
xiāo fèi zhě quán yì
  • consumers'rights and interests
  1. 加大知识产权保护力度,维护消费者权益&联邦集团起诉专利侵权企业

    Protecting Intellectual Property Rights and Maintaining Consumers'Rights and Interests & Landbond Group charges enterprises infringing its patents

  2. 不同的服务质量水平存在于企业,消费者权益得不到保障基本上和消费者的投诉不断上升。

    Different service quality level exists in enterprises , consumers'rights and interests are not guaranteed basically and consumers'complaints have kept rising .

  3. 把你的收据拿给顾客服务部,他们就会退钱给你.美国是个很重视消费者权益的国家,所以几乎每个商家,都一定会有一个专门的customerservice柜台。

    Bring your receipt to the customer service , and they will refund you .

  4. 2001年我国加入WTO这给我国的消费者权益保护带来了前所未有的挑战。

    All changed greatly . Entry to the WTO has brought the unprecedented challenge to protection of consumers ' rights and interests of our country .

  5. B2C交易中的消费者权益保护问题

    Issues concerning Consumer Protection in B2C E-Commerce

  6. 此消费者权益组织的执行主任迈克尔·雅各布森将类似RubyTuesday's和UnoChicagoGrill等提供“桌上服务”的连锁餐馆作为此次行动的主要目标。

    Michael Jacobson , the group 's executive director , took aim at " table-service " chain restaurants like Ruby Tuesday 's and Uno Chicago Grill .

  7. 要想及时解决这些问题,确保B2C的顺利发展,尽快建立有效的电子商务消费者权益保护体系应属当务之急。

    In order to solve these problems in time to ensure the smooth development of B2C , the establishment of an effective system of consumer protection should be of top priority .

  8. 3·15是“国际消费者权益日”,CCTV-1的3·15晚会不仅是对消费者权益日的热烈庆祝,更是承载对中国经济市场、消费热点的年度盘点。

    March 15 is the annual International Day of Consumers ' Rights and Interests . The March 15 Evening Party held by CCTV-1 is not merely a celebration , but it is also an annual review of China 's economic market and the hot points of consumption .

  9. 入世与我国消费者权益的法律保护

    Entering WTO and legal protection for Chinas Consumers Rights and Interests

  10. 电信消费者权益的保障问题研究

    Study of the Protection of Telecom Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  11. 保险消费者权益保护是一个重要议题。

    The protection of insurance consumer rights is an important topic .

  12. 消费者权益保护法,给消费者提供基本的权利框架;

    Consumer law gives consumers a framework of certain basic rights .

  13. 以人为本至诚服务构建和谐消费环境&民航总局举办3.15消费者权益日主题活动

    CAAC Holds " March 15 " Consumer Rights Day Theme Event

  14. 消费者权益保护存在的问题及立法完善

    The Problem Existing in the Consumer Rights Protection and Legislation Perfection

  15. 联邦贸易委员会具有最广泛的保护消费者权益的职责。

    The Federal Trade Commission has the broadest consumer protection duties .

  16. 论消费者权益保护执法信息公开建设

    On Construction of Information Publicity of Enforcing Law to Consumer Protection

  17. 商品房消费者权益保护研究

    Study on Safeguarding Rights and Interests of Commodity House Consumers

  18. 消费者权益保护的本质

    On the Essence of Protecting Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  19. 而我国金融消费者权益保护还处于空白阶段。

    And our financial consumer protection is still in the blank stage .

  20. 冷却期制度与消费者权益保护

    Term for Calm Consideration and Protection of Consumers ' Rights

  21. 对我国《消费者权益保护法》中的三个问题的比较研究

    On Issues of the Protection Law of the Consumer Rights and Interests

  22. 网上欺诈与消费者权益的法律保护

    Fraud on the Network and Legal Protection of Consumer ′ s Rights

  23. 我国反垄断法对消费者权益的保护研究

    The Study on Consumer Rights Protection from Chinese Anti-monopoly Law

  24. 消费者权益保护并非为二战后特有。

    Consumer protection is by no means unique to the postwar period .

  25. 第三个问题是消费者权益问题。

    The third part is the legitimate rights and interests of consumers .

  26. 论服务责任&以消费者权益保护法为中心

    On Service Liability & Centered on consumer protection law

  27. 论消费者权益的保护

    On the Protection of Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  28. 完善消费者权益保护的救济途径。

    To perfect the brief ways of protecting consumers ' rights and interests .

  29. 本文第三章节为旅游消费者权益保护的比较法研究。

    The third chapter : tourism consumers ' right protection in comparative study .

  30. 消费者权益消协维护

    Consumers ' Rights & Interests to be Safe-guarded by the Consumers ' Association