
  1. 其次,介绍消费者后悔权的历史沿革。

    Second is about consumers ' right to regret the historical evolution .

  2. 本文除了引言和结语部分外,共分为四大部分:第一部分是对消费者后悔权一般性理论的研究。

    The first part is about consumers ' right to the general theory of regret .

  3. 首先分析我国消费者后悔权存在的正当性。

    The first is the existence of the right of consumers to the legitimacy of regret .

  4. 纵观国外先进的立法经验,消费者后悔权制度不失为是一项能更好地保护消费者权益的重要制度。

    Review of foreign advanced legislative experience , regret right system is a better consumer protection system .

  5. 其次,从我国实际出发对构建我国消费者后悔权的具体思考。

    Secondly , from the construction of reality on the right of consumers to regret the specific thinking .

  6. 通过了解消费者后悔权的产生背景以及在国外后悔权一路的发展状况,看看国外的后悔权是如何得以发展的。

    By the right to regret the background and abroad all regret the right to develop and look abroad regret is the right to development .