
xiāo fèi zhě piān hǎo
  • consumer preference
  1. 基于模糊偏序关系的消费者偏好测评

    Evaluation of Consumer Preference Based on Fuzzy Partial Ordering Relation

  2. 了解消费者偏好是企业营销活动的基础性工作。

    Understanding consumer preference is basal work of market activity in enterprises .

  3. Twitter发布的时间越久,这些数据对于研究消费者偏好或政客人气等内容就越有价值。

    The older twitter gets , the more valuable the data will be for studying things like consumer sentiment or reactions to politicians .

  4. 其中,logit需求框架下的分析使得考虑新品牌产品相对于替代者的相对吸引力、边际成本、产品差异水平以及消费者偏好的差异对于创新技术许可决策的影响成为可能。

    The analysis under logit demand framework makes it possible to consider the impacts of the comparative attractive of new brand product with substitutes , marginal cost , the level of product differentiation , as well as differences in consumer preferences on licensing schemes .

  5. 考虑信用卡市场普遍存在的消费者偏好差异和资信差异问题,将借贷模型与Hotelling模型相结合,分析了两种差异对商业银行信用卡市场竞争的影响。

    Allowing for the diversity taste and different credit qualification of consumers , we establishes a model based on lending model and Hotelling model , and analyzes the strategic choice of commercial bank in Credit card markets using the model .

  6. 基于消费者偏好的住宅市场细分研究

    A study of market segments in housing market based on consumer preferences

  7. 跟消费者偏好一样,各新兴市场的法律机制也各不相同。

    Like consumer preferences , local legal systems in emerging markets can vary .

  8. 基于消费者偏好的混合渠道模型分析

    Hybrid Channels Model Analysis Based on Consumer Preference

  9. 对消费者偏好判断失误,对自己在硬件方面的优势过于自大。

    a misread of consumer preferences and a dose of arrogance about hardware superiority .

  10. 基于消费者偏好的产品设计

    Product design method based on customers ' preferences

  11. 美国消费者偏好从耐用品转向服务

    US consumer preferences shifting from durables to services

  12. 适于消费者偏好的推销活动的重要性

    Significance of selling activities for consumer preference

  13. 心理会计与推理选择是行为决策理论的两个重要领域,本文主要综述它们在消费者偏好建构中的作用。

    Mental accounting and reason-based choice are two important researches in the behavioral decision theory .

  14. 消费者偏好变化,等等。

    The preference of consumers , etc.

  15. 夏威夷农产品礼物篮的消费者偏好分析&对于广州购买者的问卷研究

    Chinese Buyers Preference for Premium Hawaiian Grown Product Gift Baskets & The Case of Guangzhou Buyers

  16. 消费者偏好研究应该是商业广告理性的传播导向。

    The study of the consumer 's preference should be the communication orientation of rational commercials .

  17. 果汁饮料的广告效应、价格和便利性是影响消费者偏好的主要因素。

    Advertising , price and convenience of fruit juice are the main factors which influence consumer preference .

  18. 分析结果表明,市场条件和消费者偏好对产品销量和企业利润产生影响。

    The results show that market conditions and consumer preferences impact on product sales and corporate profits .

  19. 生育性别偏好研究的范式:反观与重构美国消费者偏好从耐用品转向服务

    Normal Forms to Study Childbearing Preference : Reflection and Rebuild US consumer preferences shifting from durables to services

  20. 在现行的技术和消费者偏好格局下,环境问题是经济增长不可避免的结果。

    In the prevailing set-up of technology and customers ' preference , environmental issues are inevitable due to economic growth .

  21. 均衡结果表明,偏好不确定性是一种差异化力量,与消费者偏好信息确定情形相比,企业的不确定性能够提高均衡价格、增加均衡利润。

    The equilibrium results show that tastes uncertainty is a differentiation force and can improve equilibrium prices and equilibrium profits .

  22. 消费者偏好:医疗服务、医疗产品、药品品牌、药品安全。

    In the customer prejudiced , medical treatment service , medical treatment product , medicine brand and medicine safety are notability influence .

  23. 消费人群需要异质的产品来满足其价值需求,这是消费者偏好对行为模式的影响。

    Consumer groups need to heterogeneous products to meet the needs of its value , which is consumer preference on behavior patterns .

  24. 随着消费者偏好的统一,全球化为企业提供了实现规模效应的机会。

    Driven by the convergence of consumer tastes from Tbilisi to Timbuctoo , globalization presents companies with opportunities for achieving economies of scale .

  25. 竞争过程中的多种现实活动,包括广告、产品差异等等都是竞争过程发现知识和消费者偏好的必然形式。

    The diversified forms of process competition , including advertisement and product differentiations , are the indispensable form of knowledge and consumer preference discovery .

  26. 第二是在教育需求面体现出来的优势,诸如在消费者偏好、对一般收入水平消费者的吸引力、需求习惯和舆论导向等方面;

    The comparative advantages on educational demand lie in consumer preference , attraction of average income consumers , demanding habits , mass media effects , etc.

  27. 比如,针对中国城市与农村地区的差异,公司在制定商业计划时便需要区分对待,充分考虑从消费者偏好到交通等各个方面的因素。

    The differences between , say , urban and rural areas in China require distinct business plans that take into account everything from consumer preferences to transportation .

  28. 本论文首先介绍了消费者偏好研究与离散建模的产生。然后分析了离散选择建模方法。

    Firstly , the research on consumer and discrete choice model are introduced . The suggestion made might be helpful and effective in sports statistical analysis and modeling athletic research .

  29. 其次,采用系统分析方法,构建严格碳排放限额体系下供应链协调模型,分析不同的消费者偏好、政府碳排放限额对供应链协同的影响。

    Secondly , we construct the carbon reduction decision model of supply chain under strict cap system . And analyzing the influence of different consumer preference or government carbon quota to supply chain coordination .

  30. 在消费者偏好函数是强凸、连续和严格单调的条件下,给出了不可分市场的一般均衡存在定理,因而也给出了离散空间中一般均衡存在的一个充分条件。

    This paper generalizes the general equilibrium theorem to the case of indivisible markets where preferences is strictly convex , continuous and strongly monotone . The authors thus give a sufficient condition on the existence of discrete equilibrium .