
  • 网络consumer attitude
  1. 消费者态度改变途径探讨

    Probe into the Path of the Variation of Consumer 's Attitude

  2. 口碑传播对消费者态度的影响:一个理论模型

    The Impact of Word-of-Mouth on Consumer 's Attitude : A Theoretical Model

  3. 本部分采用实验法,对CSR对消费者态度和行为的影响效应进行实证研究。

    This part used experiments method to test the effect of CSR to consumer attitudes and behavior .

  4. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)在近日发布的一项消费者态度调查中发现,中国消费者不仅谨慎,要求也越来越高。

    Chinese consumers are not just cautious , they are also increasingly demanding , McKinsey found in a consumer attitudes survey released this week .

  5. 品牌关系倾向对消费者态度及行为的影响

    The Effects of Brand Relationship Orientation on Consumer Attitudes and Behavior

  6. 本文从消费者态度方面对品牌资产评估进行实证研究。

    This study explores the common factors of consumer-based brand equity empirically .

  7. 论寿险营销中消费者态度的强化与转变

    On the Strengthening and Changing of the Consumers'Attitude in Marketing the Life Insurance

  8. 进而运用问卷调查和多变量分析方法,研究消费者态度的变化。

    Using questionnaire and multi-variable method , this paper analyzes the changes of customers'attitude .

  9. 两种指向的消费者态度分析及平衡策略&指向产品(品牌)与指向广告本身

    Separation of consumers ' attitude object & from product ( brand ) to advertisement

  10. 焙烤食品反式脂肪酸标注情况及消费者态度调查

    Investigation of Trans Fatty Acid Labeling on Baking Foods and Questionnaire Survey of Consumers ' Attitude

  11. 有关调查表明,口碑传播在影响消费者态度及行为方面有显著的功效。

    As is shown by some researches , word of mouth plays a significant role in influencing consumers'attitudes and behaviors .

  12. 银行品牌与聚众效应&基于消费者态度视角的行为经济学研究

    A Commercial Bank 's Brand and Its Magnetic Effect & A Study on Behavioral Economics in a Perspective of Consumers ' Attitude

  13. 本研究的主要目的在于了解消费者态度如何受微博客营销信息的评论与转发的影响。

    The main purpose for the study is to understand how consumers ' attitude is influenced by online reviews and forwardings of MMI .

  14. 采用企业家代言能够建立一种独特的品牌符号识别和延伸识别,通过产生特定的品牌联想影响消费者态度改变和行为发生。

    Leader contributes to a unique sort of brand symbol identity and extended identity , influencing consumers ' attitude and behavior with specific brand associations .

  15. 如果找到报纸负面报道影响态度的因素之间的关联,就可以有效地向品牌管理者预测消费者态度改变的情况,从而为危机管理提供实证依据。

    Since we find the links between these factors , we can forecast effectively how the consumers change their attitude and provide the proof for crisis management .

  16. 第二部分系统综述了国内外食品安全的消费者态度、认知和消费行为方面的研究成果。

    In the second part , this paper summarizes the fruits of the research on the consumers ' attitude , cognition and purchasing action to food safety .

  17. 目前有关联合品牌消费者态度评价的研究大多以西方消费者为研究对象,以耐用消费品类的产品检验为主。

    However , at present , the researches on the formation of consumers ' attitudes toward buying co-branded products mainly focus on studying durable goods and western consumers .

  18. 当论据质量低时,低涉入的消费者态度更消极;当论据质量高时,高涉入的消费者态度更消极。

    When the argument quality is low , low involvement consumers ' attitude is more negative , and when the argument is high quality , high involved consumers ' attitude is more negative .

  19. 第二部分,围绕农产品质量安全为核心回顾这方面研究的演变阶段,系统综述国内外食品安全的消费者态度、认知及消费行为方面的研究成果。

    In the second part , this paper reviews the evolving phases of the research on the food safety , and summarizes the fruits of the research on the consumer 's attitude , cognition and purchasing action to food safety .

  20. 口碑信息是影响消费者态度和购买行为的重要信息来源,绝大部分消费者在进行购买决策之前,都会向外界寻求信息支援。

    Word-of-mouth information is an important source of information that has impact on consumers ' attitude and buying behavior and the vast majority of consumers during the procedure of purchase decision-making will resort to the outside world to search for information support .

  21. 在消费者态度理论、消费者计划行为理论的基础之上分析了消费者的感知风险、感知责任以及常态下产品评价是如何对消费者产品态度产生影响并进而形成消费者行为的。

    On the base of some crossover theories of psychics and marketing , such as the theory of attitude and the theory of planed behavior , the author works over how perceived risk , perceived responsibility and normal opinion affect consumer attitude and then come into the consumer behavior .

  22. 蒂埃博认为,不同于手表行业的悲观预期,苹果手表(AppleWatch)的出现并没有改变美国消费者的态度。

    Mr Thi é baud argues that , contrary to the watch industry 's gloomy view , the arrival of the Apple Watch has not changed US attitudes .

  23. 网络口碑对消费者产品态度的影响机理研究

    The Impact of Internet Word-of-Mouth on Consumer 's Product Attitude

  24. 菲利比说,消费者的态度正有所改变。

    There is a change of attitude on the part of the customer .

  25. 那些数据包括首次申领失业救济金人数下降,消费者乐观态度日益增加。

    That data includes low first-time claims for unemployment , growing consumer optimism .

  26. 不过,消费者的态度是复杂的。

    However , consumer attitudes are complex .

  27. 研究结果表明:1.网络口碑论据质量越高,对消费者品牌态度的影响越大。

    The quality of argument quality is higher , its influence on the consumer is higher . 2 .

  28. 成分品牌联盟的现有研究多专注于企业整体层面,很少关注消费者的态度、认知与行为问题。

    The existing studies on ingredient brand ally focus on enterprises with little attention to consumers'attitudes , cognition and behavior problems .

  29. 但在广告传播实践中,消费者的态度对象可能发生分离,即从指向产品(品牌)转移到指向广告。

    But in advertisement practice , it is possible that the consumers ' attitude objects divert from product or brand to advertisement .

  30. 通过可信度分析和假设检验,确定了电子商务环境下的消费者行为态度模型。

    After reliability analysis and hypothesis test having been tested , the consumer behavior attitude model in the e-commerce environment has been established .