
  • 网络reputation management
  1. KenWisnefski认为,声誉管理法律的一面只会继续增长。

    Ken Wisnefski thinks the legal side of reputation management is only going to grow .

  2. 基于声誉管理(reputation)的企业竞争是电子商务市场发展的新思路,这有别于利用法律机制来规范电子市场,产生制度信任的理论。

    Business competition based on reputation management becomes the new strategy for business development in e-market . The strategy distinguishes from the theory of leveraging legal mechanisms to regulate electronic markets so as to boost market confidence .

  3. WebiMax提供几种不同的业务,但KenWisnefski表示,声誉管理业务增长最快。

    WebiMax offers several different services , but Ken Wisnefski says reputation management is growing the fastest .

  4. WebiMax的声誉管理业务包括两个方面。

    WebiMax has two sides to its business .

  5. 总部位于伦敦的声誉管理公司RegesterLarkinLtd。的首席执行长格里芬(AndrewGriffin)说,他怀疑新闻集团内部可能直到不久前才把窃听事件定性为“危机”。

    ' I doubt whether it was internally ever called a'crisis'until very recently , 'says Andrew Griffin , chief executive of the London-based reputation-management firm Regester Larkin Ltd.

  6. 论企业管理的崭新阶段&声誉管理

    The Completely New Stage of Management in Firms & Reputation Management

  7. 但对许多企业而言,有关声誉管理战略的讨论恰恰始于此时。

    But for many companies this is precisely when that conversation begins .

  8. 注重声誉管理提高社会效益

    Emphasizing the Management of Reputation and Advancing the Social Effects

  9. 声誉管理:大学发展的新课题

    Reputation Management : A New Topic about University Development

  10. 行业声誉管理是对行业声誉的创建、维护和发扬。

    Industry reputation management aims to create , maintain and raise industry reputation .

  11. 论医院声誉管理的重要意义与对策

    Important significance of hospital reputation management and its countermeasure

  12. 构建企业声誉管理体系的对策研究

    Study of countermeasure in constructing enterprise report system

  13. 加强企业声誉管理的探讨

    Analysis on Strengthening the Enterprises ' Reputation Management

  14. 在国外,企业管理已进入了崭新的阶段&声誉管理。

    Management in the foreign firms has entered the completely new stage - reputation management .

  15. 声誉管理是如何工作的呢?

    How does reputation management work ?

  16. 论行业声誉管理

    On Reputation Management of Industry

  17. 行业声誉管理是必要的,但不同行业对行业声誉管理的需求是有差异的;

    Industry reputation management is necessary , the demand of different industries for reputation management is different .

  18. 深陷危机之中,不是制定一个声誉管理新战略的好时机。

    The middle of a crisis is not a good time to formulate a new strategy for managing your reputation .

  19. 随着大学之间竞争的加剧,大学声誉管理成为大学发展的一个新课题。

    With the intensification competition among universities , the management of the universities ' reputation has been a new topic of university development .

  20. 委托公司进行声誉管理的客户每月可能支付数万美元,也可能少到每年才支付1百美元。

    Clients of companies that manage reputations can pay thousands of dollars a month or as little as a hundred dollars a year .

  21. 在形势大好的时候,声誉管理或许会维持和提升你的品牌;而当出问题的时候,危机管理或许会帮助你挽回一部分声誉损失。

    Reputation management may sustain and promote your brand in good times and crisis management may help salvage some of it when they turn bad .

  22. 在声誉管理和危机管理的区别方面,顾问们称前者为“烟雾警报器”,而后者为“消防队”。

    In distinguishing reputation management from crisis management , advisers call the first " the smoke detector " and the second " the fire department " .

  23. 然而,企业声誉管理最基础,也是最重要的工作是确定企业声誉的评价指标,以及建立这些指标与企业声誉之间的定量关系模型。

    However , the most important and basic job of corporate reputation management is the establishment of evaluation indexes and building the quantitative-evaluated model of corporate reputation .

  24. 而印象管理理论、声誉管理理论和利益相关者理论又从披露内容和披露方式方法上丰富了企业社会责任信息披露的内涵。

    And the impression management theory , reputation management theory and information asymmetry theory and from disclosure content and disclosure enriched methods in corporate social responsibility information revelation connotation .

  25. 声誉管理、信息知识管理和多企业核心业务重组,可以作为电子商务环境不健全的补充和建立长期竞争优势的发展战略。

    Trading partners ' reputations , information and knowledge , and multi - enterprises ' core processes re - engineering are the supplement of unsound condition and management tools for sustained competitive advantages .

  26. 就加强影响力建设提出了三点具体对策。即:在支撑地方经济社会发展中经营影响力,整合校友资源巩固和深化影响力,加强学校声誉管理。

    It also presents three specific proposals on how to strengthen the impact influence construction , that is , to cultivate influence power while supporting the local economic and social development , to integrate alumni resources , consolidate and deepen the impact and to strengthen the management of university reputation .

  27. 声誉风险管理已成为商业银行风险管理的重要组成部分。

    Reputation risk management has become an important part of commercial banks'risk management .

  28. 完善的声誉风险管理组织体系是有效实施声誉风险管理的基本保障。

    Perfected organizational system of managing the reputation risk basically guarantees the effective implementation of managing the reputation risk .

  29. 近年来,各国商业银行在声誉风险管理方面,有成功的经验也有失败的教训。

    In recent years , there are both successful experiences and lessons of failure in international commercial banks'reputation risk management .

  30. 柜面业务操作风险控制不好,将对商业银行的声誉和管理方面带来重大的负面影响,严重制约银行健康有序发展。

    Counter operational risk control bad reputation and management of commercial banks will be a major negative impact severely restricts banks healthy and orderly development .