
xiāo fèi xí ɡuàn
  • Consumption habits;consumption custom
  1. 当今社会已进入体验经济时期,白酒的消费习惯也随之发生了变化。

    Liquor consumption custom has been changing with rapid social development .

  2. 您好,这次的调查是为了研究中国消费者对自有品牌的态度,以及消费者的消费习惯。

    Dear respondents : this questionnaire is to the study Chinese consumers'attitude toward private label brand of supermarket and their consumption custom .

  3. 修复我们拥有的东西和改变我们的消费习惯可能是减少垃圾数量和保护环境的最好方法。

    Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment .

  4. 研究人员发现近期消费者的消费习惯反应了当前的鞋跟指数,平底鞋的销量比上年增加了25%,说明消费者目前的状态是保守且低调的。

    Recently , researchers have seen this reflected in customers shopping habits with flat shoe sales up 25 percent year on year , suggesting that the current mood is stoic and conservative . ( Source : dailymail . co.uk )

  5. 中国加入WTO后,随着世界经济一体化的发展,西方文化可能会影响我国的白酒消费习惯;

    After China 's entry to WTO , western cultures might have certain influence on liquor consumption habits in China along with economic globalization .

  6. 史密斯建议,跟踪你过去一个月中的消费习惯,努力找出其中可存入401(k)账户的2%的花销。

    Track your spending habits over one month and try to find 2 % of your expenses that you can use for 401 ( k ) contributions , says Mr. Smith .

  7. 婚内理财规划师斯科特·帕尔默(ScottPalmer)和贝瑟尼·帕尔默(BethanyPalmer)把金钱形容为一座实验室,通过观察心仪对象的消费习惯,可以了解对方的为人。

    Married financial planners Scott and Bethany Palmer describe money as a laboratory , by observing your love-interest 's spending habits you can get to know him or her .

  8. 中国团购网站高管表示,中国较为混乱的商业环境、普遍存在的欺诈以及不同于美国的消费习惯,都可能对groupon构成挑战。

    Chinese group-buying executives said an often chaotic business environment , with widespread fraud and different consumer habits from those in the US , could be challenging for Groupon .

  9. 不同区域在经济发展水平、收入水平、消费习惯等方面存在显著差异,而这些因素都影响着市场价格的变化,影响着CPI的变动。

    Different areas have significant differences in the level of economic development , income levels , spending habits , etc. , and these factors affect the market price changes , then impact the change in the CPI .

  10. 从当前B2C模式下的电子商务的发展形势出发,基于对B2C电子商务网站建设的6个成功因素和当前中国网民的消费习惯的分析,探讨了如何从吸引消费者的角度来建设B2C电子商务网站。

    According to the development of B2C e-commerce , the factors related to the success of web sites and the consumption habit of web citizen in China , how to design B2C e-commerce web sites for attracting consumers was discussed .

  11. 互联网时代,电子商务正在改变人们的消费习惯,电子商务对传统企业经营造成了很大的冲击,传统企业也开始大规模的开展电子商务活动,参与B2C电子商务市场的竞争。

    While Electronic Commerce is changing consumer habits in the age of the Internet , it has a great effect on traditional enterprises . Traditional enterprises begin to develop electronic commerce in a large scale , and participate in the competition of B2C market .

  12. 我们在这个简单模型中引入两类实际摩擦:消费习惯和投资调整成本,因为消费习惯和投资调整成本是预期冲击导致NDBC的重要因素。

    We introduce two kinds of real frictions , namely habit persistence in consumption and adjustment cost in investment , since both of them are the main factors that news shocks can generate NDBC .

  13. 写出不俗的创意文案,让消费者为此而改变消费习惯。

    You write strategically sound creative copy that compels consumer change .

  14. 这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。

    It 's a real revolution about people 's consuming habits .

  15. 如此快速的增长不只依靠消费习惯转变的支撑。

    Such growth is not only underpinned by shifting consumer habits .

  16. 新的统计数字反映出人们消费习惯的变化。

    The new statistics reflect a change in people 's spending habits .

  17. 这实在是由中国人的传统观念和消费习惯造成的。

    This is the traditional Chinese values and consumption habits .

  18. 这种变化还带来了消费习惯的变化。

    This change has brought with it consumptive habit changes .

  19. 购物行为的变化表明,一些新的消费习惯可能正在形成。

    Changes in shopping behaviour suggest some new habits may be emerging .

  20. 这些新的消费习惯和态度给社会带来了诸多不同。

    These new consumptive habits and attitudes have created many differences in society .

  21. 于是,她的这部记录片矛头直指我国能源消费习惯。

    She thus questions the country 's energy consumption habits in the film .

  22. 彩信业务的需求已经出现,消费习惯业已形成;

    The demand of MMS business emerges and the consuming custom has form ;

  23. 只不过你的消费习惯会让天秤座人有一点为难。

    Your spending habits are the only foreseeable dilemma .

  24. 相比几年以前,现在的人们形成了更加多样化的媒体消费习惯。

    We have different media consumption habits today than a couple years ago .

  25. 你正在和不好的消费习惯作斗争。

    You 're struggling with a bad spending habit .

  26. 这些渴望也是与美国的,消费习惯相关的。

    Those kinds of desires are connected also with that American habit of consumption .

  27. 这种新型的商业交易模式对于传统的消费习惯及现行法律文约也带来了较大的挑战。

    But this new commercial transaction has brought big impacts toward traditional civil law .

  28. 它正在影响人们的消费习惯和思维方式。

    It was influencing people ` s consumption habits and their way of thinking .

  29. 减少消费习惯一点点,甚至是少开一点车。

    Cut back your spending habits a little bit , even drive a little less .

  30. 她的态度表明,同学的生活方式和消费习惯对她产生了影响。

    Her attitude suggests she is influenced by fellow students ' lifestyle and consumption habits .