
  • 网络Social mobility;final
  1. 近年来人们的社会流动性越来越大。

    Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility .

  2. 英国社会流动和儿童贫困委员会表示,家境好的家庭会为孩子提供教育和社交方面的一些优势资源,以防止孩子在社会阶层上下滑。

    The Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission said better-off families managed to provide educational and social advantages to protect their children from slipping down the social scale in Britain .

  3. 支持平等实习机会的英国活动团体InternAware的联合创始人本莱昂斯(BenLyons)坚持认为,无薪实习阻碍了社会流动、不利于招到背景各异的员工。

    Ben Lyons , co-founder of Intern Aware , a UK campaign for fair work placements , insists that unpaid internships impede social mobility and inhibit diverse workforces .

  4. 4月份,英国副首相尼克克莱格(nickclegg)表示,作为改善社会流动性举措的一部分,白厅(whitehall)将禁止非正式的实习生制度。

    In April , Nick Clegg , the UK Deputy Prime Minister , said Whitehall would ban informal internships as part of a drive to improve social mobility .

  5. 社会流动:理想类型与国际经验

    Social Mobility : the Ideal Type and The World 's Experience

  6. 我国目前失业的社会流动阻滞

    On the Unemployment and Reemployment in the View of Social Mobility

  7. 社会流动的加剧,则显示出晚明社会正好处于一个转型时期。

    There was becoming a social change in late Ming Dynasty .

  8. 近代早期英国的大学教育与社会流动

    The Higher Education and the Social Mobility in Early Modern England

  9. 从社会流动层面看高校招生收费

    Observing the Tuition of University on the Basis of Social Flow

  10. 倒U型轨迹与新生代农民工的社会流动&新生代农民工的流动史研究

    Inverted U-shaped Trajectory and the Social Mobility of New Generation Peasant-Workers

  11. 非制度性因素独特地影响着人们的社会流动。

    Non-institutional factors affect normal social mobility in a very typical way .

  12. 学历的提高对他们的社会流动影响最大。

    Improving certification has played an important role in their social mobility .

  13. 留学&近代新的社会流动途径

    Studying Abroad : A New Way of Mobility for the Modern Society

  14. 农民工的社会流动和社会地位的变化

    Social Mobility and Change of Social Status of Migrant Workers

  15. 发达的经济为社会流动提供了更多的机会。

    A strong economy offers greater opportunities for social mobility .

  16. 我国社会流动的现状、特点及政治影响

    On the Current Situation , Characteristics and Political Influence of Social Mobility

  17. 社会流动同一定的社会发展阶段相联系。

    Social mobility is associated with the certain development stages of society .

  18. 中国人口结构性社会流动的类型和意义初探

    Study on the Types and Significance of Population-structured Social Mobility in China

  19. 当前中国社会流动研究管窥

    The study of the social flows of China at present

  20. 东北城市化进程中民族人口的社会流动

    Social Mobility of Minority Population in the Northeast Urbanization Process

  21. 我国社会流动机制:变迁与问题

    Social Mobility Mechanism in China : Vicissitude and Problems

  22. 社会流动机制时社会和谐具有重要的协调功能。

    The mechanism of social movement has important coordination function to social harmony .

  23. 社会流动机制的转变对农村生育率的影响

    The Changes of Social Mobility Mechanism 's Effects on Fertility Rate in Rural

  24. 大规模教育考试控制社会流动功能研究

    Research on Dominant Functions of Social Migrants in Large Scale Unified Educational Assessment

  25. 18世纪英国社会流动分析

    On the Social Mobility in the 18th Century England

  26. 社会流动可以改变人们在社会结构中的位置。

    Social mobility indicates the altering position of people in the social structure .

  27. 很多社会流动就发生在这些新大学中。

    Much of it happens at the new universities .

  28. 徽州商人的社会流动探析

    Probe into the Social Flow of Hui Businessmen

  29. 现代教育与社会流动关系初探

    The Relation Between Modern Education and Social Flow

  30. 性别视角中教育与社会流动的关系摭探

    Study on the Relationships between Education and Social Mobility from the Perspective of Gender