
  • 网络consumption emotion;consumption affect
  1. 顾客满意和顾客忠诚中的消费情感因素研究

    Study on the Consumption Emotion Factors within Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

  2. 结果表明,模型对数据有较好的拟合优度,证明了基于顾客消费情感的角度解释顾客满意和顾客忠诚做法的合理性和科学性。

    As a result , the model has a good fitness to the data . Therefore , we draw a conclusion that the doings to explain the customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty according to the consumer consumption emotion is rational and science .

  3. 顾客消费情感对顾客满意感的影响

    The Effect of Consumption Emotions on Customer Satisfaction

  4. 近年来,欧美学术界越来越重视研究顾客消费情感对顾客消费心理和消费行为的影响。

    In recent years , a growing body of consumer studies researches the consumption emotions .

  5. 女性消费者的消费情感分析

    Consumption emotions of female customer . Consumer Electronics ( c ) emotion . On the Consume

  6. 注重个性与时尚的融合,休闲服装中展现高雅大方气质,以原创元素为折射点,进行深入剖析,融入消费情感。

    Individuality and fashion fusion show leisure elegant temperament , with original elements refractive point , in-depth analysis , and integration into consumer sentiment .

  7. 第三章讲述消费者的消费情感需求,对消费者的情感需求进行深入探索,并描述情感需求对消费者行为的影响力。

    In the third chapter , to describe and explore the consumers ' emotional needs , and describe the influence of the emotional needs to consumer behavior .

  8. 作者在广州两家医院进行了一次实证研究,探讨住院病人的消费情感对病人与医院之间关系的影响。

    The authors have done an empirical study in two hospitals in Gangzhou , to investigate the impact of patients consumption emotions on the relationship be-tween patients and hospitals .

  9. 相关学者已经证实品牌形象、消费情感、顾客满意等是顾客体验与顾客忠诚之间的中介变量,也可以称为顾客体验对顾客忠诚的影响路径。

    The related scholars have already confirmed that the brand image , the expense emotion , customer satisfaction and so on are the intermediary variable between customer experience and customer loyalty .

  10. 在上述研究结论基础之上,从改进和完善医院服务设计体系建设、强化患者消费情感管理和树立预防医患纠纷新理念三个方面提出管理意见。

    Based on the above conclusions , improve and perfect the system of hospital services design , and strengthen the management of patients with mood and establish a new concept of prevention of medical disputes three aspects of management advice .

  11. 作者在广州白云机场对我国几家大型航空公司的乘客进行了一次问卷调查,探讨补救性服务公平性和顾客消费情感对顾客与企业关系的影响。

    According to an empirical study and data collected from customers of several airlines in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport , this paper investigates the impacts of service fairness and consumption emotions on customer relationships in the context of service recovery .

  12. 第三,提出包括顾客消费情感、有形设施、无形服务、顾客满意、情感纽带、顾客忠诚等概念在内的顾客消费情感概念模型,在此基础上,在所有概念之间建立起理论假设。

    Thirdly , the customer consumption emotion concept model , in which consumer consumption emotion , visible facilities , invisible service , consumer satisfaction , emotion bonds and consumer loyalty are included , are put forward . The theory assumptions among all concepts are established .

  13. 结合愉悦性从消费情感与消费行为出发分析女性消费群体特征,了解女性消费者对产品的心理感受,准确的抓住消费者的心理需求,将需求翻译成具体的设计元素。

    The characteristics of feminine consumption groups are also analyzed from the consumption emotion and behaviors combining the trait of pleasure . By comprehending the consumers ' psychological feeling to products , grasp the consumers ' mental demands accurately and translate it to concrete elements .

