
  1. 新时期社会利益结构的转型

    The Change of Social Interests Structure in the New Era

  2. 中间阶层是社会利益结构中的缓冲层。

    The middle class is a buffer layer in the structure of social interests .

  3. 论新时期中国社会利益结构的变化

    A Discussion about the change of the social interest structure in china at new period

  4. 社会利益结构的失衡严重制约了我国社会活力。

    While the imbalance of social interest , structure restricts seriously the social vigor in our country .

  5. 自进入21世纪以来,经济全球化、信息化的发展导致了社会利益结构也由单一走向了分化,一元走向了多元。

    Since the 21st century , the development of the economic globalization and informatization made the structure of social interests change .

  6. 公共政策的目的在于调整和规范社会利益结构,以促进社会,经济健康,快速发展,从根本上有利于实现最广大人民群众的根本利益。

    Public policy aims at regulating the structure of interests to promote the healthy and rapid development of society and economy .

  7. 分析新时期社会利益结构转型的构成、特点与利益需求是党代表人民利益的必要前提。

    Analysing the composition , characteristics and interests need of changeable social interests structure in the new era is an essential prerequisite .

  8. 当代中国市民社会利益结构失衡的主要表现在经济利益结构失衡、文化教育与社会保障权益结构失衡。

    The imbalance of interest structure mainly reflects on the imbalance structure of economic interests , the imbalance structure of cultural education and social security .

  9. 具体来说,就是:中国社会利益结构的变化,使中国的政治权威结构产生了有意义的变化。

    The following is a more specific exposition : the changes of Chinese social interest structure caused a significant change of the political authority structure .

  10. 随着社会利益结构的不断变化,公务员行为失范的现象不断增多,影响了政府的公众形象。

    With the constant changing of the social value structure , the abnormal action of the civil-servant is increasing which misinterprets the public image of the government .

  11. 首先,经济改革产生开放性经济结构,社会利益结构被分化重组,传播的社会张力形成;

    First , the economic reform produces open economic structure so that the structure of social interests is differentiated and reorganized , the social tension of communication takes shape ;

  12. 文章主要从知识分子的政治认同、政治的宽容程度、社会利益结构的变化和社会经济发展状况四个方面重点分析影响知识分子政治参与的主要因素。

    This paper analyses four major factors influencing intellectual 's political participation . They are intellectual 's political identification , change of social interests structure and development of social economy .

  13. 社会利益结构是和谐社会构建的基础,高校社会捐赠属于公益捐赠,是捐赠者的一种经济社会行为。

    Structure of social benefit is the base of constructing harmonious society . Social donation to universities is the public good and is a kind of economic and social behaviour of donators .

  14. 计划经济时期,在整体性和单一性的社会利益结构下,由于利益及利益结构较少变化,所以利益因素对中国公共政策制定过程也较少影响。

    With the integral and unitary interest structure , the factor of interest has less influence on public policy legislation program of China because of less change of interest and interest structure .

  15. 在阐明当代中国社会利益结构变化的基础上,本文将从三个方面来分析这些变化对中国政治发展的影响。

    On the basis of expounding the changes of the social interest structure in contemporary China , this thesis will analyze the influence of them on the political development of China from three aspects .

  16. 政治体系对社会利益结构状况与变动趋势的认定和整合,直接关系到政治体系自主性、适应性和凝聚性的稳定功能的发挥。

    The recognize to settling with integrate , directly relate to the independence , adaptability of political system with coagulate of condition and change trend that political system is sexual to stable function of social benefits construction develops .

  17. 改革开放以后,中国处于从计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡的转型期,社会利益结构发生了重大变化,呈现出多元性、非均衡性和过渡性等新特点。

    The China shifts from the planned economy to market economy gradually after the reform and openness to outside world . As a result , the interest structure of society changes greatly . It becomes multivariate , non-proportionate and transitional .

  18. 造成当代中国市民社会利益结构失衡的原因主要有:个体先赋性资源占有的差别、多种制度与政策的交互影响、市民社会组织发展不均衡。

    And the major reasons that cause the imbalance of interest structure are : the differences of individual in possession of resources , the interaction of a variety of institution and policies , the uneven development of civil society organizations .

  19. 阐明当代中国社会利益结构变化,并从政治权威结构、政治参与以及政治结构分化这三个方面来分析这些变化对中国政治发展的影响。

    On the base of the change of benefit structure in modern China , this article illustrates the influence of these changes on political development of China from three aspects : political authoritative structure , political participation and political structure change .

  20. 基于以上的认识,本论文从构建社会利益结构的分析模型入手,通过对各利益要素变量的分类整合,选择有形资本和无形资本两个要素,构建了利益结构分析模型。

    Based on the above-mentioned acknowledgements , this article analyzes on the modes of the social interest structure , integrates the variables of various interest elements , chooses two elements of visible capital and invisible capital and builds the analyzing mode of interest structure .

  21. 随着改革开放的深入,经济结构、组织结构、阶层结构的变化,社会利益结构的分化和重组悄然地影响着中国农村社会的变化。

    With the development of the policies of reform and opening to the outside , the change of the structure of economy , organization and social stratum ; the division and reorganization of the structure of social benefits affect the change of Chinese rural society .

  22. 该模型认为,社会利益结构是社会发展动力和社会稳定的一个相容区间,一定时空下的利益结构即是社会发展动力和社会稳定的结果。

    In the mode , social interest structure is some compatible room of the motive force of the social development and social steadiness . It is also believed that the interest structure of the certain times is result of the social development and social steadiness .

  23. 财政政策实施集中体现了政策是在政府操纵下的一种公共行为,能够直接和间接地改变人们的利益结构,引起社会利益结构的变迁和行为的转变,并影响其他经济主体行为的政策选择。

    The implement of financial policy fully embodies policy as a public behavior controlled by the government . It directly or indirectly changes people 's welfare structure so that the social welfare structure and the behaviors are changed and thus affects the policy selection in other principal economic behaviors .

  24. 本文的研究重点是当代中国社会的利益结构变迁。

    The article pays attention to the changes of social structure of contemporary China .

  25. 经过改革开放后几十年的发展,中国社会在利益结构、思想观念、社会结构等方面都发生了较为剧烈的分化,多样化的中国社会已基本形成。

    The development of decades after reform and opening-up , the comparatively violent division have all taken place in such aspects as interests structure and so on , and diversified Chinese societies have already taken shape basically .

  26. 第三,扭曲的社会关系和利益结构及社会的不稳定。

    Thirdly , the social relationships and structures are distorted .

  27. 对于考验,主要存在以下几个方面:全球化加速了社会结构和利益结构的分化,影响政治和社会稳定;

    There are also three main challenges : The globalization accelerated the polarization of social structure and benefit structure , affecting the political and social stability ;

  28. 作者通过一个国有企业的职代会案例,分析了社会利益组织化结构以及在此基础上形成的现实社会参与特征。

    Based on a case study which samples the staff congress of a state - owned enterprise , this paper analyzes the re - organization of social benefit structure and its impact on social participation .

  29. 阶级政治与单位政治&城市社会的利益组织化结构和社会参与

    Class Politics and Unit Politics : Organization and Participation in Urban Society

  30. 基于现存的社会主义市场经济的所有制格局,社会主体之间的利益结构体系的重建成为必然。

    Due to the present ownership structure of the socialist market economic , the reconstruction of the benefit structure system among the social subjects has become certain .