
  • 网络consumer-driven
  1. 在服务开发的第一阶段,消费者驱动的契约很像有关服务的用户故事(userstoriesforservices)。

    In the first stages of service development , consumer-driven contracts look very much like user stories for services .

  2. 消费者驱动的契约(Consumer-drivencontracts)&消费者驱动的契约描述的是服务提供者向其所有当前消费者承诺遵守的约束。

    Consumer-driven contracts-A consumer-driven contract is a representation of a service provider 's obligations to all its current consumers .

  3. 如何将消费者驱动的契约对应到面向服务开发的生命周期上去呢?

    How do consumer-driven contracts map back onto the service-oriented development lifecycle ?

  4. 对提供者而言,消费者驱动的契约提供了一个明确的开发方向。

    For providers , consumer-driven contracts provide a clear direction for development .

  5. 在提供者方面创建的约束,确定了一个消费者驱动的契约。

    The obligations created on the provider 's side establish a consumer-driven contract .

  6. 制销供应链安全责任的消费者驱动研究

    Consumer-Driving Decision of Safety Responsibility of Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chain

  7. 在构建阶段,消费者驱动的故事可被转换为可执行的期望。

    During the build phase , consumer-driven stories can be turned into executable expectations .

  8. 消费者驱动的契约反映了一个业务团体、功能或能力为完成其工作而对另一个伙伴的期望。

    Consumer-driven contracts capture what one business group , function or capability expects of another in order to do its job .

  9. 消费者驱动的契约提供了一个已断言行为的基础,我们可以根据它对一个服务契约的变动产生的可能的影响进行评估。

    Consumer-driven contracts comprise a foundation of asserted behaviour against which we can assess the likely impact of changes to a service contract .

  10. 消费者驱动的契约支持面向服务的系统的开发与测试,而且支持负责服务生命周期的各方之间的协作。

    Consumer-driven contracts support the development and testing of service-oriented systems , and encourage collaboration between all parties responsible for the service lifecycle .

  11. 研究内容包括:消费者驱动的制销供应链联盟安全责任决策;制销供应链联盟安全责任的消费者压力研究。

    It includes : the decision-making of consumer-driven supply chain in safety responsibilities ; the consumer pressure in safety responsibility of manufacturer-retailer supply chain alliances .

  12. 要把消费者驱动的契约整合到开发流程中来,破坏性最小的做法是:让提供者团队把消费者驱动的故事转换为程序契约。

    The least disruptive way of incorporating consumer-driven contracts into the development process is for the provider team to translate consumer-driven stories into programmatic contracts .

  13. 消费者驱动的契约可用于规划服务资产的变更,它们对交付机构的版本化策略有帮助。

    To the extent that consumer-driven contracts are used to plan changes to the service estate , they contribute to a delivery organisation 's versioning strategy .

  14. 我们必须承认是消费者驱动了对用动物身体制作的艺术品、装饰品和药品的需求。

    We have to accept the truth that consumers are driving the demand for animal body parts , for art , for trinkets , for medicine .

  15. 若提供者必须恰好符合消费者驱动的契约,那么消费者必须确保自己也符合对方的期望。

    If providers are obliged to adhere to consumer-driven contracts-nothing more , nothing less-then consumers must ensure that they too stick to their side of the bargain .

  16. 提供者甚至可以把消费者驱动的契约整合到它自己的运行时活动中,以便当真实世界的消息未能满足消费者期望时及早提供反馈。

    Providers can even incorporate consumer-driven contracts into their runtime activities so as to provide early feedback when real-world messages fail to satisfy one or more consumer expectations .

  17. 消费者驱动的契约指出了谁依赖于一个服务、以及该依赖的特性是什么,这增强了运营对资产日常行为的洞察。

    Consumer-driven contracts identify who depends on a service , and what the nature of that dependency is , increasing operations'insight into the day-to-day behaviour of the estate .

  18. 若提供者接受了一个消费者驱动的契约,那么它只需保证已有约束仍能得到满足,即可自行改进与修改其服务。

    As part of adopting a consumer-driven contract , a provider is free to evolve and innovate its service offering just so long as it continues to satisfy its existing obligations .

  19. 他们将实施中国的经济转型规划,改变依赖出口和政府主导的投资的不可持续增长模式,转向开放的消费者驱动型经济,这一过程是否顺利将会对世界其他地区产生深远的影响。

    How smoothly they manage China 's planned transition from an unsustainable growth model that 's been based on exports and state-directed investment toward an open , consumer-driven economy will have vast implications for the rest of the world .

  20. 长期而言,中国必须从以出口、投资和基础设施建设为重点,转向一个由消费者驱动、充分利用其不断壮大的中产阶级的经济。

    In the long run , China must move away from such a strong focus on exports , investment and infrastructure building , to an economy that is driven by consumers and takes full advantage of its growing middle class .

  21. 消费者期望驱动数据转换设计的发展

    Consumer Expectations Are Driving Advances in Data Converter Design

  22. 长期以来这家总部位于纽约的珠宝商的销售额大多由美国本土消费者所驱动,然而现在情况正在发生变化。

    U.S. shoppers have largely driven sales for the New York-based high-end jeweler , but that picture is changing .

  23. 国外研究表明食品供应链是由生产商和消费者共同驱动的非线性系统,并且贯穿田间到餐桌全过程。

    Overseas studies of green food supply chain show that it is a typical process " from the field to the folk " and an obvious nonlinear system mutually driven by producers and consumers .

  24. 而传统市场营销观念正是在工业经济基础上发展起来的,它以消费者需求为驱动力来调节生产,因此传统市场营销面临严重的挑战。

    The base of the traditional marketing concept was industry economy and was facing great challenge .

  25. 情感作为消费者行为的驱动力,它在设计师商品包装消费者这一模型的实现过程中,扮演了重要的角色。

    As the driving force of consumer behavior , emotion playing an important role in the achievement process of the " Designer-packaging-consumers " model .

  26. 接下来总线可以将消息转发至JMS消费者,例如消息驱动bean。

    The bus can then forward this message to a JMS consumer , such as a message-driven bean .

  27. 事件消费者可以实现消息驱动的bean(MDB)并将其关联到适当的JMS目标以接收事件。

    An event consumer can implement a message-driven bean ( MDB ) and associate it with the appropriate JMS destination to receive events .

  28. 尤其是很少的研究探索了在消费者主要是品牌驱动的情况下,在这个市场建立品牌忠诚度的重要性。

    In particular , few research efforts have explored the importance of building brand loyalty for this market where consumers are especially brand-driven .

  29. 跟其他单元测试一样,消费者测试可用于驱动开发活动:开发者创建服务行为,以满足测试的期望。

    Much as any with other unit test , consumer tests can be used to drive development activities , with developers creating service behaviours to satisfy the tests'expectations .

  30. 把客户经济引入对中药产业的研究,并明确提出以客户价值(包括消费者价值)作为驱动中药产业链演化和发展的动力源,在国内文献中还是第一次。

    It introduced Customer-oriented Economy into TCM industrial research and clearly proposed the concept of customer value to be the motivation of the evolvement and development of TCM industrial chain , which is inventive in domestic as well .