
  1. 这也是他总结的亮剑精神所在。

    This was his summing up the spirit of the Liang Jian .

  2. 亮剑精神就是我们这只军队的军魂!

    Liang Jian spirit is the soul of our armed forces this !

  3. 第四部分,高校亮剑精神培育的实施途径。

    Chapter four illustrates some detailed channels and methods for the cultivation of the spirit of " shining sword " in higher learning institutions .

  4. 东部、北部区域七大板块各执一把长剑,发扬亮剑精神,剑锋所至,所向披靡。

    Eastern and northern regions seven plate kept a sword , carry forward the spirit Liangjian , double parking , sweep away all obstacles .

  5. 我们必须展现“亮剑”的精神!

    We must show " show sword " 's spiritual !