
  • consumer's evaluation
  1. 其中,QoS监控模型解决了服务提供者虚报QoS属性值问题;目标消费群模型解决了服务消费者评价标准个体差异性的问题。

    QoS monitoring model solved the problem of dishonest QoS provided by the service provider ; target consumer group model solved the problem in objective feedbacks .

  2. 品牌延伸的消费者评价对核心品牌权益的影响研究

    Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions and Their Effects on the Core Brand Equity

  3. 提供消费价值最大体验是消费者评价俱乐部服务质量的一个核心标准。

    Whether to provide a perceived maximal value experience is a core standard for customers to evaluate club 's service quality .

  4. 另外,验证出的因素间的结构关系丰富了现有的品牌延伸的消费者评价的实证研究结果。

    In addition , the relationship among factors enriches the research results in the area of consumer evaluation of brand extension . 5 .

  5. 对于影响品牌延伸的消费者评价的因素,西方学者大多是从单一层面进行分析,研究角度较为分散。

    To the factors influencing consumer evaluation of brand extension , oversea scholars almost study from single level , so the research angle is dispersive .

  6. 啤酒泡沫是决定啤酒质量的重要因素之一,也是消费者评价啤酒质量好坏的第一特征。

    Beer foam is one of the critical factor of determining beer quality and is the first character of estimating the beer quality by the consumer .

  7. 为了帮助用户选择供应商,公司获得评级,由以前的消费者评价,以及任何他们已经采取了备份的工作照片。

    To help users choose providers , companies get ratings and reviews from previous consumers , along with any photos they 've taken to back up that work .

  8. 二是通过编制和数据分析,得到适合服饰奢侈品大学生消费者评价的服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告视觉传达设计实验问卷及量表。

    The second is through questionnaire development and data analysis , getting experiment questionnaire and scale of clothing luxury brand periodical advertisement visual communication design for college student .

  9. 随着电子商务的发展出现了网络口碑,消费者评价等全新的概念,且在一定程度上影响着消费者信任进而影响消费者购买决策。

    With the development of e-commerce a new concept of the network reputation , consumer reviews , and to some extent , affect consumer trust in turn affect consumer purchasing decisions .

  10. 而核心品牌感知质量在消费者评价国产品牌延伸行为起到了决定性的作用,另一方面,品牌联想也显著影响了消费者对品牌延伸行为的评价;

    As the domestic brand , the perceived quality of the core brand is the major variables that influence the appraisal of brand extension directly . And the brand association is also get through the hypothesis .

  11. 与此同时,本论文首次将产品涉入程度理论引入联合品牌消费者评价的研究中,将其作为调节变量放入理论模型中,以探究不同涉入程度的产品,其联合品牌评价的影响因素会有怎样变化。

    This paper will firstly take the product involvement to the research for consumer evaluation on Co-branding , and add the product involvement as a modified variable to the theoretical model for exploring the changing of the Co-branding evaluation with the different product involvement .

  12. 进一步的研究应该关注两个方向,一是影响品牌联盟评价的调节变量和情境变量,二是消费者评价品牌联盟及其参与品牌的心理模式和过程。

    Further research should be concerned about the two directions . The first is the moderator and condition variables that influence the evaluation of brand alliance and the second , is applied psychological model and process by consumers when they are evaluating the brand alliance and participants .

  13. 那么,消费者如何评价B2C网络购物的物流服务质量?企业可以从哪些方面去改进自己的物流服务质量?关于这些问题目前尚无完善的科学研究体系和方法。

    So , how do consumers evaluate the quality of logistics services during B2C online shopping ? In which aspects could online sellers improve their logistics service quality ?

  14. Cavalieri强调,对于一个新的制造市场来说,形成和采纳最佳业务操作方式和教育消费者正确评价和理解这些规程至关重要。

    Cavalieri emphasized to new manufacturing markets the importance of formulating and adapting best business practices and educating consumers on how to measure and understand those procedures .

  15. 在产品服务这一维度上,消费者的评价基本上保持不变。

    Customers ' evaluation is basically remain unchanged on the dimension of product services .

  16. 本论文试图研究在中国市场中的双语消费者如何评价双语品牌名。

    This paper tries to study how bilingual consumers in the China market evaluate bilingual brand names .

  17. 地区形象与消费者产品评价关系研究&以上海和郑州为例

    A Study of the Relation between Regional Image and Consumer Evaluations of Produet : Taking Shanghai and Zhengzhou as Examples

  18. 任务重要性与启发式线索的一致性对网络购物信息环境中的线索与消费者产品评价之间的关系有显著影响,是双处理模型的两个重要的调节变量。

    Task importance and the consistency of heuristic cues has a significant impact upon the relationship between context cues and consumer product evaluations .

  19. 作者进一步证明,消费者的评价可能随引发厌恶的与产品的物理接触的变化而相应改变。

    Furthermore , they show that consumer evaluations may change in response to physical contact with products that elicit even moderate levels of disgust .

  20. 目前有关联合品牌消费者态度评价的研究大多以西方消费者为研究对象,以耐用消费品类的产品检验为主。

    However , at present , the researches on the formation of consumers ' attitudes toward buying co-branded products mainly focus on studying durable goods and western consumers .

  21. 超市便利影响消费者认知评价,仅产品与服务便利因子影响感知产品质量;产品与服务便利、接近便利影响感知服务质量。

    Supermarket Convenience affects the Consumer Cognitive Appraisal , only the Product Service Convenience impact Perceived Product Value ; Product Service Convenience and Approaching Convenience affect Perceived Service Value .

  22. 计划、寻找、买一样东西(从驾车去考察到在网上搜索消费者的评价)是很花时间的。

    It takes time to plan for , research , and acquire a purchase ( from driving around to stores , to surfing the web for consumer reviews ) .

  23. 建立在大众和消费者总体评价和总体印象的企业形象面临随时可能发生的网络负面口碑传播与负面舆情的考验。

    The corporate image built on the overall rating and impression has to face the hard test what is composed of negative internet word of mouth and internet public opinion .

  24. 本研究旨在探讨中国消费者如何评价葡萄酒的十大品牌属性和消费者如何根据自己的生活方式和消费情况,选择最关注的葡萄酒属性。

    This study investigates how Chinese consumers evaluate ten wine brand attributes and specifically tries to find out which brand attributes Chinese consumers mainly value according to their lifestyle and consumption situation .

  25. 消费者品牌延伸评价的机理研究:回顾与展望

    Review of the Mechanism of Consumer Evaluations on Brand Extensions

  26. 消费者品牌联合评价的影响因素研究

    The Study on the Influencing Factors of Consumers ' Evaluation of Co-Branding

  27. 品牌来源国和产品制造国对消费者产品质量评价和购买意愿的影响

    The Effects of Country of Brand and Made-in Country on Product Evaluation and Purchase Intension

  28. 目前,学术界较赞同从消费者角度来评价品牌延伸的有效性。

    Currently , the academic community evaluates the efficiency of brand extension from the Consumer point of view .

  29. 大城市内部消费者商业环境评价与消费区位决策研究&以北京市西城区和海淀区为例

    Evaluation of Commercial Environment and Location Decision of Retail Business in Inner Cities : Evidence from Xicheng and Haidian District of Beijing

  30. 心理机制是品牌延伸评价的关键环节,消费者品牌延伸评价的心理机制运行过程依次为:直接情感转移、简单的分类判断和匹配过程。

    Psychology mechanism is the key part and the process in turn includes : direct emotion transfer , simple category judgment and matching .