- 网络Consumers Movement

I 'm doing my report on consumer movements .
Consumer organizations , which are products of consumer movements , are communities to protect consumers ' rights and interests by supervising goods and service delivery . They play important roles in consumer protection activities .
Legal socialization of thought and the vigorous development of the consumer movement make consumers aware of their rights gradually .
One is a movement to protect consumers from the negative effects of decisions made by corporations interested only in profit .
The Communicative Modality of sustainable Consumer Culture in Chinese Society : A Case of Homemaker 's Union Consumer Movement in Taiwan
Open source hardware is more than just a consumer movement or startup fad ; the business implications for established firms can be significant as well .
If the Topsy-like growth of the consumer movement is allowed to continue much longer they won 't be able to see the consumer for consumer protection laws .
It is described as a netted chain along the fanners , processing enterprise , delivers center , the wholesaler , the retailers as well as a consumer for the agricultural product movement .
Naturally the nurturing of this special value orientation needs certain environment : the vigorous development of the Consumer Movement and the Consumer Sovereignty doctrine adopted by many governments make consumer protection almost a universal legislative policy ;
Started from the Background , explain the meaning of the consumer movement and corporate social responsibility , then make an analysis of the consumer movement and exercise social responsibility in the promotion of the voluntary labor standards .
There had been many significant consumer crusades before Nader .
Consumers of badminton three factors : time factors , economic factors , conceptual factors .
The emergence of format terms was an important phenomenon in the field of contract law .
And I want to just give you the results of that testing , because I wanted to understand about the consumer movement .
Although in the continuous progress of consumer protection movement , consumers have more right to speak , but there are still in weak position of consumers .
Comply with consumer protection movement and the vigorous development of the objective needs of consumer protection , countries are from the procedural and substantive law , and gradually establish and perfect the legal system of consumer protection system .
A US footwear company has sparked outrage among consumers and campaign groups over a range of high heeled shoes for babies .
5 , an omni-tennis training , combined with the nationwide fitness campaign to reduce the threshold tennis , so that more consumers to participate in tennis .
Number three is to build a triangle solidarity between the consumers movement in the north , trade union movement and the grass roots workers movement in the south .
The golf club operator should always be concerned about consumer acceptability and form more suitable price system for different participating groups , and benign competition with other clubs .
It is infringement dispute which is due to product quality that may be supposed to be one of the nuclear propositions in the consumers ' rights and interest protection movements .
Recall System of Defective Products is the product of the consumer protection movement , the industrial era of social productive forces has the rapid enhancement , and the state intervention into the economy becomes normal and necessary and the legal community of the combined effects .
While the World Cup certainly helped , along with a long-awaited improvement to Nike 's China business , one key takeaway for the company was that women are increasingly important customers for the sportswear company .
For this reason , the development of the protection of consumers ' rights and interests movement , nowadays becomes the common legal phenomenon of every country in the world .
Consumer problems are special phenomenon of commodity economy .
From the history of consumer legislation , consumers ' problems are deep social origins of consumer legislation and consumers ' movement is its direct social motive power .
Consumer Rights Protection Law of PRC was implemented 10 years ago , which has offered the consumer rights authorized by the Law , and shown a further forward step on consumer protection campaign in China .