
liàng diǎn
  • Highlights;bright points;sparkle;brightened dot;luminous point;exploring spot
亮点[liàng diǎn]
  1. 新会计准则的颁布把公允价值计量重新引入了会计实务,公允价值观成为新准则体系中的一个亮点。

    New accountant criterion promulgation measures value just and sound having led into accounting practice again , outlook on values just and sound becomes a brightened dot in new criterion system .

  2. 一个日渐强盛的中国,将是世界瞩目的经济亮点。

    China will be brightened dot of economy in the world .

  3. 这场演出缺少亮点。

    The performance lacked sparkle .

  4. 这个表演有一些亮点——尤其是演员阵容特别强大。

    This show has several strengths — notably a strong cast .

  5. 尽管那部电影不乏亮点,但我还是觉得它过于敷衍了事。

    Despite the film 's merits I felt it was too pat .

  6. 以新乐队为主打是这次演出的一个亮点。

    Featuring new bands gives the show an edge

  7. 这个计划的亮点是选民们动议的定期举行公民投票。

    The centrepiece of the plan is the idea of regular referendums , initiated by voters .

  8. 在接下来的6到12个月中,出口也许是经济中的唯一亮点。

    Exports may be the only strong point in the economy over the next six to 12 months

  9. 它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。

    It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework

  10. 好广告能让人们相信产品的亮点。

    A good commercial convinces people of the attractive features of a product .

  11. 电视塔是这座城市的亮点。

    The TV Tower is a bright spot in the city .

  12. 勤奋是她身上最大的亮点。

    Being diligent is her best merit .

  13. 这个休假季中,梅西相对的亮点在于其线上销售渠道,该领域的销售額增长达到了两位数,而实际订单也增长了25%。

    One   relative   bright   spot   for   Macy 's   during   the   holiday   season   was   the   online   channel ,   where   it rang   up   " double-digit "   increases   in   sales   and   a   25 %   increase   in   the   number   of   orders   it   filled .

  14. 为期一周的庆祝活动中包含一场激动人心的番茄大战,那将是本周活动的亮点。

    A week-long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week 's events .

  15. 其他项目亮点频出乒乓球女单8级决赛,中国选手茅经典和黄文娟打成3比1,分获冠亚军,茅经典实现了该项目三连冠。

    During the women 's singles class 8 table tennis final , China 's Mao Jingdian won 3-1 against her teammate Huang Wenjuan , dominating the event with her third straight gold medals .

  16. 合作学习(cooperativelearning)是新课程改革中的一个亮点。

    Cooperative learning is a bright spot in the the new curriculum reform .

  17. 近年来,服务业FDI逐渐超过制造业FDI成为中国引资新的亮点。

    In recent years , FDI in service industry has gradually exceeded manufacturing FDI in attracting foreign capital .

  18. 基于PC的虚拟仪器是现代电子技术在高等教育实验中最新的亮点。

    A kind of virtual instrument , based on PC-System , is the newest " bright spot " in higher education experiments .

  19. 在ITOWorld(ITOWorld.com)可视化地图里,每个亮点都是大家在2009年编辑的,这形成了公开街道地图。

    Each flash on this visualization put together by ITO World shows an edit in 2009 made to the open street map .

  20. 合作学习(cooperativelearning),是学生分工合作去共同完成学习任务的一种学习方式,是新课程改革中的一个亮点。

    Cooperative learning , is the student work to complete the task of learning together in a learning mode , the new curriculum reform is a bright spot in the .

  21. MSTP新技术亮点&内嵌RPR

    The MSTP new technology luminescent spot & embed RPR

  22. 激光共聚焦显微镜显示,感染重组PML病毒的膀胱肿瘤细胞胞核内有散在的斑点样的绿色荧光亮点。

    Laser confocal microscopy showed speck dots fluorescence in the PML / UM-UC-2 nucleus .

  23. 机构投资者再度热衷于银行参与贷款、盟约亮点公司债券、具有国外背景的资产担保证券(asset-backedsecurity)以及各种形式的商业房地产。

    Institutional investors are keen again on bank loan participations , covenant-light corporate debt , exotic asset-backed securities , and all manner of commercial real estate .

  24. 我已经对Thrive进行了大约一周的测试,发现它有亮点,也有一些问题。

    I 've been testing the Thrive for about a week , and found it to be a mixed bag .

  25. 其中的一些亮点包括默认开启JIT和一个全面修正过的编译器及解析器。

    Some of the highlights of the release are the JIT that 's now on by default and an overhauled compiler and parser .

  26. 系统采用Browser/Server架构,对传统上采用Client/Server架构的化工仿真培训系统来说,这一架构更符合当前的计算机和网络技术发展趋势,也是本系统的亮点。

    The highlight of the Training System is the Browser / Server Architecture that fit for the present computer technology and network system , compared with the Traditional Training System of the Client / Server Architecture .

  27. 对消磁结构与日冕X-射线亮点相关的间接证据已为Harvey给出。

    The indirect evidence of the correlation between cancelling magnetic features and coronal X-ray bright points has been found by Harvey .

  28. 但是,也有亮点:政府及家庭消费表现活跃,相比过去十年的平均贡献率只有41.6%,今年第一季度政府及家庭消费对GDP的贡献率达到了76%。

    But there was one bright spot : spending by households and government proved resilient , contributing to 76 % of GDP – up from an average of 41.6 % during the past decade .

  29. 当前,随着应用系统越来越庞大、功能越来越复杂及嵌入式技术自身的发展,嵌入式控制正逐步向32位处理器过度,ARM是其中一大亮点。

    Presently , along with the application system become more and more complex and the development of embedded technology , the embedded control is approaching 32-bits microprocessor gradually , ARM microprocessor is the lead accredited in this field .

  30. 客户机JAX-RPC的亮点之一就在于它能把上下文信息和端点的远程方法调用关联起来。

    One of the beauties of JAX-RPC for the client is its ability to associate context information with an endpoint 's remote method call .