
  • 网络The Cultural Cold War;culture cold war
  1. 把用在cia上的钱花到打赢文化冷战上是完全正确的。

    Taking money from the CIA to win the Cultural Cold War was perfectly justified .

  2. 同时,鉴于欧洲人民对于美国的偏见,美国也需要通过文化冷战来树立自己的正面形象。

    The U.S. government also needed the cultural cold war to establish its positive image in consideration of the bias from the Europeans .

  3. 论文化冷战与大国文化战略博弈

    On Cultural Cold War and Strategic Game among Power Cultures

  4. 文化博弈是冷战以来国际政治的主要内容之一。

    Cultural antinomies has been the most important contents of international politics after the Cold War .

  5. 媒介垄断与文化渗透:冷战后美国传播霸权研究

    Media Monopoly and Cultural Pervasion : A Study of the U.S. Propagation Hegemony after the Cold War