
xiāo fèi zhě tóu sù
  • complaints of consumers
  1. 历经10个多月,康卡斯特公司收到了近12000份消费者投诉,很多都与其每月数据限额和超额收费有关。

    Over 10 months , Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints , many relating to its monthly data cap and overage charges .

  2. 《财富》:网络上有许多地方可以让消费者投诉和抱怨,比如Yelp、Facebook和Twitter。

    Fortune : there are plenty of places online for consumers to voice their complaints online & yelp , Facebook , and titter to name a few .

  3. 2004年6月航空运输消费者投诉情况统计分析

    Air Transportation Consumers Complaints Statistics and Analysis of June 2004

  4. 但是,建筑工程质量一直是消费者投诉的热点之一。

    However , construction quality , this is one of the focuses of consumer complaints .

  5. 没有消费者投诉我们的产品。

    Few customers complain about our product .

  6. 处理消费者投诉,包括质量问题调查和改进计划跟进。

    Handle customer complaint , including quality problem investigation , corrective action plan follow up .

  7. 对医疗消费者投诉问题的若干思考

    Thought on the Complaints of Medical Consumer

  8. 这些问题和矛盾,使物业管理成为消费者投诉的热点。

    These problems and contradictions , so that the property management to become a hot consumer complaints .

  9. 2003年至2005年消费者投诉分析报告

    2003-2005 Consumer Complaints Analysis Report

  10. 年内,该会接获消费者投诉共20798宗,高踞历年最高记录的第二位。

    During the year , 20798 consumer complaints were received , representing the second highest figure on record .

  11. 北京市12315消费者投诉中心数据也显示,北京市2007年受理的互联网服务类投诉同比增加了24.02%。

    12315 Consumer Complaints Center in Beijing shows that the complaints about Internet service increased by 24.02 percent year-on-years .

  12. 在各类商品和服务中,日常商品遭到消费者投诉的比例最高。

    Of all the categories of goods and sectors , daily commodities suffer the highest rate of complaints from customers .

  13. 案件稍后将在本章介绍对读者造成了消费者投诉在法律的修改。

    Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers who consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law .

  14. 在处理银行服务的消费者投诉方面,尽管金管局目前并无解决纠纷的权力,但我们已有担任非正式的角色。

    The HKMA already plays an informal role in addressing consumer complaints , though we have no powers to settle disputes .

  15. 消委会透过消费者投诉和咨询服务,促进并保障消费者权益。

    Another area of work relating to consumer empowerment and protection is the council 's complaint and advice service provided through its Advice Centres .

  16. 那些符合新规的企业必须提供交易收据、制定消费者投诉政策并披露与虚拟货币相关的风险。

    Those subject to the rules would have to supply receipts for transactions , establish consumer complaint policies and disclose risks associated with virtual currencies .

  17. 巴西正为其第四个黑色星期五做准备,但是鉴于去年大量的消费者投诉,今年得到了越来越多的关注。

    Brazil is getting ready for its fourth Black Friday , but this year is getting extra attention due to last year 's abundance of consumer complaints .

  18. 消费者投诉涉及的问题主要集中在质量、合同和售后服务方面,在合同的质量和误导广告的指控方面,也有了大幅度的上升。

    Most individual grievances focused on quality , contracts and post-sales services , with high rises too in the quality of contracts and on allegations of misleading advertisements .

  19. 然而,近几年来,移动电子设备却正成为消费者投诉的热点,其中,由于设备零部件可靠性不高引起的设备失效投诉占有相当大的比重。

    In recent years , complaint about low-grade quality of electric devices is a hotspot , in which failure owing to low reliability is up to much ratio .

  20. 以专注于细节和做工而闻名的整个日本制造业,在国内也面临着消费者投诉、事故报告和产品召回数量的大幅攀升。

    Japanese manufacturers across the board , known for their attention to detail and craftsmanship , are facing a sharp spike in customer complaints , accident reports and product recalls at home .

  21. 王海称,该员工在电话中“冒充”工商局公务员处理投诉,尽管京东表示其员工只是“既不处理也不裁决消费者投诉”的联络员。

    Mr Wang said the staff were " impersonating " SAIC staff over the phone and handling complaints , although JD.com said its staff were merely a liaison group who " neither handle nor adjudicate customer issues . "

  22. 国家工商行政管理总局,也就是中国市场监管机构近日公布的数据显示,去年该局共受理消费者投诉同比增长11.1%,受理最多的就是关于汽车部件投诉、服务业投诉和移动电话投诉。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce , China 's market watchdog , has reported an 11.1 percent rise in consumer complaints last year , with the most received for automobile parts and servicing and mobile phones .

  23. 该公司说,其决定暂停与微信相关的应用,原因是接到在淘宝和天猫上购物的消费者投诉,说他们在微信上收到的卖家促销信息数量过多。

    The company said it decided to suspend the WeChat-related apps because it received complaints from consumers shopping on its Taobao and Tmall sites that they were getting an ※ excessive § number of promotional messages on WeChat from sellers .

  24. 受理消费者投诉和举报,受理工商部门移交的在流通领域查出的属于生产环节引起的产品质量问题,并依法组织查处。

    Accepting complaints and reports of consumers , accepting the product quality problems turned over by Departments of Industry and Commerce which are found in the circulation field belonging to the production process , investigating and punishing them according to the law .

  25. 如果说这家疯狂的加拿大公司推出的瑜伽裤价格(98美元!)似乎还算不上丑闻,那么,由于消费者投诉这款瑜伽裤过于透明,这家公司被迫宣布召回该款产品就真的算是丑闻了。

    Lululemon sheer pants scandal As if the price of a pair of yoga pants ( $ 98 ! ) from this cultish Canadian company was not scandalous enough , the outfitter had to recall them when customers complained the pants were see-through .

  26. 其中,合作社(龙头企业)自有品牌培育度、运输便捷度和超市的货源稳定性明显增强,但消费者投诉率、投诉解决时间和农产品质量监控覆盖率的打分却差强人意。

    Among them , the co-operatives ( leading enterprises ) nurturing of its own brand , transportation convenience and supermarket supply stability significantly enhanced , but the rate of consumer complaints , complaint resolution time and quality of agricultural products monitoring coverage rate is unsatisfactory .

  27. 中国中央电视台(CCTV)这周另外又播出了多位消费者的投诉,称宝马汽车公司(BMWAG)、奥迪(Audi)和戴姆勒公司(DaimlerAG)生产的豪华汽车所使用的降噪减震阻尼片会散发出对消费者健康有害的异味。

    China Central Television this week broadcast separate complaints claiming luxury autos made by BMW AG , Audi and Daimler AG reduced cabin noise and absorbed vibration with materials it said emitted fumes that were harmful to consumer health .

  28. 相关部门必须在十天内对消费者的投诉进行反馈。

    Departments involved must respond to complaints within 10 days .

  29. (消费者)投诉部被愤怒的顾客所围困。

    The Complaints Department was beset by angry customers .

  30. (四)受理消费者的投诉,并对投诉事项进行调查、调解;

    Accept complaints by consumers and conduct investigation into and mediation of such complaints ;