
  1. 近年来,随着我国加入WTO和金融体制改革的逐步深入,我国的商业银行在市场竞争中不断发展,特别是在银行业务创新方面,新产品、新业务层出不穷,让消费者感觉眼花缭乱。

    In recent years , after China entered WTO , and as the reform of financial institutions deepens , our commercial banks grow up in market competitions . They have been making all sorts of business innovations , among which new products as well as new services amaze consumers .

  2. 要么是他们觉得定位过于精确,所以心生畏惧,要么就像斯坦福大学(Stanford)营销学教授伊塔马尔•西蒙森(ItamarSimonson)所写的那样,因为定制度太高,消费者感觉不划算。

    Either they find it too spookily precise , or as Stanford marketing professor Itamar Simonson has written they sense that , because it is so bespoke , it will not be a good deal .

  3. 它看得见摸得着,可被消费者感觉到。

    It was tangible and could be felt by consumers .

  4. 工资也是一样,可以让消费者感觉更富有一些。

    And so could wages , which could leave consumers feeling a little richer .

  5. 本文将建立消费者感觉特性偏好与感觉意象词对关系模型、感觉意象词对与造型要素之间关系模型。

    This paper will establish a consumers preferred model and the relationship model between semantic word and modeling elements .

  6. 减少这些混乱的方面(认知的负荷)允许每一种类型的软件消费者感觉更好关于一些代码。

    Reducing these confusing aspects ( cognitive load ) allows software consumers of every type to feel better about a block of code .

  7. 我认为,原因在于消费者感觉自己非常脆弱,他们希望通过他们的购买力显示他们在乎一些东西,她说。

    I think that because consumers are feeling so vulnerable they want to demonstrate through their buying power that they care , she says .

  8. 当今不少富有的消费者感觉,金融危机已经渐行渐远,于是便滋生了对奢侈品(其中一些甚至奢侈到不可思议)的欲望,刺激了奢侈品行业前沿众多相关领域。

    A renewed appetite for luxury-even silly luxury-is an outgrowth of the sense among many wealthy consumers that the financial crisis has receded to a distant speck in their rearview mirrors . That sentiment is fueling many segments at the tippy top of the luxury industry .

  9. 究其原因,在于网络购物的发展尚未完全成熟,在线交易和网上信息具有高度的不确定性,使消费者感觉到会有高风险存在,导致其购买意愿不高。

    The reason for this are the lack of maturity in of online shopping is not yet fully mature and a high degree of uncertainty in the online trading and internet information . The high risk exists among in consumers results in consumers ' low purchase willingness .

  10. 但即便是发达国家,消费者还是感觉捉襟见肘。

    But even in wealthy countries , consumers are feeling pinched .

  11. 消费者仍然感觉到新销售税的后作用。

    Consumers are still feeling the after effects of the new sales tax .

  12. 股价上涨,消费者会感觉自己钱多了,自然就会更多地出门消费。

    Rising stock prices could make consumers feel more flush , encouraging them to go out and spend .

  13. 可靠的品牌运作是简单、直接和一致的&通过消费者的感觉吸引他们。

    Solid branding is simple , direct , and consistent-and appeals to the customer by way of their senses .

  14. 它本希望量化宽松会提振股价,让消费者因感觉更富有而增加消费。

    The hope is that quantitative easing will drive up stock prices , making consumers feel richer and spend more .

  15. 一些商店干脆在黑色星期五前几周抬高售价,只是在节日当天降低价格,继而让消费者们感觉到是在大减价。

    Some stores simply raised prices weeks before Black Friday , only to lower them on the actual date in order to give consumers a sense that prices had dropped precipitously .

  16. 在旋转过程中,会发出清晰地哒哒的声响,使消费者能够感觉出相应转动之角度,且具有较好地把玩感和听感。

    During the process of rotation , the clear sound of clatter can be produced to make the consumer feel the relevant rotation angle , and the utility model has good playing feeling and listening feeling .

  17. 这些作者写道,虽然由于食盐在平时的杂货开销中所占比例较小,普通消费者没有感觉到价格差别,但这种利润支撑着一个规模庞大的、有害的地下市场。

    While the average consumer does not feel the price difference because salt makes up such a small portion of a typical grocery bill , the markup supports a vast and pernicious underground market , the authors wrote .

  18. 给消费者耳目一新的感觉。

    Give consumers the feeling that find everything new and fresh .

  19. 你现在能得到消费者想要什么感觉。

    You are now able to get a feel of what the consumer wants .

  20. 自助餐是餐饮业迅速开拓发展的新天地,它给消费者带来新感觉。

    SmorgasBord is a new , fast developing world in the catering trade , and it gives customers a new feeling .

  21. 虽然有总协定它被提炼,富有的质量和显示品尝,并且样式,在一个主观水平上消费者可能不感觉“好”往品牌。

    Although there is a general agreement that it is refined , of rich quality and displays taste and style , on a subjective level the consumer may not feel " that good " towards the brand .

  22. 日用陶瓷产品造型、装饰的每一个局部每一个细节都可能影响消费者的心理感觉,左右其购买行为;

    A conclusion has been reached that each section or detail of the forms and decorations of domestic ceramic products may produce influence on the consumers mental feeling , thus will leading to dominate the purchasing behaviors of consumers .

  23. 本文从包装的基本销售功能出发,结合消费者感官、感觉、知觉与认知在消费活动中的作用,并借鉴多感官理念在其它领域中的运用,提出了包装多感官表达的观点。

    This article based on the package marketing function , combined with consumer sensory , feeling , perception and cognition in the role of consumption activities , and learn from multi-sensory concept in other areas , puts a view of package multi-sensory expression .

  24. 同时,没用理由预见消费者在短期内感觉更好。

    And there 's no reason in sight for them to feel better soon .

  25. 但在中国这样一个拥有13亿消费者的国家,感觉和现实往往是两码事。

    But in China , perception and reality are often different in a country of 1.3 billion consumers .

  26. 首先通过语意差异法、多维尺度分析、聚类分析、因子分析等方法建立消费者对手机产品感觉特性评价量表,并在此基础上通过回归分析构建消费者感觉特性偏好模型。

    First , mobile phones for consumers to feel scale of assessment will be built through the semantic differences , multi-dimensional scale analysis , cluster analysis , factor analysis methods , and on this basis we will build consumer preferences feeling model regression analysis method .

  27. 消费者情感体验指消费者经历的感觉、情绪、心境。

    The term affect experience is used to describe the feelings , emotions , and moods experienced by consumers .

  28. 通过两个模型能够客观地将造型要素值反映到消费者整体偏好上,这对促进设计人员更好地把握消费者感觉特性偏好将会产生积极作用。

    This two models will be able to form an objective element of the overall response to consumer preferences , which promote better grasp the design of consumer preferences will feel a positive role .

  29. 第四章在对两组消费者特征比较研究的基础上,归纳、总结出新消费者的感觉无限、理智有度;

    Chapter four summarizes the characteristics of new consumers on the basis of chapter four : more sensitive and less rational ;

  30. 结果表明,看起来更生态友好的颜色会影响消费者的判断,而那些道德上模棱两可的做法似乎也让消费者感觉更放心。

    The results indicated that seeing a more eco-friendly color in a logo influences consumer judgments , and ethically ambiguous business practices seemed more ethical .