
  • 网络desire to consume;Consumption temptation
  1. 一个自然的回应是人们永远不会感到满足:或许广告商们燃起了他们的消费欲望;

    One natural response is that people are never satisfied : perhaps their desire to consume can be inflamed by advertisers ;

  2. 三是消费欲望与观众期待的两难境地。

    Consumer desire with the dilemma of audience expectations .

  3. 饭店和菜肴名称的好坏直接影响饮食者的消费欲望。

    The names of restaurants and dishes will influence directly the consuming desire of eaters .

  4. 一旦到达美国,他的消费欲望立马会膨胀三分之一。

    On arriving in America , his spending power is instantly boosted by a third .

  5. 强烈的消费欲望及热衷消费的人生目标为他们指引着人生方向,并且在某种意义上决定了他们的最终命运。到了其创作的晚期,德莱塞回归到他童年及青年时期憎恨的基督教。

    Their life goal of consuming blazed a way for them and determined their final fate .

  6. 在文字的显性层面上,马克思嘲讽地描述了资本家对待个人消费欲望的变化。

    Literally Marx satirically depicts the capitalist 's change in treating the want of individual consumption .

  7. 经济发展提升了社会的生产能力和消费欲望,人们在不断享受发展带来的物质成果的同时,也承受着环境破坏带来的严重后果。

    While people enjoy the material , they are also take the serious result from environment destroys .

  8. 满足人的消费欲望可以调动人们的积极性,从而使财富不断增加,为此必须实行激励政策。

    The satisfaction of man 's consumption desire can bring his enthusiasm into play thus incentives are needed .

  9. 作品中的一些人为满足消费欲望,一次次地突破道德底线。

    Some characters in the two novels have continually broken the bottom line of morality for satisfying their consumption desires .

  10. 实证结果表明,农村居民有较强的消费欲望,但是收入不足制约了其消费水平。

    The empirical results show that the rural residents have a stronger consumption desire , but insufficient income restricts their consumption .

  11. 为克服这种对未来的信心不足,人们会抑制即期的消费欲望,将钱储蓄起来以备将来不时之需。

    In order to overcome the lack confidence to the future , to save the money for emergency needs in the future .

  12. 第八,江苏农村居民中低收入及以下居民医疗保健消费欲望强烈、消费潜力巨大;

    Eighth , the mid-low and lower classes of country residents have strong appetite for health care , which have their great consumption potential .

  13. 与中国(支撑奢侈品行业的新兴市场)一样,印度不断涌现的新贵也具有强烈的消费欲望。

    As in China , the other emerging market powering the world 's luxury industry , India is bursting with new millionaires eager to spend .

  14. 人类物质消费欲望无止境地增长,造成了人与自然关系的紧张和许多社会的不和谐。

    The increasing desire of human being for material consumption leads to disharmony between man and nature as well as many other disharmonies of society .

  15. 不过,他们也意识到,作为一个未成熟市场先行者所面临的负面风险:本土消费者的消费欲望很高,但他们的购买力却尚显不足。

    But they also discovered the downside of being a first mover in an immature market : local consumers ' aspirations outstripped their spending power .

  16. 消费者产生消费欲望后,由于缺乏途径而得不到相关信息,就无法满足消费欲望,所以广告对拉动消费的作用很明显。

    Consumers desire for consumption , due to lack of means and lack of information , so the role of advertising on consumer pull is obvious .

  17. 那么,唯一看似有道理的假设是,财政赤字是对遭受金融危机打击的私人部门消费欲望瓦解做出的反应。

    The plausible hypothesis , then , is that the fiscal deficits were a response to the collapsing desire to spend of the crisis-hit private sector .

  18. 尽管美国仍然是世界其它地区需要的来源之一,日渐萎靡的消费欲望还是严重拖累了世界经济的增长。

    Though America is still a source of demand for the rest of the world , its waning appetite has been a hefty dragon world economic growth .

