
  • 网络Consumer personality
  1. 本文在基于前人研究的基础上,以消费者个性特质理论、技术接受模型理论、感知风险理论作为本文的理论基础。

    This paper based on the basis of previous studies , the consumer personality theory , the technology acceptance model theory and the perceived risk theory .

  2. 随着企业间竞争的加剧,消费者个性的增强,市场环境呈现出动态与复杂的特征。

    Going with the intensified competition among enterprises , consumers ' personalities are enhanced . And market environment presents dynamic and complex characteristics .

  3. 第二部分针对消费者个性、态度进行研究,从理论上分析了消费者个性与态度对品牌选择的影响。

    The second part focuses on the study of personality and attitude and makes analysis on the effect of personality and attitude on the brand choice theoretically .

  4. 即广告策划要尊重目标消费者个性、抓住消费者共有的情结和做消费者真诚的“朋友”;

    That is to mean that advertising planning respects individual character of the goal consumer , catches the complex that consumers own in common and make sincere " friend " with the consumer ;

  5. 但过去有关消费者个性特质的研究主要限于消费者的冲动性购买倾向,根据冲动性购买倾向把消费者分为高、中、低冲动购买者。

    However , in the past , the studies focusing on personality trait mainly were limited to impulse buying tendency and classified consumers as high , middle and low impulse buyer according to impulse buying tendency .

  6. 并试图从心理过程本身研究购买任务特征、消费者个性特点、购买决策卷入、感知风险和商品熟悉度对消费决策的决策策略和决策品质的影响。

    And we try to discuss how purchase task character , consumers ' personality , purchase decision involve , perceived risk and product familiarity impact on decision strategy and decision quality of purchase decision , from the point of view of psychological process .

  7. 研究还清晰地表明,在本研究构建的概念模型中,网站依恋三维度是完全中介变量。(3)考察了消费者个性特质&关系焦虑对网站依恋与关系质量之间关系的调节作用。

    Research also clearly suggests that the three dimensions of website attachment are full mediators in the conceptual model of this study . ( 3 ) The dissertation investigate the effect of website attachment and relationship quality is moderated by consumers ' personality trait i.e. relationship anxiety .

  8. 本次升级上市后,新奇骏将以智酷全能城市SUV的全新姿态,让消费者尽展个性,自如跨越城市界限。

    The upgraded listing , new all-around cool Chi Chun will be a new urban SUV attitude , so that consumers develop their personality , freely across city boundaries .

  9. 满足消费者张扬个性的需求,正成为品牌竞争的新前沿。

    Fulfilling consumers ' need for self-expression is becoming the new frontier of brand competition .

  10. 至少部分原因在于中国较富裕阶层的时代精神,以及越来越见多识广的消费者对个性和独特性的追求。

    This is at least partly because of the zeitgeist among China 's wealthier and more cosmopolitan consumers for individuality and exclusivity .

  11. 这个过程将消费者的个性特征、生活环境、品牌传达的信息密切结合,品牌信息穿过各种屏障后,最终留在消费者脑海中的就是品牌的理念和特征。

    This process contact with consumers ' individuality characteristics , the living conditions and the information of brand transmission closely , after passing through each kind of barriers , the brand information kept in the consumers ' mind finally is the idea and characteristic of brand .

  12. 基于消费者的品牌个性塑造

    Creating Customer - based Brand Personality

  13. 在目前服装品牌竞争异常激烈、服装同质化现象突出而消费者追求消费个性的现象下,商品组合在现代企业的发展中起着越来越突出的作用。

    With the intense competition of brand , and homogeneity phenomenon stress , the consumer pursue consumption of character , commodity combination is playing the more and more prominent role in the development of modern enterprises .

  14. 面对3G技术的日趋完善、消费者日趋变化的个性需求,如何通过影响消费者的感知从而诱发其购买意愿的形成,将对移动增值业务的推广起到至关重要的作用。

    Facing the mature of 3G technologies and increasingly changing individual needs , how to influence consumer perceptions and thus inducing the formation of behavior intention will play a crucial role on promoting the value-added mobile services .

  15. 伴随着消费者强调自我和个性,市场日益转向多样化、细分化、复杂化。

    Accompany with the consumer emphasizes the ego and characters , the market changes direction the diversification and subdivides to turn increasingly , complication .

  16. 时尚导向型和物质主义型的消费者比较关注品牌个性维度中的酷、雅、勇;

    The consumers with stylish and material life style will pay more attention to the brand personality dimensions of cool , elegance and braveness .

  17. 为了实现面向广大消费者的规模定制,满足消费者日益提高的个性需求,提高企业对市场的快速响应能力,基于网络的个性化定制服务应运而生。

    To achieve scale customization for the general consumers , meet increasing consumers demand for personalized and enhance the rapid response capability for market of companies , the service for personalized customization on Web emerged as the times required .

  18. 本研究编制了品牌形象评价问卷,并通过对445名消费者的问卷调查,确定了品牌形象的结构,探讨了消费者个性、关键事件营销、品牌形象评价之间的关系。

    445 consumers through a survey questionnaire developed a brand image , to determine the structure of the brand image , to explore the personality of consumers , the key event marketing , the relationship between the brand image .

  19. 基于影响消费者行为的内在因素中的动机、信息获得、情感过程和消费者个性理论,本文提出了需求分层策略、借用形势策略、以情动心策略和时尚个性策略。

    Based on consumer behavior affect the internal factors of motivation , information access , consumer sentiment and the process of personality theory , the demand for this paper , layered strategy , the strategy to use the situation to situation individuality inviting fashion strategy and tactics .

  20. 一方面,种类繁多的商品为消费者提供了更多的选择余地,同时长尾效应的存在也满足了更多消费者的个性需求。

    On the one hand , a wide range of goods provide consumers with more choice , the presence of the long tail effect is also to meet the individual needs of more consumers .

  21. 如消费类的高科技品牌带给消费者的社会性收益的角色已经淡化,消费者知识存在明显的高科技黑箱,企业知识在消费者品牌认知中有重要作用,消费者对高科技品牌个性的认知并不清晰等。

    For example , the " social benefit " that the high-tech brands bring to the consumers has been desalinated , the high-tech " black box " exists obviously , company plays an important role in consumers ' brain , consumers ' cogitation about brand personality is not obvious .

  22. 它的互动性,使商家通过与消费者一对一的直接沟通,了解顾客的要求、汲取改进意见,并据以提供满足价值取向多元化的产品和服务,实现了消费者的个性回归;

    Its nature of interacting helps businessmen and consumers communicate on the one toone basis , understands the needs of consumers and receives their valuable suggestions in order to provide value-oriented products and services , and realizes the individualization of consumers .