
  1. 这项计划引起了各消费者组织的指责。

    The plan has attracted criticism from consumer groups .

  2. 但在购买这类玩具的时候,英国一消费者组织建议人们应谨慎对待,这并不只是因为最明显的原因:你知道,这种玩具可是黏液做成的!

    But when it comes to buying the stuff , the advice from a British consumer organisation1 is to approach slime with caution – and not just because of the obvious reason – you know , its slime !

  3. 向消费者组织征求意见,英国的相关组织是consumerdirect,他们会为你解决自己的投诉提供进一步的信息。

    Get advice from a consumer organisation , in the UK this would be consumer direct , they will supply further information about resolving your particular complaint .

  4. 我们被命名为在2009年PLC的年度奖,并获得来自消费者组织和新闻界的许多其他奖项及签注。

    We were named PLC of the Year at the annual PLC awards in2009 , and have received many other awards and endorsements from consumer organizations and in the press .

  5. 但令消费者组织担心的是,最近拟定的草案很弱,例如其中竟允许甜甜圈(doughnuts)等食品宣称有益健康。

    Consumer organizations are concerned that the most recent draft was very weak – allowing foods such as doughnuts to make claims , for example .

  6. 雅各布森所在的这个消费者组织常对餐馆提供的食物进行批评。

    Jacobson 's group often criticizes at a variety of restaurant foods .

  7. 消费者组织起诉大型营利教育连锁机构。

    A consumer group is filing a suit against the large for-profit college chain .

  8. 消费者组织的报告;各种媒体的报告;行业研究的结果。

    Reports from consumer organizations , reports in various media , and sector and industry studies .

  9. 五个环境和消费者组织要求法庭强制联邦机构出台禁令。

    Five environmental and consumer groups are asking a court to force a ban by the federal agency .

  10. 在西方发达国家,依赖于完善的法制保障和健全的组织架构,消费者组织的运作十分成熟。

    Relying on perfect legal system and sound organizational structure , consumer organizations operate effectively in western countries .

  11. 消费者组织在现实生活中面对着各种不同的社会主体:国家机关,行业协会,消费者、经营者,它们之间有形成了不同的、相互交错的社会关系。

    Consumer organizations face different social e groups : government agencies , trade associations , consumers , operators .

  12. 消费者组织参与食品安全工作的一系列准则将于6月10日完成并发表。

    A set of Guidelines for consumer organizations'involvement in food safety efforts will be completed and launched on10 June .

  13. 正当主要的标示运动支持者结成团体-例如有机产品消费者组织,食物皿煮现在行动!,

    While the most visible proponents of labeling are groups , like the Organic Consumers Organization , Food Democracy Now ! ,

  14. 其他消费者组织可以开展旨在维护消费者合法权益的各种形式的社会监督。

    Other consumers'organizations shall exercise various forms of mass supervision that aim at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the consumers .

  15. 鉴于消费者组织接触潜在受不安全食品影响的每一个人的能力,它们对食品安全的投入是非常宝贵的。

    Consumer organization input into food safety is invaluable , given their ability to reach every person potentially affected by unsafe food .

  16. 在对消费者组织进行监督、管理的过程中,政府除了提供一定的经费支持外,还与之保持着良好的合作关系。

    During the process of supervision and regulation of consumer organizations , government maintain good partnership with consumer organizations besides providing some financial support .

  17. 主妇联盟环境保护基金会成立于1986年,一群渴望有绿色、健康及道德产品的消费者组织成合作社,现有成员约28000人。

    Founded in1986 , Homemaker 's Union and Foundation is a28,000-strong cooperative and consumer network that promotes green , ethical , health-conscious and Fair Trade products .

  18. 欧洲大肠杆菌疫情的爆发导致消费者组织对美国官员施加了更多压力,要求他们对牛肉中的其他大肠杆菌种群进行检测。

    The E.coli outbreak in Europe has led to more pressure from consumer groups for U.S. officials to do more testing for other E. colis in beef .

