
  • 网络Eurogroup;Eurogroupe;Euro Group
  1. 但就像欧元集团和IMF所主张的那样,逆转此类改革将是一个巨大错误。

    But backtracking on such reforms would indeed be a huge mistake , as the eurogroup and IMF argue .

  2. IMF和欧元集团更希望希腊进一步下调养老金并改革增值税。

    The IMF and Eurogroup would prefer Greece to take a further chunk out of pensions and reform value added tax .

  3. 在新闻发布会上,拉加德只愿表示,欧元集团期待IMF做出巨大贡献。

    At the press conference Ms Lagarde would say only that the eurogroup expects the IMF to make a significant contribution .

  4. 卢森堡首相、欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)应该让失衡问题成为其议程的决定性议题,同时提出具有约束力的政策。

    Jean-Claude Juncker , the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and chairman of the Eurogroup , should make imbalances the defining issue of his agenda and propose binding policies .

  5. 与此同时,希腊系统性地试图削弱并拖延调整措施,寄望于国际货币基金组织(imf)和欧元集团(eurogroup)为了避免希腊退出导致的“金融瘟疫”而最终做出让步。

    At the same time , Greece systematically tried to water down and postpone the adjustment measures , expecting the International Monetary Fund and Eurogroup ultimately to give in to avoid the financial contagion that would result from a Greek exit .

  6. 当我听到欧元集团主席让-克劳德容克(jean-claudejuncker)谈论说,这是一场针对欧元的有组织的全球性攻击时,我意识到改革计划可能已经完蛋了。

    When I heard Jean-Claude Juncker , the president of the Eurogroup of finance ministers , talk about a globally organised attack on the euro , I realised that the game was probably up .

  7. 但欧元集团财政部长们尚未被说服。

    Yet the euro group of finance ministers is not convinced .

  8. 欧元集团的官员表示,上述三人可能会前往北京讨论这个问题。

    Eurogroup officials say the three men may travel to Beijing to discuss .

  9. 欧元集团声明道,这意味着成本可能达到1000亿欧元。

    The eurogroup statement said that meant the cost could reach euro 100 billion .

  10. 欧元集团本可以自然而然地成为一家协调欧元区成员国财政刺激计划的机构。

    The eurogroup would have been the natural place to co-ordinate fiscal stimulus packages among eurozone member states .

  11. 最近欧元集团在一项计划中决定对一些国家的债券豁免这种排序,就是认识并解决了这个问题。

    This was recognised and addressed in the recent Eurogroup decision exempting from subordination the bonds of countries in a programme .

  12. 他与欧元集团主席容克的会谈期望通过117亿欧元削减该国的支出。

    His talks with Eurogroup chair Jean-Claude Junker come amid plans to cut spending in the country by some 11.7-billion euros .

  13. 同样,无论欧元集团此前在玩何种游戏,它也许现在只想结束这种挫败感。

    Similarly , whatever game the eurogroup may have been playing , it may now just want an end to the frustration .

  14. 27位财政部长是次于以让·克洛德·容克为主席的17强欧元集团。

    Gatherings of the27 finance ministers ( Ecofin ) are secondary to the17-strong Eurogroup , which has its own president , Jean-Claude Juncker .

  15. 希腊总理萨马拉斯已经结束了与欧元集团负责人们的会谈,他表示自己国家的经济正逐步趋于稳定。

    Greek Prime Minister antonis Samaras has wrapped up meetings with the head of Eurogroup , saying his country is moving toward economic stability .

  16. 在欧元集团中,我们需要与19名财长合作,19名财长有19个要求,他说,我们需要达成一项共同决定。

    In the Eurogroup we have to work with 19 ministers who have 19 mandates , he said , and we have to reach a joint decision .

  17. 欧元集团主席容克这个星期在布鲁塞尔的讲话中说,欧洲和美国之间关于金融危机的讨论和协调是不可或缺的。

    In remarks in Brussels this week , Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Junker said discussion and coordination between Europe and the United States on the financial crisis was indispensable .

  18. 因为这些债务不用于交易,那它们将用不着接受评级机构的评级,其利率可以由欧元集团财长们在一个可持续的基础上决定。

    Since it was not traded , this debt would be ringfenced from rating agencies , and its interest rate could be decided on a sustainable basis by Eurogroup finance ministers .

  19. 会后,欧元集团主席让克劳德容克说,塞浦路斯和芬兰财长内采取了由财政调整来实现的期限一切必要措施。

    Speaking after the meeting , Eurogroup chairman Jean Claude Juncker said Cyprus and Finland have taken all necessary measures within the deadlines set out by ECOFIN to achieve fiscal adjustment .

  20. 荷兰财长杰伦·迪塞尔布洛姆被任命为新任欧元集团主席,接替卢森堡首相让·克洛德·容克,容克在过去八年来领导着欧元集团。

    Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem has been tapped to chair the eurozone , taking over from Luxembourg 's Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker , who has headed the group the last eight years .

  21. 欧元集团还决定将之前由希腊控制的109亿欧元的债券注入一项救援基金,只有在欧洲央行的要求下,该基金才会发放资金。

    The Eurogroup also decided to put € 10.9 billion in bonds , previously controlled by Greece , into a rescue fund that can dispense money only at the request of the European Central Bank .

  22. 如果欧元集团是认真地要与希腊达成一项妥协,不仅能实现削减赤字的目标,同时又有政治可行性,就必须认真考虑上述的发现。

    If the Eurogroup is serious about reaching a deal with Greece that not only addresses the objective of deficit reduction but would also be politically viable , it should take these findings to heart .

  23. 尽管委员会表达了对意大利银行业体系的信心,但特雷蒙蒂定于今日前往卢森堡,与欧元区财长集团轮值主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)会面,讨论不断升级的危机。

    While the committee expressed confidence in the Italian banking system , Mr Tremonti is due to meet Jean-Claude Juncker , head of the group of eurozone finance ministers , in Luxembourg today to discuss the burgeoning crisis .

  24. 2008年,德银在亚洲的收入为20亿欧元,占集团总收入的18%。

    Deutsche Bank reported regional revenues of 2bn in 2008 , or 18 per cent of the group total .

  25. 由欧元区各国财长组成的欧元集团(EuroGroup),也必须为此努力。

    The euro group , comprising eurozone finance ministers , must push for this too .

  26. 欧元区各国财长组成的欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)抱怨美元走弱以及人民币低估。

    Jean-Claude Juncker , chairman of the group of eurozone finance ministers , complained about the weakness of the dollar and the undervaluation of the Chinese renminbi .

  27. 应从欧盟委员会中挑选一位高级成员,出任泛欧财政部长。此人将负责制定欧元区经济政策,并主持欧元集团的定期会议&而不仅仅是一年举办两三次峰会。

    A senior member of the commission should now be appointed as a Europe-wide finance minister , who in turn will lead eurozone economic policy and chair regular sessions of the eurogroup – not just a couple of summits a year .