
  1. 这些花会给整个夏天增添一片亮丽的色彩。

    These flowers will give a splash of colour throughout the summer .

  2. 他总爱用亮丽的色彩。

    Bright colours are his signature .

  3. 我喜欢亮丽的色彩:红色或紫色是我最喜欢的颜色。

    I like strong colors : red or purple are my favorites .

  4. 广告将有漂亮的男人和女人,亮丽的色彩和流行音乐。

    Ads will feature attractive men and women , bright colors and hip music .

  5. 它们亮丽的色彩与简洁的造型,经典而时尚,又不乏趣味。

    Their bright colors and concise images are classic and stylish , but never boring .

  6. 而且它们刚刚齐腰,有很多亮丽的色彩可供选择。

    They stop just above the waist , and were seen in a multitude of bright colors .

  7. 人们那么喜欢它是因为它亮丽的色彩、惊人的光芒和褶皱的花瓣。

    The tulip became so popular because of its bright colours , dramatic fames and frilly petals .

  8. 他不太注重色彩,而是把那些亮丽的色彩与米黄色、白色的衣物搭配到了一起。

    Not going too overboard with color , he teamed these bright colors with beige and white items .

  9. 在破破烂烂的铁门后面,他们给了这栋小楼亮丽的色彩,把它叫作“治愈非洲”。

    they built it again , low brightly painted buildings behind battered metal gates , and called it HEAL Africa .

  10. 以基督教题材、亮丽的色彩、的垂直线条为特点的绘画风格。流行于12至16世纪。

    A style that emphasizes Christian imagery , brilliant color , and strong verticality in composition . ( 12th – 16th century )

  11. 画面亮丽的色彩,如音符般的轻重、高低、疏密,笔触错落有致,加上独特的肌理技术,丰富了画作的表现力。

    The expressiveness of her paintings is enforced by the melodious use of bright colors , rhythmical application of brush strokes and the unique technique of texture .

  12. 我燃烧的心窝中感受到世间难觅的真诚的爱,天使降临我的生活,你优美丰蕴的心灵充满那么多亮丽的色彩和纯真的诗,那么多甜美的欢笑和真诚的祝福。

    An angel flies into my life ! Your refined heart is brimmed with many brilliant colors and pure poems as well as many sweet joys and sincere blessings .

  13. 《花果图》同时表现西方油画重视构图、色彩、空间、光暗表现。关良把油彩层层叠叠产生强烈质感的用色技法应用于中国水墨,以鲜明亮丽的色彩表现物象。

    His bright and strong colors depict the pink peach-blossoms , green elegant vase and fresh fruits , applied with consistent layering of paint to attain an impressive feel .

  14. 呈现出浑厚、亮丽的色彩,富有很强的立体感,在绣业中独树一帜,具有很高的艺术价值,极富艺术研究意义。

    Showing a vigorous , bright colors , the very strong three-dimensional feeling , in the embroidery industry is unique , with a very high artistic value , highly artistic research significance .

  15. 其亮丽的条纹色彩,兼具了安全及美观双重之效果。

    Its bright stripe design provides both safety and aesthetics .

  16. 家乡的风景就是不经人意的,不过,有了人们的参与,家乡每到风景都会镶上“亮丽”的色彩!

    Home landscape is not desirable , but , with the participation of people , each home will be bordered to the landscape ," bright " color !

  17. 本季裸色时尚秀趋势是使人青春亮丽,就像“造型美”和金·卡戴珊小姐妹肯达尔·詹娜一样,为指甲泼洒上霓虹灯般亮丽的色彩。

    Rejuvenate this season 's nude runway trends like modeling beauty and Kim Kardashian 's little sis Kendall Jenner with a splash of neon color .