
wén huà ɡuǎn lǐ
  • cultural management
  1. 响誉世界的知名企业美国通用电气公司(以下简称GE),在它120多年的发展历史中,经历了经验管理、科学管理到文化管理的转变。

    In its development history of more than 120 years , the American world-famous enterprise GE underwent its transition through experience management , scientific management , and has now reached its stage of cultural management .

  2. 结合我国大学内部管理的实际,运用Z理论合理的文化管理理念,对我国大学组织进行管理,为我国大学组织管理提供了一定的借鉴。

    The paper discusses the application of the reasonable cultural management concepts in Theory Z to the administration of organization in higher education institutions in China , providing useful guidelines for university organization and administration in China .

  3. 在中国全面加入WTO的时代背景之下,本文以浙江省永嘉县为个案,对其文化管理的现状进行深入剖析;

    As China is entering WTO , the author attempts a thorough analysis of cultural administration by citing Yongjia , Zhejiang Province as a case for demonstration .

  4. 在上海汽车工业4S跨文化管理框架的指导下,提出了基于共同利益的跨文化管理模式;

    Fourthly , it puts forward the cross-culture management model based on common interest under the guide of 4S cross-culture management framework of Shanghai auto industry ;

  5. 在跨文化管理实践中,可以利用PDCA循环模式对文化差异进行有效诊断,以便于正确管理策略的制定。

    In the practice of cross - cultural management , the PDCA cycle model can be used to diagnose cultural differences so as to formulate sound management strategy .

  6. 面对竞争,跨国公司碰到一个共同的难题&跨文化管理。

    Facing competition , multinational corporations encounter a common problem-cross-cultural management .

  7. 文化管理是基于人的价值观和人的情绪的管理。

    Cultural management is based on people 's values and feeling .

  8. 跨国公司在华企业实施跨文化管理研究

    The Research of Transnational Corporations in Chinese to Implement Cross-cultural Management

  9. 文化管理是中国企业做大做强的必经之路;

    Cultural management is vital to the growth of Chinese enterprises ;

  10. 新经济形势下的外资企业文化管理策略

    The Cultural Management of Foreign Invested Enterprise under New Economic Situation

  11. 企业实行文化管理的转变

    On the Shift of Business Management to Corporate Culture Management

  12. 国有企业实施文化管理研究

    Research on Implementation of Cultural Management in State owned Enterprises

  13. 高校校园网络文化管理刍议

    Discussion on the Management of Campus Network Culture in University

  14. 由此,企业又如何来进行企业文化管理呢?

    And , how corporation again proceed with the corporate culture management ?

  15. 由此,组织文化管理成为组织中非常重要的管理形式。

    Organizational culture management becomes the most important management model .

  16. 信息化环境下图书馆文化管理研究

    Research on the Cultural Management of the Library under the Informatization Environment

  17. 创新文化管理:现代管理的重要内容

    Managing Innovation Cultures : The Important Substance of Modern Management

  18. 制度视角下的企业文化管理研究

    A Management Study on Corporate Culture from an Institutional Perspective

  19. 在生产方面,文化管理部门实行计划生产,并实行了严格的审查制度。

    And the government adopt the planned production and strict censor system .

  20. 社会转型背景下政府文化管理的创新

    The Creation of Governmental Cultural Administration in the Background of Social Transitional Period

  21. 采矿业建立安全文化管理体系的设想

    Considerations on the Establishment of Safety Culture Managing System for the Mining Industry

  22. 企业变革与企业文化管理

    The Organization Change and the Management of Corporate Culture

  23. 中国通信制造企业跨文化管理研究

    Study on Trans-cultural Management in Chinese Telecom Manufacturing Corporation

  24. 文化管理就是以文化作为根本手段进行的管理。

    The culture management is the management looking culture as the basic means .

  25. 跨国公司跨文化管理的本土化策略

    Localization strategy of cross-cultural management in the multinational corporation

  26. 现代公司跨文化管理的模拟研究

    Simulation Research on Modern Corporations ' Multi-cultural Management

  27. 实施人文化管理提高铁路客货市场竞争力

    Carry out the Humane Management Improve the Competition for Markets in Railway and Highway

  28. 国际油气项目跨文化管理

    Cross-Culture Management in Global Oil & Gas Projects

  29. 企业文化管理及其结构模式

    Management by Corporate Culture and Its Structural Mode

  30. 学校文化管理是文化管理在学校管理中的运用。

    Management of school culture is a cultural management in the use of school management .