
  1. 品牌营销首先要赋予产品一些新的东西,可以给消费者以联想的空间。

    Brand marketing must first give the product some new things , can give consumers associate the space .

  2. 商标名称又具有一定的文化蕴涵,此蕴涵可以是商家所赋予的,也可以是消费者的联想产生的。

    The same brand name may trigger different associations in customers , depending on their psychology , culture , value tendencies and customs .

  3. 但由于美国消费者对联想的品牌还不是很熟悉,他们可能不愿意在没有亲眼看到产品的情况下购买。

    But since U.S.consumers aren 't terribly familiar with the brand , they may be reluctant to buy without seeing and touching the products before buying .

  4. 这项决定看起来非常不可思议,这只会让消费者对联想的评价下降得更厉害。

    The fact that the company 's decision seems so inconceivable will only make customers " judgments against the company that much harsher . Count that towards the halo tax on Lenovo .

  5. 科特勒和凯勒(2006)提出,品牌资产可以通过消费者的次级联想产生,如原产地、代言人和运动/文化事件等。

    Kotler and Keller ( 2006 ) point out that brand equity can be created by leveraging secondary associations , such as the country of origin , endorsers and sporting / cultural events .

  6. 内涵义则是模糊的和感性的,通过消费者对产品的联想和使用来体现。

    Connotation is ambiguity and emotional , expressed by consumers ' association and usage .

  7. 奥兰多在设计珍奥化妆品“银派”品牌系列包装中,倾力创造引导消费者产生美的联想。

    Olando , in the arm to guide consumers to create the beautiful association in the design of " KINPAL " brand series of packaging from Zhen-Ao Group cosmetics .

  8. 设计者可以针对不同的消费者选择不同的表现风格,形成具有趣味性的表现形式,引起消费者的注意,诱发消费者丰富的联想从而产生好感,排除其他同类商品干扰,最终选择购买。

    Designers can choose variant expressive styles for different consumers and form an interesting expressive style to attract consumers , fascinate them to generate a favor , exclude other rivals ' influence and finally decide to buy the merchandise .