
  • 网络European and American markets;European American Market
  1. 目前正积极准备通过美国FDA的CGMP认证,开拓欧美市场。

    The company is now actively preparing for getting approved by FDA and to market in the US and Europe .

  2. 柳传志称,联想收购的IBMPC业务,在欧美市场都是一些大的商业客户,在金融危机中,这些公司首当其冲受到了冲击。

    Liu Chuanzhi says , associate bought IBM PC business , in Euramerican market it is a few big business clients , in financial crisis , these company be the first to be affected got pound .

  3. 因此,对于中低端功率级别的电子装置而言,除需满足市场尤其是欧美市场的要求以外,还要符合IEC所制定的关于功率因数的标准。

    Therefore , for the low-end power level electronic devices , not only to meet the requirements of European and American markets , but also meet the power factor specifications developed by the IEC standard .

  4. 我们专业生产广告彩·儿童颜料·画材·DIY益智产品,产品远销欧美市场并深受市场的欢迎。

    We specialized in the production poster child paint painting materials DIY puzzle products , products are exported to Europe and the United States market and was well received by the market .

  5. 他表示,qdii基金管理公司应该挖掘欧美市场的投资机遇,因为这些市场受中国市场进展的影响相对较小。

    QDII fund managers should explore the investment opportunities in the US and European markets as these markets are relatively less affected by the developments in the Chinese market , he says .

  6. 同时IDC数据显示,2005年中国整体软件外包收入的60.1%来自于日本客户;其次才是欧美市场,为20.4%。

    At the same time , IDC data show that in 2005 60.1 % of the over all Chinese software outsourcing revenue was from Japan customers , followed by the European and American markets , for 20.4 % .

  7. 等到日本厂商试图赶上这股智能手机潮流时(第一批运行谷歌安卓(Android)操作系统的日本品牌智能手机2010年才在日本国内市场推出),,三星已经在欧美市场推出了众多机型。

    By the time Japanese manufacturers jumped on the trend - the first Japanese smartphones running Google Inc. 's Android operating system appeared in the domestic market in 2010 - Samsung was already flooding the Europe and the U.S. with a wide range of models .

  8. 上周,当欧美市场都在享受假期的平静之时,奇瑞却与戴姆勒克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)成立了一家合资公司,将首次把中国产小型轿车带入美国。

    Last week , as the US and Europe were caught in the holiday doldrums , Chery struck a joint venture with DaimlerChrysler that will bring Chinese-made small cars to the US for the first time .

  9. 在美国和欧洲,索尼没办法说服运营商、运输经营企业和其他公司采用FeliCa,因为欧美市场使用的是不同类型的非接触式支付技术。

    In the US and Europe , Sony was unable to convince carriers , transport operators and others to adopt FeliCa since those markets used differing types of contactless pay technology .

  10. 中国贸易如何直接进入欧美市场

    How China 's Trade Directly Enters European and American Market

  11. 把产品价格与欧美市场接轨

    Gear the prices of the products to the European and American markets

  12. 汽车产品进入欧美市场的认证要求及程序

    Requirements and Procedures for Automobiles Entering European and American Markets

  13. 乳化剂产品在欧美市场的应用

    Application of emulsifier products in European and the US markets

  14. 主要欧美市场,服装与家用产品。

    Mainly for usa and euro market , items of garments and houseware .

  15. 目前移动视频业务在日本和韩国发展较快,领先于欧美市场。

    Now Korea and Japan are leading the development trend in the world .

  16. 以不断创新的精神和卓尔不群的品质,在欧美市场久享盛誉。

    And with the innovation and differentiate quality , it enjoys long reputation .

  17. 欧美市场欢迎竖立式软塑袋

    Erect Soft-plastic Pouch is Welcome in Eur-American Markets

  18. 产品远销欧美市场,深受客户青眯。

    The products are sold to occident market and received the admiration from consumers .

  19. 这种信心低迷在欧美市场的下滑趋势中表现得非常明显。

    And that gloomy sentiment is evident in the downward trend in European trade .

  20. 游轮公司在欧美市场不得不通过降价来吸引消费者。

    Cruise companies have had to lower prices to entice customers in such those markets .

  21. 这是目前世界最大的一次成型浴缸,主要面向欧美市场设计。

    This is the largest bathtub in the world designed mainly for Euro American market .

  22. 本厂生产衣物均达到出口欧美市场质量,环保及安全的标准;

    Our products have all achieved the European standards of quality , environmental protection and security .

  23. “荣文”则全力开发高档产品,以打开欧美市场。

    " Wing Man " is full development of high-end products , to open European markets .

  24. 因此,必须提高出口到欧美市场的木质家具档次。

    So it is necessary to improve the quality of wood furniture to European Union and North America .

  25. 对欧美市场出口下降较多,对新兴市场出口平稳增长。

    Export to European and American markets witnessed a great drop while emerging markets enjoyed a steady increase .

  26. 产品已批量配套于国内整流器生产厂家,并远销欧美市场。

    Our products are sold well not only in the domestic market but also in Europe and North America .

  27. 这些银行是否有可能会尝试将其从本土市场习得的经验用于向欧美市场拓展呢?

    Might these banks try to apply the lessons from their home markets to expand in America or Europe ?

  28. 但该报告发现,由于存在公司治理缺陷,亚洲地区依然落后于欧美市场。

    But the report found the region still lagged behind markets in the US and Europe because of governance shortcomings .

  29. 大陆的特色民间工艺品在东南亚与欧美市场很受欢迎。

    The mainland of the characteristics of folk handicrafts in Southeast Asia , European and American markets are very popular .

  30. 《李小龙传奇》:第一部以民族文化求欧美市场的中国电视剧

    The Legend of Bruce Lee : the First Chinese TV Play to Find the European and American Market by National Culture