
  • 网络consumption utility
  1. 本文试图用消费效用的观点来对人力资本进行分析。

    The consumption utility function is used to analyze human capital investment ( HCI ) in this paper .

  2. 但市场较为依赖心理较单纯消费效用。

    But the market relies more on psychology than sheer consumer utility .

  3. 净现值与内部收益率指标的决策分析均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Decision-making Analysis of Indexes of Net Present Value & Internal Earning Rate

  4. 在此环境下,最大化消费效用和最终财富的效用。

    Under these assumptions , one maximizes the expected total utility from consumption and terminal wealth .

  5. 利率上升的消费效用取决于利率上升的替代效应和收入效应的作用之和。

    The consumption effect of the interest rise depends on the substitution effect and the income effect .

  6. 经济效益后评价中非独立输变电工程增量效益与增量费用识别方法军械库经费使用效益的模糊综合评定均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Identification Method for Incremental Effect and Cost in Economic Benefit Post Evaluation of Non-independent Power Transformation Project

  7. 内部价值链导向下的成本与费用分析均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Under internal value chain guidance cost and expense analysis ; Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion

  8. 在不改变住房消费效用下,将住房资产转换成现金,提高老年人的消费水平。

    RM release equity in housing to boost elderly consumption but not change the utility of housing consumption .

  9. 中西传统法律价值评价标准的差异及启示均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Differences on Value Appraisal Standards between Chinese and Western Traditional Law ; Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion

  10. 完善的住房抵押贷款市场有助于居民家庭福利水平的提高,实现住房消费效用的最大化。

    Perfect housing mortgage loan market is conducive raising the residential household welfare and making the effectiveness of housing consumption maximum .

  11. 对投资者极大化生命期期望消费效用的最优化问题,在较一般情形下给出了由证券交易价格(部分信息)决定的最优投资消费策略显式解;

    An explicit solution is shown to the optimization problem of an investor who wants to maximize the expected total utility from consumption with partial information .

  12. 均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价可收回金额按净售价与使用价值两者较高确认。

    Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset 's net selling price and value in use .

  13. 讨论了单时期金融市场模型的最优投资组合问题,将多个投资者作为一个整体,得到了在同一个效用函数下,使总体期望消费效用达到最大的一般性结果。

    In this paper , they discuss the optimal investment problem with more than one investor in single period securities markets , and obtain the optimal solve .

  14. 在这一定义的基础上,本文以消费效用的状态依赖性为基本假定、以基于消费的资本资产定价模型为理论原型建立了流动性定价的基本理论模型。

    Based on this definition of liquidity , this thesis sets up a theoretical model which employs state-dependence of utility as basic presumption and the consumption-based capital assets pricing model as theoretical prototype .

  15. 利息征税对启动消费的效用

    The Effect of Levying on Interest on Starting Consumption

  16. 带交易费及工资的终端资产和消费期望效用最优化

    Optimization of Expected Utility from Terminal Wealth and Consumption with Transaction Costs and Wages

  17. 旅游消费及其效用研究

    Research on tourism consumption and its utility

  18. 若固定费用高于消费净效用,使用者将不使用高速公路,反之则使用。

    If the net effect of fixed costs were higher than consumption , the user will not use the highway , otherwise use .

  19. 在这类体育服务生产-交换过程中生产者和中间商实现效益最大化的前提是消费者对身体操作信息产品消费的效用最大化。

    The precondition of realizing the profit is to maximize the avail of the product consumption of BOI from production to exchange of sport service .

  20. 居民储蓄、消费行为及其效用分析

    Analysis of Residents ' Saving , Consumption and Its Utility

  21. 炫耀性消费的经济学效用分析

    Economic analysis on conspicuous consumption

  22. 本文以消费的边际效用递减规律为基础,探讨了居民收入差距和消费倾向间可能的关系,并对中国居民消费倾向变动趋势进行解释。

    This paper explores the impact of income distribution on propensity to consume and explains the characteristics of propensity to consume in China based on the law of diminishing marginal utility .

  23. 双通道心理账户,,理论探讨了支付的负效用和消费的正效用的相互作用。

    Different habit formations have different effects on consumers ' purchase decisions . " Double-entry " Mental Accounting theory discusses the interaction between the negative utility of payment and the positive utility of consumption .

  24. 然后将效用理论引入本文的分析,结果表明,在居民对未来预期收入不确定性心理增强时,近期消费意味着效用的损失,导致居民注重储蓄而不是消费。

    The results show that when the uncertainty of the residents for the future pre income accrues , recent consuming means the loss of utility , which leads to the residents ' attention to the saving but not consuming .

  25. 在连续多期模型中,能源的生产成本、需求弹性、消费价格及效用贴现率都会对能源最优消费量产生影响,由于能源生产成本的影响,能源消费价格的变化率小于效用贴现率。

    The production cost , demand elasticity , price and utility discount rate of energy have effects on the optimum consumption of energy , and the change rate of the energy price is less than the discount rate of utility because the effect from the energy production cost .

  26. 为了从用户使用信息的角度评价C3I系统,提出了C3I系统信息生产-消费模型和信息效用概念。

    In order to evaluate the value of C 3I system on the view of use , the production-consumption model and information utility are presented as new concepts in this paper .

  27. 本文主要讨论带有随机资助过程的消费和终端财富效用最大化问题。

    This paper discussed the problem of utility maximization with random endowment from consumption and terminal wealth .

  28. 本文在一个随机技术冲击驱动的模型经济中,将消费攀比引入个体效用函数,研究了个体间存在消费攀比时的政府最优货币政策问题。

    In this paper , we discuss the problem of optimum quantity of money in a cash-in-advance model with random technology shock and catching up with Joneses .

  29. 这些产业最显著的特征是具有网络外部性,即消费者消费某物品的效用随着消费该物品的其他消费者的数量增加而增加。

    Their most notable feature is network externalities . That is , the effectiveness of consumer spending on certain goods increases with the growth of other consumers .

  30. 人活在这个世界上,固然需要各种各样的物质享受,需要消费过程中的效用,但是,满足这样基本需要是一般人经过一定努力都能够实现的。

    People living in this world , though need various kinds of material comfort and benefits in the process of consumption , yet he should work hard to achieve it .