  19. 文化生产者在商业利润的驱使下,一味迎合受众消费欲望进行经典戏仿,极易导致戏仿文本沦为只具有感官刺激与商业气息的空洞能指,文化虚无主义也将随之产生。

    Over-driven by commercial benefits and the consumers ' sensation desires , it will be easily reduced to a nonsense signifier and a by-product of cultural nihilism .

  20. 稀缺性是西方主流经济学的一个基本假设,而这个假设又以消费欲望无限为前提。

    Scarcity is one of the fundamental hypothesis of the western mainstream economics , and the hypothesis is based on the precondition of the infinity of consumption desire .

  21. 不受限制的消费欲望在逻辑和现实中必然造成人与自然的对峙,并进而导致环境危机和资源枯竭问题。

    The unlimited consumptive desire will inevitably result in conflicts between human and nature in logic and reality , leading to environmental crisis and exhaustion of natural resources .

  22. 旅游服务人员在促销服务中可运用新奇诱导、名人诱导、利益诱导等方法刺激旅游者的消费欲望,引起消费行为;

    Travel agents can apply oddity induction , celebrity induction , benefit induction and other means to stimulate the tourists ' desire of consumption and thus initiate consumption ;

  23. 我们如何才能让孩子真正掌握诸如金钱的价值、平衡消费欲望与需求以及为未来保障而储蓄等这些抽象概念呢?

    How can we really get children to grasp abstract concepts like the value of money , balancing spending wants and needs , and saving for future security ?

  24. 以抑制消费欲望为特征的节约是抑制奢靡挥霍风气的重要力量,但不能成为普遍的价值观念和行为方式。

    Consumption behavior with the feature of restraining consuming desire is a powerful force to limit extravagant style , but it cannot become the universally accepted thought and behavior .

  25. 第二,除最高收入户外,江苏各收入阶层对家庭设备及服务具有较大的消费欲望,消费潜力巨大;

    Secondly , except for the higher of rural residents , all groups of earnings in Jiangsu have higher consumption desire and greater consumption potential to household facilities and services ;

  26. 对于竭力应对消费欲望萎靡,销售额下降以及棉价上扬的时尚品牌连锁公司来说,能有公爵夫人这样的名人代言无疑是最锐利的促销手段。

    For fashion chains battling against sluggish consumer sentiment , falling sales and a rising cotton price , the endorsement of a celebrity has never been a more powerful sales tool .

  27. 文化产业作为新兴的产业,其在促进经济发展方面有着巨大潜力,而各种文化要素本身就能构成为孵化人类消费欲望的资源,或者说成为人们的现代消费生活的对象。

    Cultural industries as an emerging industry , in promoting economic development has great potential , and various cultural elements in itself can constitute a desire for the incubation of human consumption of resources .

  28. 通过现场表演,增加了就餐的情趣性和观赏性,使顾客产生浓厚的购买兴趣和消费欲望,从而提高了酒店的知名度,产生较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    The performance on spot adds emotional appeal and sight enjoyment to food-taking and makes customers take a great interest in purchase and desire for consumption , thus heightening hotel reputation and producing better economic and social benefit .

  29. 这些心理特征导致了失范行为角色扮演心理、究其本质是技术对人的异化,而网络技术对人的异化,是通过刺激人对信息的消费欲望来实现的。

    The psychological features mentioned above can often lead to anomie whose essence is the alienation of human beings by technology . The alienation of human beings by network technology is achieved by stimulating people 's lust of information consumption .

  30. 这导致了社会人文环境的迅速恶化,使人们丧失个性、丧失自我。在精神上,或沦落街头成为乞丐或屈服于无限膨胀的消费欲望而成为奴隶。

    This has caused fast deterioration of the social humane environment , make people lose the individual character and lose oneself , At spirit , fall low street become beggar or yield to consumption desire that expand limitlessly become slave .