  19. 电子支付在瑞典的普及已经令消费者组织和批评人士心生警惕。他们警告侵犯隐私的威胁会上升,也会令高水平的网络犯罪更加猖狂。

    Sweden 's embrace of electronic payments has alarmed consumer organizations and critics who warn of a rising threat to privacy and increased vulnerability to sophisticated Internet crimes .

  20. 欧盟委员会的计划被消费者组织指责为削弱了对乘客的保护,而航空公司则批评该计划增加了不必要的赔偿及重新安排航班的负担。

    The EC plan has been criticized by consumer groups as a watering down of passenger protections and by airlines as an unnecessary burden in compensation and rerouting .

  21. 这种制度设计的重点是通过消费者组织的载体作用保证消费者代表的志愿性、代表性和专业性。

    Such a system design is focusing on the carrier function of consumer organizations to assure the voluntary nature , representatives and professionalism of the consumers ' represents .

  22. 举证责任方面:公民个人和消费者组织应该实行举证责任倒置原则,检察机关作为原告时实行一般的举证责任原则。

    Burden of proof : Individual citizens and consumer organizations should implement the principle of burden of proof , Prosecution carry out the general principle of the burden of proof .

  23. 消费者组织是依法成立的对商品和服务进行社会监督的保护消费者合法权益的社会团体,是近代以来消费者运动发展的产物,在消费者权益保护过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Consumer organizations , which are products of consumer movements , are communities to protect consumers ' rights and interests by supervising goods and service delivery . They play important roles in consumer protection activities .

  24. 据法新社报道,美国箱包制造商新秀丽上周二宣布,由于香港某消费者组织发现其东京时尚款行李箱零部件中可致癌化学物质含量过高,公司将在全球范围内召回该款行李箱。

    US company Samsonite said last Tuesday it was pulling its Tokyo Chic luggage from stores worldwide after a Hong Kong consumer group found parts contained high levels of chemicals that may cause cancer , AFP reported .

  25. 第三十三条消费者组织不得从事商品经营和营利性服务,不得以牟利为目的向社会推荐商品和服务。

    Article 33 Consumer organizations shall not be permitted to engage in commodity business or profit-making service provision and shall not be permitted to recommend commodities and services to the public for the purpose of making a profit .

  26. 格式合同的社会控制是指消费者组织以及有关的社会团体等,利用其自身的社会影响以及宣传舆论工具,对格式合同使用人使用格式合同进行的社会监督。

    The social control of format contract refers to the social supervises conducted by consumer organizations and related social groups by using their social influence and instruments of propaganda and mediums on application of format contract to the users of format contract .

  27. 西方国家开展消费教育的主要方式就是在各级各类学校开设相应的消费教育课程,利用各种大众传播工具包括现代信息技术开展形式多样的消费教育,利用各种消费者组织等分别对消费者和生产者进行教育。

    The main way that the western countries promote education of consuming is to offer corresponding courses of consumption education in all types of school , utilize various kinds of mass media tools including modern information technologies to launch various consumption education .

  28. 与此同时,近年来公益诉讼、消费者组织的诉讼主体地位讨论却日趋激烈,尤其是国家工商总局在《消费者权益保护法(修订稿征求意见二稿)》赋予法定消费者组织公益诉讼的原告主体资格。

    Meanwhile , in recent years the public interest lawsuit and the subject status of consumers ' association are discussed fiercely , especially the state administration of industry and commerce endow legal consumers ' association with the subject status in the public interest lawsuit .

  29. TravisPlunkett是消费者权益组织美国消费者联合会(ConsumerFederationofAmerica)的立法主任。

    director of the Consumer Federation of America , a consumer rights group .

  30. 后来,该公司用一家似乎是编造出来的法律事务所,逼退了博茨瓦纳的一个消费者权益组织。后者曾对Axact开办的海德威大学(HeadwayUniversity)提出批评。

    Later , using an apparently fictitious law firm , the company faced down a consumer rights group in Botswana that had criticized Axact-run Headway University .