
  • 网络Lee Jong-wook;Lee Jong Wook;Jong-Wook Lee
  1. 李钟郁是一个怀有坚定信念和激情的人。

    LEE Jong-wook was a man of conviction and passion .

  2. “这是促进国际卫生向前迈进的重要一步,”世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士说。

    " This is a major step forward for international health ," said Dr LEE Jong-wook , WHO Director-General .

  3. 潘基文秘书长还参观了设在世卫组织总部的李钟郁战略卫生行动中心(又称为SHOC室),该中心属于世卫组织应急反应中心。

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also visited the JW Lee Centre for Strategic Health Operations ( also known as the SHOC room ) at WHO headquarters , the centre of WHO 's emergency response .

  4. 李钟郁博士不是一个传统型的联合国领袖。

    JW Lee was not a traditional kind of UN leader .

  5. 我们大家聚集在这里是因为李钟郁博士的过早去世。

    We are all here because of the untimely death of Dr Jong-wook Lee .

  6. 世卫总干事李钟郁说,该组织认为,人类将爆发一场大规模流感疫情。

    WHO Director-General Jong Woo Lee said the organization believes there will be a human influenza pandemic .

  7. 我们必须维持李钟郁博士开始的关于艾滋病毒预防、治疗和护理的宣传工作。

    We must continue the advocacy work started by JW Lee on HIV prevention , treatment and care .

  8. 在李钟郁博士不幸去世之后,他突然接手并维持了工作的顺利开展。

    He took over abruptly following the tragic death of Dr LEE Jong-wook and has kept things running smoothly .

  9. 他曾为2006年5月逝世的前任总干事李钟郁博士履行类似职责。

    He previously fulfilled a similar role for the former Director-General , Dr LEE Jong-wook , who died in May2006 .

  10. 李钟郁博士安排在5月22日(星期一)下午第二次全体会议期间向大会发表讲话。

    Dr LEE Jong-wook is scheduled to address the Assembly during the second plenary meeting on the afternoon of Monday , 22 May .

  11. 世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士鼓励代表们确定最佳途径,使需要的每一个人都能获得现有的卫生解决办法。

    WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook encouraged delegates to determine the best ways to bring available health solutions to everyone who needs them .

  12. “这一方法有潜力改变数百万人的生命,”世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士说。

    " This approach has the potential to transform the lives of millions of people ," says Dr LEE Jong-wook , WHO Director-General .

  13. 2005年5月16日日内瓦-世界卫生组织(世卫组织)总干事李钟郁博士今天任命维也纳爱乐乐团为世卫组织亲善大使。

    May2005 | Geneva-World Health Organization ( WHO ) Director-General , Dr LEE Jong-wook today appointed the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as WHO Goodwill Ambassador .

  14. “世卫组织的世界患者安全联盟已制定低成本战略以便与这一全球性问题作斗争,”世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士说。

    " WHO 's World Alliance for Patient Safety has developed low-cost strategies to fight this global problem ," said WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook .

  15. 世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁博士今天为健康问题社会决定因素委员会任命了四名新的委员。

    The World Health Organization ( WHO ) Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook appointed today four new members to the Commission on Social Determinants of Health .

  16. 5月22日世界卫生大会开幕时,有数百名代表出席会议;在同一天,李钟郁博士突然去世。

    On22 May , the World Health Assembly opened in the presence of hundreds of delegates ; on the same day Dr LEE Jong-wook died suddenly .

  17. “获得基本卫生设施和充足饮用水使民众更加健康及经济和社会生产力更高,”世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士说。

    " Access to basic sanitation and adequate drinking water makes people healthier and more economically and socially productive ," said Dr LEE Jong-wook , WHO Director-General .

  18. 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)前任总干事李钟郁博士在其五年任期结束前两年于2006年5月22日突然去世。

    Dr LEE Jong-wook , former Director-General of the World Health Organization ( WHO ), died suddenly on22 May2006 , two years before the end of his five-year term .

  19. 在此,我希望对我的前任和导师李钟郁博士表示纪念,他高瞻远瞩地建立了战略卫生行动中心。

    Here I would like to honour the memory of Dr JW Lee , my predecessor and mentor , for his foresight in establishing the Strategic Health Operations Centre .

  20. 她与李钟郁保持密切关系,2006年李钟郁突然晕倒并逝世时,她都在场。李钟郁的突然过世,促使她早早地加入角逐最高职位的竞赛之中。

    She remained close to Dr Lee and was at his side when he collapsed and died in 2006 , propelling her into an unexpectedly early race for the top job .

  21. 在现场活动、疫苗及其分发的后勤方面具有专长的各小组正在李钟郁战略卫生行动中心开展工作。

    Teams with expertise in field operations , vaccines , and the logistics of their distribution are now working in the JW Lee Centre for Strategic Health Operations ( the SHOC room ) .

  22. 世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁在日内瓦的一个医疗专家会议上说,到目前为止,禽流感还没有在人类中蔓延,但是一些迹象已经显露出来。

    Who Director General Lee Jong-wook told a gathering of health experts in Geneva that , so far , a human pandemic has not begun & but there are signs it is coming .

  23. 在卫生部门方面,千年项目和世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁博士都断定,投资于已获证实的解决办法将扭转趋势,从而帮助实现目标。

    For the health sector , the Millennium Project and Dr LEE Jong-wook , Director-General of the WHO , both conclude that investing in proven solutions will turn the tide to help achieve the goals .

  24. 最后,为了纪念李钟郁博士,我们决定将战略卫生行动中心命名为“李钟郁战略卫生行动中心”并把他的肖像安放在行动中心室内。

    Finally , in a special tribute to JW Lee , we have decided to name the Strategic Health Operations Centre " the JW Lee Centre for Strategic Health Operations " and to place his portrait in that room .