
  1. 那你们是怎样让消费者注意到并购买你们的产品呢?

    How do you get shoppers to notice and buy your brand ?

  2. 这似乎看起来是个简单的想法,但是却没有被消费者注意到。

    It 's a seemingly simple concept and one that consumers may not even notice .

  3. 数周内,生产公司便在所有容器上加贴了警告标签,提醒消费者注意两响机制。

    Within weeks the manufacturing company had placed warning labels on all containers alerting consumers to the two-click mechanism .

  4. 2006年,西欧消费者注意到,俄罗斯在进入冬季之后和乌克兰在付款问题上发生了类似的争吵,然后俄罗斯切断了对乌克兰的天然气供应,输气管道的压力出现下降。

    In2006 , Western European consumers noticed a drop in gas pipeline pressure after Russia cut supplies to Ukraine in a similar mid-winter payment dispute .

  5. 粮农组织提醒消费者注意,禽流感不是食物传播的疾病,正常烹调的温度即可杀死禽流感病毒。

    FAO reminded consumers that avian influenza is not a food-borne disease and that the bird flu virus is killed by the heat of normal cooking .

  6. 广告创意是现代广告的灵魂,是引起消费者注意、激发消费者购买欲望的驱动力。它的实质是对商品或服务进行艺术化的渲染和推销。

    Advertising creativity is the soul of modem advertisement , which provokes consumers'attention and lust for purchase , and which in essence is an artistic promotion of goods or service .

  7. 对高热量食品品牌而言,国际奥委会还可以考虑的一点,是要求这些品牌在广告中的奥林匹克标识上加上健康警告(类似香烟广告),以提醒消费者注意经常食用快餐的种种危害。

    For the high-calorie brands , the committee could also consider requiring ads using the Olympic logo to carry a health warning much as for cigarettes about the dangers of a regular diet of fast food .

  8. 性感广告往往具有较强的视觉冲击力,可以传达一种切合现代情调的品牌理念,达到吸引消费者注意、传达广告信息的最终目的。

    The sexy advertisement often has stronger visual impact , can transmit a kind of brand idea which suits the modern sentiment , achieve and attract consumers to pay attention to , transmit the final purpose of advertising information .

  9. 商业招贴是通过图形、文字、色彩等多种视觉元素,来传递商品信息,吸引消费者注意,达到诱发消费者购买欲望,促进商品销售的目的。

    By means of graphics , text , color and other visual elements , commercial poster is used to spread the information of products to attract the attention of consumers , to promote the purchasing desire of consumers and to advance the sale of products .

  10. 包装图形的语境表现是迅速传递商品内容信息一个极其重要的表现手段,是唤起消费者注意与兴趣的关键,它不仅能起到刺激消费的作用,同时也使人们获得艺术美的享受。

    The packaging graphic context is an extremely important method for rapid transmission of commodity information , is the key to arouse the consumer attention and interests . It not only can play the role to stimulate the consuming , but also can let people to enjoy artistic beauty .

  11. 西太平洋银行(Westpac)声称,消费信心改善是一种初步迹象,表明消费者已注意到中国央行(PBoC)的宽松举措,并正从全球油价暴跌导致的能源价格降低中受益。

    The Aussie bank argues the uptick is a tentative sign that consumers have registered easing measures undertaken by the People 's Bank of China , as well as benefiting from lower energy prices due to the global oil price rout .

  12. 成功广告如何引起消费者的注意

    How to Draw Consumers ' Attention for a Successful Ad

  13. 宏达国际首席执行长周永明说,公司正在赢得消费者的注意。

    HTC CEO Peter Chou says the company is starting to get traction with customers .

  14. 我认为大部分消费者不会注意到这个变化。

    ' I don 't think most consumers will notice this change , 'she said .

  15. 我们目前拥有在线能源计量器,越来越多的消费者正在注意到它们。

    We have energy calculators online now , and more and more customers are paying attention to them .

  16. 而且包装应该具备足够的吸引力与其他的口红相区别来吸引消费者的注意。

    And the package should be appealing enough to make it distinct from other lipsticks and attract consumers'attention .

