
  • 网络Consumer Psychology
  1. 消费者心理对购买行为起着重要作用。

    The consumer psychology plays an important role in buying behavior .

  2. 而这一见解也被广泛应用到消费者心理领域之中。

    The applications of this insight into consumer psychology are huge .

  3. 文中采用了因子分析,数量化Ⅰ类理论统计聚类的方法,得到考虑消费者心理的数学模型,并用VB6.0与Access数据库编制了基于这个模型的商品选购专家系统。

    The methods of statistical cluster such as factor analysis , Quantification Theory I , are adopted to construct the AP model considering consumers ' psychology . Finally , we design the expert system of commodity choose based this model with VB6.0 and Access .

  4. 基于消费者心理需求的品牌价值构建

    Construction of Brand on the Basis of Consumers ' Psychological Need

  5. 浅谈商标翻译对消费者心理世界的顺应

    The Adaptation to Mental World of Consumers in Brand Name Translation

  6. 消费者心理特征对新产品购买的影响作用研究

    Studies on Effects of Consumer Psychology on New Product Purchasing

  7. 基于消费者心理的网络广告策略分析

    Research on Web Advertising Strategy Based on the Consumer Psychology

  8. 产品形态设计与消费者心理研究

    Research on Form Design of Product and Consumer 's Psychology

  9. 它对商业和消费者心理造成了更广泛的影响。

    That has wider implications on business and consumers psychology .

  10. 价格折扣与商品相关度对消费者心理账户的影响

    Effects of Price Discount and Semantic Relation on Mental Accounting in Decision-Making

  11. 基于消费者心理认知的城市形象属性构面研究

    Exploratory Research on the Dimensions of City Image Based on Perception of Consumer

  12. 从消费者心理谈广告创意

    On advertising originality from the perspective of consumer psychology

  13. 叶磊说,质量保证活动旨在降低消费者心理上的担忧。

    Mr. Ye said the program was designed to allay consumers ' psychological concerns .

  14. 这些对于研究消费者心理和包装设计都有重要的现实意义。

    The purpose was to provide reference for consumption psychology study and packaging design .

  15. 国际金融危机下我国房产消费者心理预期探析

    Analysis on Anticipation of Real Estate Consumer in China under the International Financial Crisis

  16. 基于消费者心理视角的网络广告效果评价研究

    A study of online advertising effect 's appraisement from a customer 's psychology perspective

  17. 研究消费者心理是广告创意的本原和市场营销的需要。

    The original intention of ad creativity is aimed at consumers ' mentality and market .

  18. 定制珠宝首饰首当其冲成为满足消费者心理需求变化的介质。

    Jewelry customization is for sure to be the media to meet consumers psychological needs .

  19. 基于消费者心理的药品包装设计

    Drugs Packaging Design based on Consumer Psychology

  20. 消费者心理预期畸形。

    Consumers ' psychological expectancy are deformed .

  21. 而消费者心理对当代包装设计的影响是在不同的层面上反应出来的。

    Consumer Psychology on the impact of contemporary packaging design in response to different levels out .

  22. 品牌扩展稀释效应的消费者心理机理分析

    Analysis of Consumer 's Psychology on the " Dilution Effect " in the Process of Brand Extension

  23. 然而,损害已经造成。丰田误解了美国消费者心理,让问题更为棘手。

    Still , the damage was done and Toyota has compounded it by misunderstanding US consumer psychology .

  24. 但第二个让人着迷的问题是,房价的进一步下跌会对消费者心理产生何种影响。

    But the second fascinating question is what further house price falls might do to consumer psychology .

  25. 现有的广告效果测评方法不足以反映出广告对于消费者心理影响的过程。

    The existing methods on measuring advertising effects do not reflect the real process how advertising affects consumers .

  26. 此外,如果日本消费者心理可以从通缩改变为再次通胀,日本很可能从中受益。

    Also , Japan may benefit from some inflation if Japanese-consumer psychology finally shifts to reflation from deflation .

  27. 因此,在广告设计中对消费者心理的研究将是一项长期的工作。

    Therefore , in advertising design in research on the psychology of consumers will be a long-term work .

  28. 本文首先对康师傅饮品在消费市场和消费者心理进行了调查和分析。

    This article first Kangshifu drinks in the consumer market and consumer psychology conducted a survey and analysis .

  29. 中西商业广告中的文化差异目前可以从以下三个方面来分析:消费者心理的差异,消费能力的差异以及广告法的差异。

    Specifically , the cultural differences examined involve such aspects as consumer psychology , consumption capability and advertising laws .

  30. 你还将学习到消费者心理、数据分析、品牌管理等营销策略的知识。

    You will also study consumer psychology , statistical analysis , branding , and other principles of marketing strategy .