
  1. 我们认识到了消费者兴趣,于是就参加了活动。

    We were aware of a consumer interest , and we followed that .

  2. 消费者兴趣已蔓延至美国以外的地区。

    Consumer interest has spread beyond the US .

  3. 效用是表达个人消费者兴趣和偏好的量度。

    Utility is a measure of expression of an individual consumer 's tastes and preferences .

  4. 一方面消费者兴趣下降,一方面又有社交媒体运动“抢走她的钱包(#grabherwallet)”鼓励消费者抵制销售伊万卡?特朗普相关产品的百货商店,该品牌似乎沾上了挥之不去的有毒气息。

    In the wake of dwindling consumer interest and a social media campaign , \# grabherwallet , encouraging shoppers to boycott stores carrying Trump-related products , the brand seemed to have taken on the irremediable whiff of toxicity .

  5. 他们希望消费者有兴趣保留他们的产品,以防仍有价值的东西被扔进垃圾堆。

    They want to make their customers interested in preserving their products and preventing things that still have value from going to the garbage dump .

  6. 3D节目的创作、播放和收看均成本高昂,而要想填满并不算紧凑的节目表,维系消费者的兴趣,将需要多得多的节目。

    Far more programming , which is costly to create , deliver and watch , will be required to fill even modest viewing schedules and sustain interest .

  7. 长期以来,好莱坞和电子产品制造商一直希望在影院之外的家庭娱乐设备、手机和电脑上大规模应用3D技术,但是消费者的兴趣一直不温不火。

    Hollywood and electronics makers have long hoped to see the mass adoption of 3-D beyond the big screen to home entertainment , mobile phones and computers , but consumers interest has been lukewarm .

  8. 到目前为止,玛莎百货(marksandspencer)在上海的巨大新店,似乎并未引起中国购物之都消费者的兴趣。

    So far , the vast new marks and Spencer store in Shanghai seems to be underwhelming consumers in the shopping capital of China .

  9. 如果我们能激发消费者的兴趣,蓝光就能让我们重新实现增长。

    Blu-ray allows us to get back to growth if we can ignite consumer interest .

  10. 我们广告的目的就是吸引尽可能多的消费者的兴趣和注意力。

    The purpose of our advertising is to draw as many as possible customers'interest and attention .

  11. 广告商通过这一信息来了解消费者的兴趣,以便确定广告投放目标。

    They use the information to learn about consumers ' interests in order to target advertising .

  12. 但由于消费者缺乏兴趣,这些公司尚未取得重大进展。

    But the companies haven 't made much headway due to lack of interest from consumers .

  13. 然而在实践中,微软这两种产品既不好用又缺乏吸引力,未能引起消费者的兴趣。

    In practice , however , they were inadequate and uninspiring products that failed to excite consumers .

  14. 它们在技术和时尚方面尤其具有竞争力,与之对应的是,新兴市场消费者的兴趣和生活方式在迅速发生变化。

    They are especially competitive in technology and fashion , where consumer tastes and lifestyles change quickly .

  15. 好的广告翻译可以引起消费者的兴趣,刺激消费者的购买欲,扩大销售市场。

    Good advertisement translation can arouse the potential consumers ' interest , stimulate their buying desire and enlarge the sale market .

  16. 他还表示,屏幕尺寸将更为多样,屏幕分辨率也将提高,这两种趋势有望提升消费者的兴趣,推高平板的售价。

    Shim also sees greater diversity of screen sizes and improved resolution & both trends that could inspire greater consumer interest and loftier selling prices .

  17. 在广告中的这些动词的频繁使用,是基于这样的考虑,激发消费者的兴趣的产品或服务的广告。

    The frequent use of these verbs in advertisements is based on such a consideration ? to inspire consumers'interest in the product or the service advertised .

  18. 合理规划和设计B/S模式的电子商务网站,直接关系到网络销售系统的运行效率,以及消费者的兴趣。

    Rational planning and designing thee-commerce website of B / S mode , concern the operational efficiency of the marketing system of the network , and consumers'interest directly .

  19. 这种暗示性体现在设计创意和画面设计上就是借助人文性的因素针对消费者的兴趣和需求去频繁的刺激,以引起购买的倾向。

    The hint embodiment to go frequent stimulus through factor of humanity to interest and demand of consumer at designing intention , in order to cause the inclination bought .

  20. 尽管获得过如此之多的关注,捕鼠夹的订货量并没有达到预想的规模。玛瑟希望这一奖项能够增进消费者的兴趣,并刺激销量。

    Despite all of this attention , however , the expected demand for the trap had not materialized , Martha hoped that this award might stimulate increased interest and sales .

  21. 豪雅表首席执行官尚克里斯朵夫·巴宾:因为我们知道,越不景气,越难引发人的梦想,越难引起消费者的兴趣,我们理所当然需要更努力。

    JEAN-CHRISTOPH BABIN , TAG HEUER CEO : Because we know that when time [ s ] are tougher , to trigger dreams , to trigger consumer interest , obviously you need to work harder .

  22. 一条好的商业广告能吸引消费者的兴趣,唤醒潜在的购买欲望,促使购买产品的行为发生。

    A piece of good commercial advertisement can attract the consumers ' interest , arouse the consumers ' potential purchase desire , and then make the consumers purchase the products that are introduced in the advertisement .

  23. 较之传统媒体公司,这些公司希望以更低的成本制作内容。它们通过统计分析,识别出消费者感兴趣的话题,然后聘请自由撰稿人,创作相关故事或视频。

    These new digital companies hope to produce content more cheaply than traditional media operations by using statistical analysis to identify topics of interest to consumers and then hiring freelancers to produce relevant stories or videos .

  24. 这与在苹果推出iPhone6之前消费者购买iPhone兴趣飙升形成鲜明对比。

    the contrast with the surge in buying intentions ahead of Apple 's iPhone 6 launch was marked .

  25. 诱人的外形尺寸一直是刺激消费者对DTV兴趣的一个因素,而价格大幅下降对消费者的吸引力更大。

    Tempting dimensions has been to stimulate consumer interest in a DTV , prices fell sharply on consumers greater attraction .

  26. 消费者对TouchPad兴趣缺缺,虽然该产品搭载的WebOS操作系统颇具创新性,但同样缺点多多。

    Consumers showed little interest in the device , which ran on the innovative but flawed WebOS operating system .

  27. 但消费者真正感兴趣的是科技

    But what consumers really want is technology ,

  28. 提供数字货币的时候,越来越多的企业将它包装成为一种可以选择的支付方式,因此消费者会更有兴趣选用。

    As more and more businesses offer it as a payment option , that will drive more consumer interest .

  29. 这是他们也是他们的消费者最感兴趣的事,和最好的从业者最终的奖赏。

    This is in their best interests as well as their customers , and ultimately rewards the best practitioners .

  30. 个别的消费者会感兴趣的只是工业产品而不是支配工业生产的因素。

    What an individual consumer is interested in is just the finished product rather than those factors that control industrial production .