rates to spend and invest .

  24. 价格广告方面的限制若是剥夺了消费者需要的一些重要信息就是非法的。

    Restrictions on price advertising can be illegal if they deprive consumers of important information .

  25. 我们还认为成年消费者需要有意义的、知情选择。

    We also believe there is a need for meaningful , informed choice by adult consumers .

  26. 确定目标市场策略,以满足多样化消费者需要为目标研究战略对策;

    Confirm the tactics of the aim market to meet the various demands of the consumers .

  27. 汤普生想要消费者需要购买商品时能一次性完成。

    Thompson thinks consumers want to be able to buy items one at a time , though .

  28. 但敬业的零售银行家不必感到无聊,即使是在消费者需要的银行业改革之后。

    But dedicated retail bankers need not be bored , even after the reforms that consumers need .

  29. 消费者需要考虑那件夹克现在的受欢迎程度,来预测它未来的可获得性。

    The consumer needs to consider how popular that jacket is now to anticipate its availability later .

  30. 接受商品和服务的消费者需要保护以对抗供应商的一些不公平交易行为。

    Consumers of goods and services need protection against unfair practices by the providers of goods and service .