
  • 网络trend;consumption trend;consumer trend
  1. 未来的消费趋势将仍是喝得更少,但更好。

    The trend continues to see consumers drinking less but better .

  2. 定制壁柜的消费趋势及其市场分析

    The consumptive trend of made-to-order cabinet and its market analysis

  3. 能迅速地把握住新的消费趋势的广告商创造了SINDIs这个词来描述这些妇女。

    It has been the advertisers , quick to tap into new spending trends , who have coined the term SINDI to describe these women .

  4. 厂家推出这类产品迎合了消费趋势。

    By launching such products , companies were anticipating consumer trends .

  5. 新消费趋势这股浪潮迅速席卷中国。

    The wave of the new consumer trends swept through China rapidly .

  6. 烟草的消费趋势与烟草生产的发展战略

    Consumption Tendency of Tobacco and Developing Strategy of Tobacco Production

  7. 21世纪服装消费趋势展望

    Outlook of Garment Consumption in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  8. 我国能源消费趋势统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Energy Consumption Tendency in Our Country

  9. 理性分析消费趋势,积极开拓国内外市场。

    Scientifically analyze the consumption trend and positively explore home and abroad markets .

  10. 鞍山市城市居民消费趋势分析

    Analysis of urban residents consumption trend of Anshan city

  11. 国外异戊橡胶生产及消费趋势

    Production of polyisoprene rubber and its consumption trends abroad

  12. 信不信由你,美容品消费趋势也印证了这一点。

    And believe it or not , trends in beauty-buying back that up .

  13. 岳阳地区工业用电消费趋势的研究

    The Study of Yueyang Industrial Electric Power Consumption Trend

  14. 江苏省住房消费趋势预测

    House - Consumption Tendency Forecasting of JiangSu Province

  15. 在这种消费趋势下,很多企业开始采用大量定制模式。

    In this consumer trend , plenty of enterprises turn to mass customization production .

  16. 本文就21世纪服装消费趋势展开探讨。

    The article probes into the trend of garment consumption in the 21st century .

  17. 特设消费趋势问题工作组

    Ad Hoc Working Party on Consumption Trends

  18. 中国交通运输能源消费趋势

    Energy Use Trends for Transport in China

  19. 美国洁净食品的消费趋势

    Consumption of clean food in US

  20. 城市家庭休闲食品消费趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Recreation Food

  21. 随着消费者个性化消费趋势日趋明显,品牌个性在企业的竞争中作用越来越突出,研究品牌个性的理论和现实意义也日趋显著。

    As consumers become increasingly personalized brand personality are becoming more and more important in the competition .

  22. 企业可以通过微博客深入分析用户的偏好和消费趋势,挖掘和吸引新客户。

    Companies could excavate and attract new customers through analyzing the preference and consuming tendency in microlog .

  23. 方便米饭兼顾这两大消费趋势必将受到欢迎。

    With the advantages of meeting these two consumption trends , instant rice will be welcomed surely .

  24. 第四,鱼煎薯条的消费趋势在波动中呈现了三种状态。

    Fourth , the consumption of fish and chips showed three changes in the general trend of fluctuation .

  25. 事实上,美国国内消费趋势放缓,混合动力车购买势头上升。

    Indeed , consumer spending in the US has slowed and the mix of automobiles purchased has shifted .

  26. 英特尔聘请这位饶舌歌手来预测消费者在未来几十年中的消费趋势。

    The rapper is tasked with thinking about how consumers will spend their dollars in the decades to come .

  27. 改变消费趋势表明了人们更倾向于花更多的钱买高质量产品,刘说。

    Changing consumption trends indicate that people are more willing to pay more money for high-quality products , Liu said .

  28. 利普认为,目前的消费趋势如果持续下去,将把世界带上一条“不归路”。

    Leape sees a continuation of current consumption trends as leading the world " to the point of no return " .

  29. 在可持续发展观的支配下,作为一种消费趋势,绿色农产品有着极为广阔的发展前景。

    Under the control of the concept of sustain development , green agricultural product has a wide future as a consumption tendency .

  30. 建设与发展购物中心必须首先准确了解与把握消费者的消费趋势和购买行为特征。

    It is primary to grasp the consumption trends of the consumers and their buying behavior before the shopping center construction and development .