
  • 网络Ogaden
  1. 他们坚称,他们在欧加登地区是为了调查一家瑞典石油公司的做法。

    The pair maintain they were in the Ogaden to investigate the activities of a Swedish oil firm .

  2. 欧加登战争全面爆发后不久美国便拒绝了之前对索马里的武器承诺,采取中立和武器禁运政策。

    Soon after the beginning of Ogaden War America rejected the recent promise of arms to Somalia and adopted neutral policy and arms rebuff .

  3. 埃塞俄比亚人并不控制欧加登,而且我们已经警告过中国人,我们不会允许他们在那里钻探。他们未经我们允许就想拿走我们的财富。

    The Ethiopians do not control the Ogaden and we have warned the Chinese that we will not allow them to drill there . They want our wealth without our consent , he said by phone .