  17. 商品或者服务在市场上拥有知名的标志更容易吸引消费者的注意,得到消费者的信赖。

    Goods or services in the market has famous logo is easier to attract the attention of consumers and get their trust .

  18. 一系列“滑稽”的主题抱枕在日本的网上购物中心“亚马逊日本站”上吸引了日本消费者的注意。

    A series of " funny " emoji-based bolsters have attracted the attention of Japanese customers through Amazon Japan , an online shopping center .

  19. 换句话说,如果包装能够在第一时间吸引消费者的注意,那么这个产品将被购买。

    In other words , if the package draws the attention of the consumer in a first moment , the product will be purchased .

  20. 答案是,对于企业,公关就是一种日渐重要的做市场营销的工具&特别是在传统形式的广告正奋力抓住消费者的注意时。

    The answer is that , for business , PR is an increasingly vital marketing tool & expecially as traditional forms of advertising struggle to catch consumers'attention .

  21. 消费者应注意摄入足够的纤维,而冷榨果汁的工艺是将汁液从富含纤维的叶子和茎中提取出来的。

    Consumers should be careful to get enough fiber in their diets , since the process of cold-pressed juicing extracts the juice from the fiber-rich leaves and stems .

  22. 当代平面广告多以人物为主要元素,刻画一个成功的人物形象至关重要,它旨在能更有力地吸引消费者的注意。

    Contemporary print ads and more characters as the main element , depicts a successful characters is essential , it is designed to more effectively attract consumers ' attention .

  23. 广告的目的首先是为了吸引消费者的注意,引起他们的兴趣,进而激起其购买欲,最终说服其产生购买行为。

    Advertisements are designed to attract consumers ' attention , arouse their interests , stimulate their desires , create conviction , and finally persuade them to take the purchase action .

  24. 这种膳食模式的改变引起了科学家们的关注,他们开始研究这种改变是否会带来负面的健康效应,随之,也引起了一些消费者的注意。

    The change in dietary patterns has prompted scientists to examine if there are any negative health effects , and this in turn has led to concern amongst some consumers .

  25. 我们接受最新技术,但是消费者应该注意到它们由于在网上太多太公开地分享,带来个人或专业性的危害。

    We all want to embrace the latest technology , but consumers should stay mindful of the dangers , both personal and professional , of sharing too much and too openly online .

  26. 消费者的注意程度与消费者的成熟度、购物过程的复杂程度和商品的类型、购物环境、商品的质量存在很大的关联。

    The attention of consumers associated with the following factors : the degree of maturity , consumer shopping process and the complexity of the type of merchandise , shopping environment , product quality .

  27. 而创造口碑的路径有:赢得消费者的注意、善用意见领袖、制造系列成长故事、善用渠道和媒体及提供差异化的产品和服务等。

    Attention , using the leader of opin - ion properly , creating a series of growing story , using the channel and the medium properly , and providing various product or service , and so on .

  28. 政府的担忧引起了消费者的注意,食品公司和餐厅在越来越多地使用“无抗生素”标签,将其作为一种营销手段,有时候还能因此卖个更好的价钱。

    The government 's concern has caught the attention of consumers , and food companies and restaurants are increasingly using " antibiotic free " labels as a marketing tool that sometimes allows them to command a higher price .

  29. 生产商们正缩减现有产品的规格以符合这个价格,餐厅和超市则将商品打折以吸引消费者的注意――这一切都是为了支撑其欧洲业务的赢利能力。

    Manufacturers are shrinking existing products to fit into the price , while restaurants and supermarkets are discounting items to grab the attention of consumers & all in an effort to prop up the profitability of their European businesses .

  30. 在竞争越来越激烈的现代社会,价格表述与促销信息过剩导致现代人产生注意力不足的情况,使原本设计好的价格描述信息引起消费者的注意变得越来越困难。

    In the society with increasingly fierce competition , the situation that the overflow of price expression and promotional information makes modern people lack of attention makes that the designed price description information attracts consumers ' attention more and more difficult .