
  • 网络Consumer culture;consumptive culture;culture of consumption
  1. 我们生活在一种消费文化之中。

    We are living in a consumer culture .

  2. 我的论文选取了消费文化的视角来探讨德莱塞早期创作的两部小说《嘉莉妹妹》(SisterCarrie,1900)和《珍妮姑娘》(JennieGerhardt,1911)。

    I choose consumer culture as a perspective in studying two of Dreiser 's novels : Sister Carrie and Jennie Gerhardt .

  3. 消费文化&韩国W饭店中的消费文化

    Consumption Culture & The Consumption Culture of W Hotel , South Korea

  4. 近两年来,随着人们生活水平的提高和中国加入WTO,国内汽车市场需求猛增。汽车消费文化已经形成,人们对轿车都倾注了极大的热情。

    With the improvement of living condition and the entrance of WTO during recent two years , the auto consumption culture has been developed in China , People endow extreme zeal with chat about car anywhere .

  5. DM杂志作为分众传播的广告媒体,在消费文化的基础上发展而来,并借由消费文化的分层而对受众进行广告传播。

    DM magazine focus the spread of advertising media , on the basis of the consumer culture evolved , and by the audience by the stratification of the consumer culture of advertising communication .

  6. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)曾说过,如果中国和印度立志学习西方的消费文化,两国人民将像蝗虫般迅速将世界掠夺一空。

    Mahatma Gandhi once said that if China and India were to aspire to a western-style consumer culture , their citizens would quickly strip the earth bare like locusts .

  7. 人们会因为一双球鞋的样子很酷就为它一掷千金,Beck的歌能用来当广告配乐。在这样的消费文化里,炫和酷就是标价最高的商品。

    In a consumer culture where we buy $ 200 sneakers because they look cool and Beck 's song was used in the commercial , flash and dazzle are the highest-prized commodities of all .

  8. 本文采用文本分析、对比分析与个案研究相结合的方法,首先对消费文化和DM杂志的关系进行了深入分析,为之后对具体的DM杂志文本分析做了理论铺垫。

    In this paper is combining text analysis , comparative analysis and case study method , conducted in-depth analysis of the relationship between consumer culture and DM magazine at first , building a theoretical bedding for a specific version of the DM magazine .

  9. 城市交通管理中的汽车消费文化问题关注

    Attention on Issues of Car Consumption Culture of Urban Traffic Management

  10. 大学生消费文化状况分析及教育策略

    University Students Situation Analysis of Consumer Culture and the Education Strategy

  11. 当代中国消费文化语境下的文学转型

    The Literary Transformation in Contemporary Consumer Cultural Context of China

  12. 消费文化视野中的设计与社会

    The Design and Society in the Scope of Consume Culture

  13. 消费文化是一种世俗化文化,消费成为人们基本的生活方式,人们更多地追求现世的感官满足和身体享乐。

    The consumption culture is one kind of secular culture .

  14. 消费文化对乡村社区有影响,但并不显著。

    Consumerism culture has influences on Chinese villages , but not apparently .

  15. 三是对消费文化本质特征的研究;

    Third , the essence characteristic of the consumption culture ;

  16. 大学生消费文化与现代人生活方式变迁

    Consumption culture of college students and change of modern lifestyle

  17. 新型消费文化趋势下的网络广告策略

    Under the Trend of New Consumer Culture of the Online Advertising Strategy

  18. 现代消费文化下家具卖场展示空间设计的研究

    Exhibition Space of the Furniture Market Design in the Modern Consumer-Culture Context

  19. 后现代主义视域下的消费文化:没有规则只有选择

    Consumption Culture from the Perspective of Postmodernism : No Rules but Choices

  20. 从消费文化看波普艺术的图像来源

    A Look at the Image Origination of Pop Art from Consumptive Culture

  21. 迈克·费瑟斯通的消费文化理论研究

    Mike Featherstone 's Theory of Consumer Culture : A Study

  22. 当代消费文化与家居环境设计

    Contemporary Consuming Culture and the Residential Indoors Environmental Design

  23. 论消费文化对青少年价值观的消极影响及其教育对策

    On the consumption culture 's negative influence on adolescence value and educational countermeasures

  24. 浅析新时期我国居民消费文化的变迁

    Analysis on Chinese Civil Consumer Culture in New Age

  25. 消费文化时代的室内设计研究

    Interior Design Studies in the Era of Consumption Culture

  26. 麦克罗比还不断反思消费文化对年轻女性的影响。

    Angela McRobbie continues reflecting the effects of consumer culture on young women .

  27. 女性消费文化的社会意义分析

    The Study of Social Significance on Female Consumptive Culture

  28. 博客:消费文化背景下新的文学生态的整合

    Blog-Integration of Literature as an New Ecology on the Background of Consumerism Culture

  29. 消费文化语境下大学生考研需要之反思

    Recollections of Postgraduate Examination Needs in Consumer Culture Context

  30. 而这正体现了消费文化的特性。

    This just embodies the characteristic of commercial culture .