
  • 网络consumption attitude
  1. 本文从心理象征角度出发探讨消费者对汽车的消费态度,并以广东省青壮年消费者为例,进行实证研究。

    So this paper studies automobile consumption attitude from psychological symbol perspective .

  2. 名人广告对粉丝消费态度的影响研究

    Research on the influence of celebrity advertisement to the consumption attitude of the " fans "

  3. 职场Tweens的消费态度及相关因素差异性分析

    Analysis of Consumption Attitudes of Career Tweens and Difference of the Related Factors

  4. 本研究以TAM为基础,建立网络游戏消费态度及行为模型,采用结构方程分析方法,对网络游戏消费态度与意向、信念之间的关系进行实证分析。

    Basing on TAM , this study builds a model of consumers ' attitude and behavior of online games , and analyses the relationships between the consumer attitude , intention and beliefs by SEM .

  5. 网络游戏消费态度及行为的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Consumers ' Attitude and Behavior of Online Games

  6. 他们有很强的购买力和理性的消费态度。

    They have strong purchasing power and rational consumption attitudes .

  7. 研究生的体育消费态度良好,但实际消费水平较低等。

    Postgraduate sports consumer attitudes good , but low levels of actual consumption .

  8. 并且目前对绿色消费态度与行为关系的研究中存在很多不一致的论证。

    And there are many inconsistencies in the argument about the relationships between attitudes and behavior .

  9. 时尚生活追求者与爱慕虚荣型汽车消费态度显著正相关;

    The relationship between faddist and conspicuous attitude on automobile consumption is significant and strongly positive correlation ;

  10. 基于心理象征的汽车消费态度研究

    An Empirical Study on Adult Consumer 's Automobile Consumption Attitude in Guangdong Province from Psychological Symbol Perspective

  11. 前言:通过问卷调查数据分析,总结出抚顺城市老年人总体服装消费态度。

    This essay , summarize the old people 's attitude about clothing by data Investigation and analysis .

  12. 大学生对体育品牌商品的消费态度将影响他们今后进入社会的体育消费。

    The attitudes toward sports brand goods will affect their access to community sports consumption in the future .

  13. 随着中国国际化程度的加强,所有这些新的消费态度正改变着中国的面貌。

    All of these new consumptive attitudes are changing the face of China , as it becomes more global .

  14. 国际市场营销是在跨文化的背景下进行的,文化差异带来了消费态度和消费行为的不同。

    International marketing is operated in transcultural environment , and different cultures bring about different manner and behavior of consumption .

  15. 第二,本文使用学者罗纪宁的生活形态心理原型量表以及自编的汽车消费态度量表组成广东消费者对汽车的消费态度问卷调查。

    Second , a questionnaire survey was carried out , which contains automobile consumption attitude scale and lifestyle scale in Guangdong province .

  16. 根据抽样调查数据,笔者采用因子分析方法对广东省汽车消费态度进行分类,实证结果支持本文理论假设。

    Based on the data , the paper takes use of the factor analysis method to sort the automobile consumption attitudes in Guangdong province . The result supports the theoretical hypothesis .

  17. 收入、教育水平、年龄、家庭生命周期、职业、产品提供的利益、消费态度和顾客品牌忠诚度等成为影响消费者对其进行购买的主要因素。

    And the main factors of infecting purchase behavior are income , level of education , age , life cycle of family , profession , benefit of goods , attitude of consumer , loyalty of customer .

  18. 本研究通过梳理相关文献,建立绿色消费态度的三个成分(绿色消费认知、情感及意向)与绿色消费行为的关系模型。

    By literature review , this paper builds a relationship model between the three components of green consumption attitude which includes the knowledge of green consumption cognition , emotion and intention , and the green consumption .

  19. 在消费态度方面,“屌丝”最看重质量和时尚。只有不到10%的人关注日常所需。这意味着尽管人人自称为“屌丝”,他们都想拥有高品质生活。

    In consumer attitudes , diaosi value quality and fashion the most , while only fewer than 10 percent value necessities , suggesting that though everyone identifies as diaosi , they still want to pursue a high quality of life .

  20. 随着年龄增长,来自婚姻、家庭、工作等方面的压力会使中年以上的消费者消费态度转向谨慎,即使收入在不断增长,信心却不易提升。

    With age increased , the pressure from marriage , family , work , etc. would cause the middle-aged people to be more cautious in the purchasing attitude . Although the income is growing , the confidence is difficult to rise .

  21. 首先,本文从心理象征角度出发,构建心理象征与汽车消费态度关系模型,提出研究假设,并设计可靠与有效的汽车消费态度量表。

    First of all , the author constructs the " psychological symbol and automobile consumption attitude relationship model " from psychological symbol perspective , and describes the development and validation of a short , reliable and valid attitude scale to measure automobile consumption attitude .

  22. 结果表明:目前辽宁省高校大学生对体育消费的态度是积极的,体育消费的目的以“健与美”和“休闲”为主。

    The results show that college students have active attitude on sport consumption .

  23. 在这种刻骨铭心、欲仙欲醉的深刻体验下,人们对体育消费的态度会更加积极,从而更大地促使人们进行体育消费。

    In this unforgettable , drunk with the profound experience of people sports consumption attitude will more actively , to greater people sports consumption .

  24. 结论1.儿童青少年对饮料相关知识有一定的知识储备,但不够深入。女生对饮料消费的态度较好。

    Children and adolescents have certain knowledge of beverage , but not deep enough . The girls ' attitude towards beverage consumption is better . 2 .

  25. 辽宁省大学生对体育劳务消费的态度总体上是积极的,但女生的态度明显比男生更积极;

    The attitude of the consumption on sports of the college students in Liaoning province is good , but female students ' attitude is obviously much more positive than that of the male ;

  26. 第三章从观众心理角度出发,主要研究电影观众对于影院票价设置、预期合适票价、影院、影片选择趋向的消费心理态度特点。

    The third chapter will discuss the psychological characteristics of the film viewers from the perspective of psychology , mainly about their attitudes towards the film tickets , the expected ticket price and their trend in choosing film types and cinemas .

  27. 这些新的消费习惯和态度给社会带来了诸多不同。

    These new consumptive habits and attitudes have created many differences in society .

  28. 摘要内容:随着跆拳道学员消费行为、态度的不断转变,俱乐部经营管理受到市场的冲击与影响,给俱乐部经营理念带来了很大的挑战。

    The changing of attitude and consumption behavior of taekwondo students and the market impact on the club management bring great challenges on the club management idea .

  29. 本文以长沙市的居民为研究对象,研究长沙市居民对旅游消费信贷的态度和行为。

    Firstly , It takes the residents in Changsha as the object of study to make an empirical research on the attitudes and behaviors of the tourism consumption loans and mainly focuses on the attitudes , consumption habits and dependency degree on the financial products of the residents .

  30. 这可能会改变这一代人对消费和储蓄的态度。

    That might reshape attitudes toward spending and saving . '