
  • 网络the Crony Capitalism
  1. 由于该行对波音(Boeing)等企业的支持,贬低者们将该行视为裙带资本主义的象征。

    Detractors see the bank as a symbol of crony capitalism because of its support for companies such as Boeing .

  2. 至于俄罗斯,如果没有能源资源带来的收入,弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)招牌式的裙带资本主义早就会破产。

    As for Russia , without the revenue from its energy resources , Vladimir Putin 's brand of crony capitalism would have collapsed long ago .

  3. 处于中间路线的是窃国政治和裙带资本主义国家。

    Somewhere in the middle were kleptocracies and crony capitalist states .

  4. 裙带资本主义与市场经济相去甚远。

    Crony capitalism is very different from the market economy .

  5. 西方经济体也存在自己的裙带资本主义。

    Western economies are afflicted with their own versions of crony capitalism .

  6. 第二个准入壁垒是裙带资本主义。

    The second kind of barrier to entry is that of crony capitalism .

  7. 只有裙带资本主义和社会主义才失败。

    Only thing failing is crony capitalism and socialism .

  8. 相比之下,乌克兰就像在俄罗斯那样,裙带资本主义生根发芽。

    By contrast in Ukraine , as in Russia , crony capitalism took hold .

  9. 各种类型的裙带资本主义有一个共同的特点:喜欢遮遮掩掩,厌恶公开讨论。

    What all forms of cronyism share is a passion for secrecy and a hatred of open discussion .

  10. 印度必须改变报告称之为“裙带资本主义和轻度腐败”的现象。

    The country must move from what the report calls " crony capitalism and petty corruption " to something different .

  11. 支持企业意味着让政客和官员保留经济决策大权,从而滋生裙带资本主义。

    To be pro-business means allowing politicians and officials to retain authority over economic decisions , leading to crony capitalism .

  12. 即使在东亚,裙带资本主义(而非开放的资本账户)被视为导致1997/98年亚洲金融危机的原因。

    Even in East Asia , crony capitalism , and not open capital accounts , was seen as the cause of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis .

  13. 私营部门的运作要依靠政府提供的特权,形成一种只有利于少数人的裙带资本主义,对出口和就业造成破坏。

    The private sector operated by earning privileges from the state , leading to a form of crony capitalism that only helped a few , and undermined exports and jobs .

  14. 报告表示,印度需要成立一个有效的竞争委员会,并强化监管机构的职能,以防范裙带资本主义;同时还要在土地和基础设施项目的分配方面加大透明度。

    It said India needed to develop an effective competition commission and strengthen regulators to prevent crony capitalism as well as foster greater transparency in the allocation of land and infrastructure projects .

  15. 一旦拥有了权力,整个国家机器(以及当时繁荣昌盛的特权阶级和裙带资本主义)会从根本上进入维持现状的状态,无论执政者们表现如何都将一如既往地运作。

    Once achieved , the whole apparatus of state ( and the vested interests and crony capitalism that flourished then ) was essentially wired to maintain the status quo , and do so regardless of performance .

  16. 第二章介绍了道德风险与亚洲金融危机之间的生成关系,而亚洲价值观与裙带资本主义更是将代理人的道德风险推行极致。

    Chapter two introduces the cause-and-effect relationship between moral hazards and the Asian financial turmoil and thinks that the senses of Asian value and crony capitalism have put the moral hazard of agents to the extreme .