
  • 网络Consumer rights;consumer's rights
  1. C2C网络购物虽然方便快捷,但也存在商品质量难以保证、消费者权利难以保障、配套服务难以跟上等问题。

    Although C2C online shopping is convenient , but there are also several problems , such as how to ensure the quality of goods , consumer rights , the supporting service .

  2. 中国的消费者权利保护仍然落后于许多其它国家。

    Consumer rights protection in China still lags many other countries .

  3. 本文应用密码学的理论和技术,针对消费者权利保护和拷贝追踪方面存在的问题进行研究,提出了一种基于半可信第三方的交互式数字水印协议(WPSTTP)。

    In this paper , we study the problems in customer 's right protection and copy tracing fields by applying the theories and techniques of modern cryptography , and present a watermarking protocol based on the semi-trusted third party ( WPSTTP ) .

  4. 计算机软件有偿下载的消费者权利保护问题研究

    The Consumer Protection in the Paid Download Procedure of the Softwares

  5. 第一部分对商品房消费者权利进行了一般性研究。

    The first part of commercial property consumer rights makes general research .

  6. 平等视野中的消费者权利研究

    Study of Consumers ' Rights from the Angle of Equality

  7. 格式合同的规制与消费者权利的保护

    Structure of the Form Contract and Protection of the Customers ' Right

  8. 刍议金融监管的重要目标&金融消费者权利保护

    On important target of financial supervision & Protection of consumers ' rights

  9. 消费者权利团体FlyersRights.org在2月说,

    The consumer rights group FlyersRights.org said in late February that

  10. 第五部分是商品房合同违约中的消费者权利救济。

    The fifth part is the commercial contract breach consumer right remedy .

  11. 楼盘命名及消费者权利保护

    Housing Estate Naming and Protection to Consumer 's Rights

  12. “水床效应”既可能会加剧零售市场垄断化趋势,又可能损害消费者权利。

    The waterbed effects not only accelerate monopolization in retailing but also deteriorate consumers'welfare .

  13. 因此,对商品房消费者权利进行保护具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the commodity house consumers ' right protection has the vital significance .

  14. 论消费者权利的两重性

    On Dual Nature of Consumers ' Rights

  15. 其次,对消费者权利的保护也为商标权领域反竞争行为进行法律规制提供了理论基础。

    Secondly , the protection of consumer rights for trademark field also provides theoretical basis .

  16. 消毒餐具收费侵犯消费者权利?

    Charges for Sterilized Tableware Infringe Consumers'Rights ?

  17. 联合国世界消费者权利日

    United Nations World Consumer Rights Day

  18. 消费者权利作为基本权利是社会发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The consumer right as a fundamental right is the result of the development of society .

  19. 也许在你的当地法律会有额外的消费者权利等议题,但你无法变更此授权的内容。

    You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change .

  20. 在这个平行世界,消费者权利获得了法西斯口号的地位。

    In this parallel universe , consumer rights have acquired the status of a fascistic mantra .

  21. 去年,英国消费者权利组织Which?将海尔的一款冰箱评为最值得购买的商品。

    , the UK consumer rights organisation , rated one of Haier 's fridges a best buy .

  22. 他说,警察和俄罗斯消费者权利监督机构应该确保如何遵守这项法律。

    Police and Russia 's consumer rights watchdog should control how the law is observed , he said .

  23. 第四部分是商品房买卖合同履行阶段消费者权利保护。

    The fourth part is contract for the sale of commodity houses to perform the consumers ' right protection .

  24. 因此,有必要进一步从基本权利视角全面分析消费者权利。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make further study about the consumer right from the perception of the fundamental right .

  25. 美国关于商品房消费者权利保护的一些先进制度和措施就是在克服和解决这些问题的过程中,逐渐形成并完善起来的。

    American advanced regulations and measures are formed and perfected gradually in the process of overcoming and solving the above problems .

  26. 内容设计具体如下:第一章:信用消费者权利的形成与法律属性。

    The contents of this paper include : Chapter one : the formation and legal attribution of the credit consumption rights .

  27. 与此同时,中国也正针对从垄断行为到消费者权利等一系列问题进行更广泛的监管打击。

    also comes amid wider regulatory crackdowns in China on a range of issues , from monopolistic behaviour to consumer rights .

  28. 五是完善消费者权利保护体系,借鉴英国、美国、日本、德国的经验,制定《住宅法》等建议,加强对商品房消费者的保护。

    , Japan and German for reference , establish Housing Law etc. so as to strengthen the protection of commodity apartment consumers .

  29. 新矛盾之一就是电子商务合同中格式条款的大肆运用与消费者权利保护的冲突。

    One of these new problems is the conflict between the format clauses abused in contract and the protection of consumer rights .

  30. 本文试图从保护消费者权利角度进行食品安全法律规制问题研究。

    This paper tries to protect consumer rights from the point of view of food safety on the issue of legal regulation .