  14. 感性消费的情感诉求和产品设计的战略

    Emotion Appealing of Emotional Consumption and Production 's Design Strategy

  15. 与感情做的一次买卖时尚消费中情感走向及营销对策

    Emotion Trend in Fashion Consumption and Marketing Countermeasures

  16. 学生公寓新居民的消费、情感、行为新形象

    Students ' Hostel : The New Images of " New Residents " in Consumption , Affection and Behaviour

  17. 体验经济的来临,使消费者不再仅仅关注质量、价格等功能利益,而是更加追求消费的情感利益,即消费需求体验化。

    The advent of experiential economy makes consumers no longer just concern about functional benefits such as quality , price , etc. , but even more to pursue the benefits of consumer sentiment .

  18. 其次,在对体育情感的调查中发现,08奥运会无论从体育运动本身的情感,体育信息的情感,还是体育消费的情感都对大学生产生了影响,但是,这种影响力依然是很有限的。

    By the survey , we found that the emotion of physical sports , sports information , and sports consume are having an impact on college students by Beijing Olympic Games , but this influence is still very limited .

  19. 农村居民可以通过人情消费行为进行情感的表达和平衡农村中的各方关系。

    Farmers can express their feelings and balance the relationship between the parties in rural areas through human consumption .

  20. 这部分学者认为消费者是情感消费,品牌情感反映消费者与品牌之间的亲密关系。

    The scholars believe that consumers are emotional consumption . Brand emotion reflects the intimate relationship between consumers and brands .

  21. 过去那种单纯强调产品特色、服务利益的传统营销模式,己无法有效满足消费者日益增强的对消费个性化、情感化等方面的要求。

    The traditional marketing model which focused on product features and service benefits can not effectively meet the growing personalized and emotional demands of consumers .

  22. 成功的跨国公司在中国实施品牌策略,都建立在充分理解中国本土文化特征、消费心理和情感需要的基础上。

    Most of the success ones build their brands based on deep understanding of Chinese culture , Chinese customer internal value , and customer demand .

  23. 在这种背景下,消费者的行为特征也发生了转变,开始由理性的决策行为转变为理性与情感并重的消费行为,情感对维系品牌与消费者之间的关系显得更为关键。

    In this context , the behavioral characteristics of consumers had also transformed , which switched from rational decision behavior to consumer behavior that balanced reason and emotion , the emotion plays an important role in maintaining the relationship between brands and consumers .

  24. 日常管理实践可以注意到,顾客在消费过程中的情感状态会影响他们在服务完成后对服务的评价水平。

    We can often observe that customers'emotions in consumption process have an important effect on their service evaluation in common managerial practices .

  25. 经济的发展、城市化水平的提高和网络的普及,使城市居民在日常消费方面开始关注情感价值并更注重精神上的愉悦享受,体验式经济时代悄然来临。

    With the development of economic , raising the level of urbanization and network penetration , Urban residents began to pay attention to emotional value and more to spiritual enjoyment , experience economy comes like a thief , without warning .

  26. 作者试从时尚消费的发生、时尚消费中情感心理特点、时尚消费中情感维度及其营销对策与控制方面进行多角度的探讨分析。

    The author tries to make a multi-angle exploration and analysis of the occurrence of fashion consumption , the characteristics of emotion psychology in fashion consumption , the emotion dimensions in fashion consumption and its marketing countermeasures .

  27. 本研究通过梳理相关文献,建立绿色消费态度的三个成分(绿色消费认知、情感及意向)与绿色消费行为的关系模型。

    By literature review , this paper builds a relationship model between the three components of green consumption attitude which includes the knowledge of green consumption cognition , emotion and intention , and the green consumption .

  28. 人们对消费行为的社会功能已经有一定程度的认知,通过各种消费行为满足社会情感上的需求。

    Residents of Small Town begin to cognize social functions of consumer behavior , and they satisfy sensibility requirements by various consumer behavior . Furthermore , the dissertation particularly analyses difference between certain groups .

  29. 在了解概况的前提下,论文进而详细分析了不同群体消费行为的差异性,主要发现:性别差异:女性倾向于通过消费行为释放情感,男性倾向于通过消费建立人际关系。

    The main conclusion is as following : Difference between male and female : Female is inclined to release sensibility through consumer behavior while male intends to build up social relations .