
  • 网络European Defence Community
  1. 尤其是在欧洲防务共同体计划失败后,它们更加意识到了保护本国利益和防止被大国控制的迫切性。

    Especially after the failure of the European Defence Community plan , they are more aware of the importance of protecting their own interests and preventing controlling by big powers .

  2. 第二部分着重论述的是艾森豪威尔政府对欧洲防务共同体的政策。

    The second part is focused on the Eisenhower Administration 's foreign policy to the European Defense Community .

  3. 在此部分首先谈到欧洲防务共同体失败后对莫内理念的一定影响,然后在分析其变化的原因。

    In this section , we have realized the impact of the failure of the EDC and analyzed the reasons of evolvement .

  4. 冷战初期美国建立西太平洋集体防务体系原因探析五十年代初期西欧联合的再探讨&从欧洲煤钢共同体的成功和欧洲防务共同体的失败看西欧联合

    An Analysis of the Reasons for the Establishment of the Western Pacific Collective Defense System by the United States During the Cold War The European Integration in Early 1950 's Revisited : Probing the European Integration By a Comparison Between ECSC and EDC