
  1. 另外,就目前消费侵权案件层出不穷的B2C领域中消费者知情权的保护单独进行分析和论述。

    In addition , it discusses and analyzes the protection of right to know of consumers in infringement right on consumption ; at present , this kind of problems emerge endlessly in the field of B2C .

  2. 从信息不对称看消费者知情权

    On Correlation between Consumers ' Right to know and the Information Asymmetry

  3. 消费者知情权法律保护研究

    Study on the Legal Protection of the Consumer 's Right to Know

  4. 试析网络时代的消费者知情权

    On the Right to Know of Consumer in the Age of Internet

  5. 浅析消费者知情权保护问题

    An Analysis of the Protection of Consumers'Right to Know

  6. 论消费者知情权的实现

    On the realization of consumer 's right to know

  7. 首先,阐述了经济法保护消费者知情权的总体思路。

    First , discuss the whole idea of the Economic Law protection mode .

  8. 权利冲突与消费者知情权的法律边界

    Right Conflict and the Law Boundary of the Consumer 's Right to Know

  9. 消费者知情权研究

    Study on the Right to Know of Consumers

  10. 网络购物环境下消费者知情权便是其中之一。

    The network shopping environment was one of the consumers ' right to know .

  11. 在实际生活中,侵犯消费者知情权的情况相当普遍。

    In real life , infringe upon the consumers'right to know the situation fairly common .

  12. 然而,关注的焦点却大都集中在城市消费者知情权保护上。

    However , the attention is focused on the right of urban citizens as consumers .

  13. 在第二节中,分析了消费者知情权产生的背景和基础。

    Section ⅱ is about the background and the basis of consumers ' right to know .

  14. 这种消费者知情权保护恶化的原因是多方面的。

    This deterioration in the protection of the right to know of consumer has many reasons .

  15. 第二部分是对现有消费者知情权法律保护制度的分析。

    The second part is analysis on existing legal protection system of consumer 's right to know .

  16. 电子交易中消费者知情权保护探讨

    On the Protection to Rights on Knowing The Inside Story of the Consumer in the Electronic Transaction

  17. 当然,消费者知情权受到侵害,甚至导致生命健康安全受到威胁的事件仍然层出不穷。

    Of course , the incidents of violations of consumers ' right to know are still emerging .

  18. 其次,就是网络购物中消费者知情权所受到的影响。

    Secondly , it is the influence on the consumers ' right to know in cyber shopping .

  19. 第一部分,我国农民消费者知情权的界定。

    The first part is about the current situation of our farmer consumers ' right to know .

  20. 消费者知情权的相关内容也在该法律中有较详细的规定。

    The relevant content of consumers ' right to know also has more detailed provisions in this law .

  21. 消费者知情权保护是法学界长期探讨的问题。

    The protection of the right to know of consumers is being discussed in jurisprudence all the time .

  22. 目前,国外有关消费者知情权的法律保护已经比较成熟。

    At present , the legal protection for consumers ' right to know outside of China is mature .

  23. 我国消费者知情权受侵害原因浅析

    The our country consumer knows what happened the power to be subjected to violate the shallow of reason

  24. 尽管我国法律对消费者知情权作了比较完整的规定,但仍存在一些不足和缺陷。

    Although consumers ' right to know has been regulated comprehensively in some laws , there are still shortcomings and defects .

  25. 网络环境下消费者知情权保护面临的主要问题是产品信息不全、产品信息虚假和虚假广告。

    Under the network environment consumers ' protection problems are products with incomplete information , products information falsehood and false advertising .

  26. 第一章是对消费者知情权和电子商务中消费者知情权基本理论以及背景知识的介绍。

    The first chapter is the overview of consumers ' right to know and consumers ' right to know in E-commerce .

  27. 一些资本市场发达国家金融消费者知情权保护制度为我国金融消费者保护制度提供了有益借鉴。

    Capital markets in developed countries financial consumers ' right protection system provides a useful reference for our financial consumer protection system .

  28. 由此可见,消费者知情权作为消费者的一项基础性权利,直接关系到消费者其他各项权利的实现,所以对消费者知情权的法律保护进行研究具有很强的理论意义和现实意义。

    So , the researching of the legal protection of consumers ' right to know has a strong theoretical and practical significance .

  29. 网络时代的消费者知情权在传统基础上得到了扩展和延伸,并且容易受到侵害。

    The right to know of consumer has been developed from traditional basis and is easily offended in the age of Internet .

  30. 消费者知情权是消费者权利的一项重要内容,是基础性权利。

    Consumers ' right to know , the basic right among all of the consumers ' rights , is the most important one .