
  • Li Yang;【人名】Yang Li
  1. 我只想让李洋接受专业的帮助。

    I only wanted LY to seek professional help .

  2. 李洋住在甘肃敦煌市,而婉婷却是在西安读书的学生。

    While Li lives in Dunhuang , Gansu Province , Zhou is a student in Xi'an .

  3. 李洋说,签证被拒和相对较高的花费是很多人最终放弃海外之行的主要原因。

    Rejected visas and higher costs are the main obstacles for an overseas wedding , Li says .

  4. 晚上好,我是一中的学生,叫李洋。

    Good evening . I 'm a student from No.1 Middle School . I 'm Li Yang .

  5. 李洋和周婉婷约会超过两年半。

    Li Yang , left , and Zhou Wanting have been dating for more than two and a half years .

  6. 取消李洋等人的录取资格就公平了吗?&也谈教育机会平等

    Is It a Fair Play to Quit the Admission for Li Yang and the Like & On Equality of Education Opportunity

  7. 以海南省2005年被取消报考一本院校资格的李洋等28名高考移民为例,从私权利之视角剖析高考移民现象合法、合理性的一面。

    This paper is a case study of the validity and rationality of the twenty-eight mobile college entrance examinees in Hainan Province whose admission rights are denied for the first-class colleges .

  8. “我们在一起的时候总是穿着情侣装。”李洋说这话的时候,正在火车站与女友告别,婉婷要坐火车返回西安。

    " We always wear the same clothing when we are together ," said Li , minutes before bidding goodbye to his girlfriend as she boarded the train bound for Xi'an .