
qún dài
  • connected through one's female relatives;band of the skirt;skirt and girdle
裙带 [qún dài]
  • [band of the skirt;skirt and girdle;connected through one's female relatives] 女子束裙裳的腰带,比喻跟妻女姊妹等有关的亲戚关系

裙带[qún dài]
  1. 由于该行对波音(Boeing)等企业的支持,贬低者们将该行视为裙带资本主义的象征。

    Detractors see the bank as a symbol of crony capitalism because of its support for companies such as Boeing .

  2. 至于俄罗斯,如果没有能源资源带来的收入,弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)招牌式的裙带资本主义早就会破产。

    As for Russia , without the revenue from its energy resources , Vladimir Putin 's brand of crony capitalism would have collapsed long ago .

  3. 但它确实暴露了裙带人士过度投资的问题。

    But it did show the problems with overinvestment by cronies .

  4. 处于中间路线的是窃国政治和裙带资本主义国家。

    Somewhere in the middle were kleptocracies and crony capitalist states .

  5. 裙带资本主义与市场经济相去甚远。

    Crony capitalism is very different from the market economy .

  6. 西方经济体也存在自己的裙带资本主义。

    Western economies are afflicted with their own versions of crony capitalism .

  7. “原来还拴在妈妈的裙带上呢。”

    " Still tied to mamma 's apronstrings . "

  8. 第二个准入壁垒是裙带资本主义。

    The second kind of barrier to entry is that of crony capitalism .

  9. 这就是为什么他以裙带主义和任人唯亲而出名。

    That 's why he 's also known for his nepotism and cronyism .

  10. 只有裙带资本主义和社会主义才失败。

    Only thing failing is crony capitalism and socialism .

  11. 相比之下,乌克兰就像在俄罗斯那样,裙带资本主义生根发芽。

    By contrast in Ukraine , as in Russia , crony capitalism took hold .

  12. 他们有不可救药的,到处蔓延的裙带主义。

    He has an incurable and widespread nepotism .

  13. 但不利的一面是裙带效应和厚重的精英体制文化的缺失。

    But the downside is nepotism and the lack of a deep culture of meritocracy .

  14. 偶尔,也有一些对这些裙带主义的抱怨。

    Occasionally there are complaints of favouritism .

  15. 各种类型的裙带资本主义有一个共同的特点:喜欢遮遮掩掩,厌恶公开讨论。

    What all forms of cronyism share is a passion for secrecy and a hatred of open discussion .

  16. 苏哈托家族中存在的裙带主义造成了这个亚洲国家的经济崩溃。

    In Indonesia , the nepotism within the Suharto family caused the economic breakdown of the Asian country .

  17. 印度必须改变报告称之为“裙带资本主义和轻度腐败”的现象。

    The country must move from what the report calls " crony capitalism and petty corruption " to something different .

  18. 支持企业意味着让政客和官员保留经济决策大权,从而滋生裙带资本主义。

    To be pro-business means allowing politicians and officials to retain authority over economic decisions , leading to crony capitalism .

  19. 以此,希腊激进左翼联盟将使希腊回到过去失败了的裙带主义,并鼓舞各地反紧缩的政党。

    On this account Syriza would return Greece to the failed clientelism of the past and embolden anti-austerity parties everywhere .

  20. 其包括责任范围、责任承担者和负联带责任者、责任保障机制三个方面。其难点,一是存在权力、人治、人情和裙带四道难关;

    It includes three parts : the range of responsibility , the person being responsible for joint liability , the System of responsibility guaranty .

  21. 即使在东亚,裙带资本主义(而非开放的资本账户)被视为导致1997/98年亚洲金融危机的原因。

    Even in East Asia , crony capitalism , and not open capital accounts , was seen as the cause of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis .

  22. 这个词概括了一大堆坏现像,如娶两个老婆,醉生梦死,办事先要钱,搞裙带风等等。

    Such a phrase covered a multitude of sins-having two wives , taking life easy , getting paid before doing a service , putting relatives in high office .

  23. 对于这种有趣的现象,研究人员推测,在人的潜意识里存在着“生物裙带”的关系,这种关系常与个体的家庭环境密切相关。

    For this interesting phenomenon , the researchers speculated that , in the subconsciousness exist " biological cronies " relationship that often and individual family environment are closely related .

  24. 私营部门的运作要依靠政府提供的特权,形成一种只有利于少数人的裙带资本主义,对出口和就业造成破坏。

    The private sector operated by earning privileges from the state , leading to a form of crony capitalism that only helped a few , and undermined exports and jobs .

  25. 然而,把承担着全国水果、坚果和蔬菜产量一半的加州农民,形容成吞噬水资源的裙带资本家,也许是有失公允的。

    Still , casting California farmers - who produce about half of the nation 's fruits , nuts and vegetables - as crony capitalist water gluttons may not be entirely fair .

  26. 报告表示,印度需要成立一个有效的竞争委员会,并强化监管机构的职能,以防范裙带资本主义;同时还要在土地和基础设施项目的分配方面加大透明度。

    It said India needed to develop an effective competition commission and strengthen regulators to prevent crony capitalism as well as foster greater transparency in the allocation of land and infrastructure projects .

  27. 最近几个月,通货膨胀、断电以及针对谢里夫家族的裙带和腐败指控伊姆兰·汗有力地提出了相关指控似乎引起了民众的共鸣。

    Inflation , power failures and allegations of nepotism and corruption against the Sharif family forcefully articulated by Mr. Khan seem to have struck a chord with the public in recent months .

  28. 与此同时,它在加强省级机构(议会)的地位,在多数地区,这些机构早应被地区政府所取代,却成为裙带主义和党派庇护的工具。

    At the same time it is strengthening provincial institutions ( diputaciones ) that in most areas should have been superseded by regional government but instead became vehicles for clientelism and party patronage .

  29. 其一是一连串的丑闻,包括多宗裙带案件,这些让社民党看起来变得傲慢自大,太过于习惯拿取政府津贴。

    One is a string of scandals , including several cases of nepotism , that have made the Social Democrats seem a party that has grown arrogant and too accustomed to the perks of government .

  30. 一旦拥有了权力,整个国家机器(以及当时繁荣昌盛的特权阶级和裙带资本主义)会从根本上进入维持现状的状态,无论执政者们表现如何都将一如既往地运作。

    Once achieved , the whole apparatus of state ( and the vested interests and crony capitalism that flourished then ) was essentially wired to maintain the status quo , and do so regardless of performance .